FIRST AND BEST- AS USUAL IN SCIEN I THURSDAY Luncheon Country, Club. W. B. A Wigger, Block. Marion Central W.
C. T. Mrs. C. Rosary Circle No.
8 Mrs. H. Hughes: Thrift Club Mrs. Lulu MeCormick: Pleasure Club- Mri. Dave Reya molda.
L. B. Club--Mrs. Sullivan. Mrs.
Polly Club P. Tri Kappa Meeting Wall. M. M. Club, and Mrs.
D. Captain Fred D. -G R. FRIDAY Ladies of: Sixth Division Mrs. Pence.
Opening Meeting of D. Sweetser M. E. Church. Bridge.
'and W. Green. Chatter Luncheon REUNION CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 25 Minnick Reunion Robert Sluaser, Dinner Dance The Tuesday evening dinner dance at the Meshingomesia Country Club was" attended by sixty-five. people last evening. "The only out of town guests were Mr.
and Mrs. McCune Tulsa, who are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. B. C.
Dale. Music was furnished by a Panatrope. Mrs. George Coon was chairman of committee. The bridge prizes were first ladies prize, and Mrs.
Ben Larwon by, Mrs. Hiram Lee Beshore, rimer, second ladies prize. Mr. Ben Larrimer won first men's prize, and Mr. Jess Beaver won second.
Issued Invitations have' been issued to a o'clock bridge to be given at the Meshingomesia Country Club. by Mrs. A. C. Broughman, Mrs.
Gus Condo and Mrs. Hugh Smaltz, Wednesday, September the twenty -eighth. Fowlerton W. C. T.
U. The regular, monthly meeting of the W. U. was held at the home Mrs. Jennie Crawford Thursday afternoon, Sept.
16. called to order by vicepresident Mrs. Myra Trice. After spirited service, Mrs. Trice conducted the devotion.
Reports were given by different committees, and followed of officets: president; Mrs. Myra Trice; vice-president, Nellie Pearson; recording secretary, Lula: Nottingham; corresponding secretary, Ellabell Roades; treasurer, Eme delegate to. state convention, on Ellabell Roades. The white ribbon was tied on the arm of Donna Marie Overshiner, another to' the white ribbon recraits. Wednesday afternoon, September 21, the executive committee will meet with Mrs.
Lulu Nottingham for the appointing of directors and planning of the years program. i-1: Seventy- -Sixth Anniversary The Rebekah Lodge celebrated their Seventy-sixth. anniversary, of the order, last evening. A splendid program was given. Mrs.
Luella Coats, Mrs. Lucille Pence, Mrs. Malon Clayton and Mrs. Laura Collina gave readings. Mrs.
Carrie Masters was chairman assisted by Annie Miller, May a Graves, Anna Bruch, Elizabeth Stevens. Ice cream and cake were served and good social time was enjoyed. Rheumatism Amazing relief. A pains vanish and your heart fill with gratitude for this product' of Gorand American solence. The name Su-thol (soothe-all) tablets.
A proper diet and 8u-thol will soon rid the body of poisonous acids that cause pain and distress. A tow days' use of Su-thol will bring resulte amasingly beneficial. The cost la trivial and help quick and sure. 250 tubes $1.00 pack. a a THE MARION DAILY SEPTEMBER 21.
1927 NIN Bridge Luncheon At Country Club Attended By. Many One of the most elaborate bridge luncheons of the season was given today. at" the Meshingomesla club by Mrs. W. "Hooper.
The rooms" and tables of the club were decorated In 3 rainbow colors. shades of 'asters were the center piece of the tables. The rooms attractively decorated in. rainbow, colored Masters. was served at one o'clock, followed by bridge.
The" "guests at the party were: Mrs. A. C. Broughman, Mrs. Broyles, Mrs.
J. E. Mrs. Butler, A Mrs. Lindley Butterworth, B.
Caine, Mrs. ten, Mrs. Arthur Case, Mrs. George Cole, Mrs. Gus Condo, Mrs.
P. P. H. Conover, Mrs. Glen Curran, Mrs.
E. O. Daniels, Mrs. A. T.
Davis, Mrs. M. Doyle, Lewis De Wolf, Mrs. Henry Glasser," Mrs. Ira Shildmyer, Mrs.
C. C. Heinzmann, Mrs. John a Stanley, Mrs. Harry, Gable, Mrs.
Leo Gartland, Gartland, Mrs, M. Gartland, Miss Nettie. Gutelius, Mrs. Harry Goldthwaite, Mrs. Charles Garthwaite, Mrs.
E. O. Harrold, Mrs. T. C.
Hawkins, Miss Regina. Rogers, Mrs. C. W. Hughes, Hutchins, Mrs.
J. W. Kelley, Mrs. R. F.
KelHey, Mrs. P. M. Kiley, Mrs. George Kleder, Larrimer, Mrs.
Mrs. Milton: Matter, Kiley, Mrs. John Ferree, Mrs. Lora Lillard, Mrs. M.
J. Lewis, Mrs. James F. Mooney, Mrs: G. G.
Eckhart, Mrs. Phil Mrs. W. B. Gemmill, Mrs.
Ed. Kimball, Mrs. James Von D. Nelson, Mrs. F.
V. Powell, Mrs. George Webster, Mra. Joe Morrow of Kokomo, Mrs. Emmett Wiley, Mrs.
Ed Faute Indianapolis, Mrs. Ray Siddons, Fox of Indianapolis, Hiatt, Miss Mrs. Alice Will Brunka, Charles Wall, Mrs. James Mrs. J.
Swanger, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. M. E. Needler, 7 Mrs.
Russel Loomis, Mrs. W. Nicholson, Mrs. Paul Powers, Mrs. Paul Johnson, Ray Smaltz, Mrs.
F. M. Smaltz, Mrs. Howard Swanger, Mrs, Gardner Thomas, Mrs. Jerry Torrence, Mrs.
Robert Batton, Mrs. Harry Beshore, Mrs. St. John of Colorado Springs, and Mrs. Humes "of Colorado Springs, Mrs.
Charles Beshore; Mrs. Hiram Beshore. and Mrs. William Blake. D.
A. R. PLANS BIG ACTIVE YEAR The General Francis, chapter, Daughters of- American Revolution, will their opening meeting of the season, Friday. This is the 1Sth year since, the "organizing of the D. A A very interesting program has been arranged for the coming year, and attractive year books have been distributed to the members.
Mrs. Frank Sheehan, of Gary, will speak October 28, on "The Northern Boundary of Indiana:" On November 18, The Regent's Tea will be held at the House. At this meeting, the State Regent will be: the speaker, Reports of the state conference to be held at Muncie, October: 11, 12. and 18, will be given. Mrs.
Carrie' Wall Seegar will talki on William Henry Harrison, at the December 30 meeting. Reports of the State Council, will be discussed year, The first January "meeting 27, an Tof interesting the new dian program will be presented. Special Inrian music will be a feature of this meeting. Election of selegates to the Continental Congress will take place. at this meeting.
2 The Anniversary dinner will be Cammack: and children Margaret, Jane and Osborn, Mrs. Mary Buigaman, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nuzum, Eunice Hadley, Eloise Fox, Robert Nuzum, Marion; Mr.
and Mrs. Bazil Myres and children; and Mrs. J. T. Barnett, Jonesboro.
role The Past Noble Grands will meet in the I. 0. 0. F. September 28.
All. members are asked to 1 The Lotus club will meet with Mrs. L. J. McAttee.
today. All members are asked to come. The Tri Kappa' Sorority will meet with Mrs. Charles Wall, 1003 South street, Thursday evening. All.
members are asked to come. The Li B. club' will meet Thursday with Mrs. Maud Sullivan for an all day meeting, at home 1612 West Nelson street. 1.
The Kings Herald of the First M. E. church will meet Thursday afternoon after school, with Mrs. M. V.
Foland, 1123 Delphi avenue. Christmas boxes to be sent to the missionary children, will be packed at this meeting. Games of the different countries will be played. A good attendance is desired. The Captain Fred D.
Ballou Auxiliary No. 10, U. S. W. will hold their regular meeting Thursday evening in the G.
A. hall. All members are urged to attend on as there 'is special business to attend to. 14 The Polly Prim club will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Paul All members are asked to be sure and come.
The M. M. club will be entertained Thursday 'evening at home of Mr, and Mrs. Dan Adams near Banquo. All members are urged to come to this meeting.
The Sisters will meet Friday in the of P. hall. All members please come. Personals Miss Dorothy Cole' of Spencer avenue will leave tomorrow for Wellsley College, where she will' resume her Seniors Mr. and Stanley Elliott visited friends at.
Gas City Monday evening. Howard Perkins of' Indianapolis was the guest of friends here yes: terday. Mr. and Mrs. Barney McCune of Tulsa, are the guests of Dr.
and Mrs. B. C. Dale. Mrs.
J. C. Crilley and Mra. Harry Elkins of Muncie were the guests of Mrs. Andrew Jackson yeaterday.
They: attended the Eastern Star auxiliary meeting. Hal Rosebaugh, Mrs. Chas. Mrs. Henry: Hearley, Mrs.
F. A. Bowlin and Miss Emma Pastor, from Huntington, attended the flower show here yesterday. Mrs. Harold E.
List has gone to New York City to visit relatives und friends for several weeks, Mrs. 'A. Kern has called to Bluffton by the death of her brother, Joe Herbst, who died in the hospital there. Mrs. R.
B. Grafton of Delphos, her sister accompanted, her. to Bluffton. all these shake-ups of the prohibition forces you'd think they'd ret their drinks mixed now and then DAY A bY ALLENE SUMNER: A lady explorer (though she'll kill me name) for was calling her game-hunting by so with ladylike her a husband in deepest Africa. But, though she managed to make a fairday.
with killing and photographing. and hunting, the home-making instinct would just not down." She wanted 'a pretty house the even in the Jungle. They built the house, daubed the walls with mud, and tinted the mud rosepink by mixing native dust with water. a little story to A some of us titter when males Just" tell why get excited at our jobs outside the home and say we will' kill off our "home-making instincts." Pigs can't fly, and ho woman ever stopped wishing for a jade green bath room with canary yellow curtains because she could run a bank or fire an engine. WHAT OF.
IT? Nellie Tayloe Ross, America's first woman governor, is writing the story of her governorship now. that she is no longer in that position. One exactly what one always finds when a public lady" 'speaks her piece- -and that something always contains a certain resentment because in position she was treated "like a woman." These good ity a tthe Gillen home next Saturday evening. Mrs. Rachel Bates and two grandchildren are spending a few days in Lafontaine at the home of Mrs.
Howard Templeton: Miss Laveria Ort was hostess to members of the Young People's class of the First United Brethren church last evening. Mrs. Frank Garber was hostess at her home on. Walnut street to members of the St. Bernard's Catholic Ladies' club this afternoon: The Progressive Community, club met at the home of Mrs.
D. F. Myers this afternoon. W. E.
Walker was assistant hostess. marriage license WAS issued here to Virgil LeRoy Carson, 21, of Marion, and Thelma V. Ring, 16, of this Members of the Spanish-American Auxiliary will hold their regular meeting. at Memorial Hall this evening. women always tell how bored they got at being asked to pose with broom and stew pan, at being called "trail" "little," "womanly," etc.
These impatiences and resentments always leave me a little cold. Why be ashamed of one's sex: and treatment accordingly, even if one is a governor? I suppose, though, their impatience is the traditional acceptance of "womanly" virtues, rather than in 'said virtues themselves. "OLD FOOLS" "Reckless youth" they say. "Cautious, wise age." Listen! Young men rarely marry any more unless they have at least $1000 in cash for the furniture and at least a $45-a- week salary, but any number of "old fools" marry on $25 a week. So reports' the Chicago marriage street this evening members of the Sen.
is-Bel club. Miss Mary Sullivan hag returned to her home in Lafayette after visitling for a few days at the Frances Hayden home 3 Hugh Porter, who has been visiting his father, Rev. J. F. Porter, for the past week, has returned to his home in New York.
Miss Virginia Gillen and Mrs. Arthur Laitem will be hostesses to the members of the Tri Kappa soror- UPLAND The Senior Class of the Upland high school enjoyed a weiner and marshmallow roast at the Flint Ball park. Those who enjoyed the evening were Misses Olive Maude Himelick, Grace Etta Miller, Lucile Drew, Irene Pontzious, Louise Buckles, Lucile Schwark, Violet Mange, Mary Reed, Mary Rice, Vivian Myers, Ruth Horner, Rowena Hiatt and Maxine Keever; Messrs. Bill Kane, Marion Hall, of Matthews, John BrogDeaux, Harvey Woolard. Bennie Stewart, Gerald Smith, Phillip.
Connelley, Virgil Chandler, Eathan 'Allen Overmyer, and Kenneth Lightle. Mrs. D. E. Reynolds entertained a number of people, complimentary to Mrs.
Cloyd Dickerson, who is leaving soon for her home in Yilliamsport, at her home on Half street Friday evening: The evening was spent socially. Seceral contests were held. Those present were Mrs. James Ooctor of kee, Mrs. Watkins, of New Paris, Mrs.
Thurman Lewis, Mrs. Mrs. Glep Lona Maddox, Puckett, Mrs. Mrs. Leslie E.
Loy, Stroup, Mrs. Hirkle Futrell, Mrs. Ernest Wilkins, Mra. Selah Wright, Mrs. Earl Bragg, Miss Mary Reynolds, Mrs.
Cloyd Dickerson and Mrs. D. E. Reynolds. and daughter Martha Beginning with the opening of school year Taylor University is ogffering six months of class violin instructions at the rate of ten centa per lesson.
This class CORNS Ends pain at ance No waiting one minute after you apply Dr. Scholl's Zino- the pain; is gone. After the corn is healed it never comes back. If new shoes irritate the spot again, a Zino-pad fixes it overnight. Old methods of paring corna, or using caustic acids, are dangerous.
Scholl's Zino-pade are sale, antisep. tic, protective, healing. They stop the cause of corn rubbing and pressing shoes. At all druggist's and shoe dealer's Cost but a trine. DI Scholl's Lino pads Put one on -the pain is conal 3 A.
C. EVENT PLANS ALL SET, TROPHIES WAIT Final arrangements were iompleted at noon for the annual Fall banquet, and of the Junior of Commerce members, to be; held this evening at 7. oclock: at the White Dove: Park, The be held in the pavilion at the park; and an' extensive menu has been prepared. President Clark Seybold will present the winhers of the A. C.
golfed tournament with Kewp Nutter will be presented with the President's and J. championship trophy. Merrill Johnson, runner-up in the match will be given a golf club as prize. The other victors and awards are: Good Fellowship Flight, Art Eberhart, golf bag; Civic Flight, Russell Hammes, golf knickers; Directors Flight, Ray Harper, golf socks; Consolation Flight, Tom Doyle, 6 golf balls; Nutter, winner of caddies'. tournament, trophy.
Reservation lists have been completed by the secretary and a large attendance is slated. Plans for reconditioning the municipal links next year will be laid, as other business matters taken up. A program "of entertainment has also been arranged. The Cheka chief of Soviet Russia has ordered 24 more It's gotten to the point where officials can shoot in almost every "direction without hitting any of their friends. SORE THROAI Relief guaranteed with one swallow of THOXINE I SWEETSER OPENS CHURCH REVIVAL OPENS FLAPPER FANNY SAYS: PAT.
OFF. SERVICE, A All that dresses leave to the imagination: is what makes them so expensive." will be in two Weeks with Mrs. J. E. Miller.
A A Business Peoples Supper Busy business people are" cordially invited to the supper to be given at the Central Baptist church, Saturday from 6 to 8 Ray under the direction of the Jackson Bible class of the Sunday school. A most attractive menu of meat, potatoes and gravy, vegetable slaw, fresh tomatoes, cake and dessert and coffee will be served for thirtyfive 'cents. The proceeds are to be' part of the cluss pledge to the building fund of the church. Grace M. E.
Class The Grace M. E. Class of young married couples, met at the parsonlast with Mr. and Mrs. H.
A. Davis. A business meeting was held, The covenant name for the Berean class was chosen. Election of offcers resulted in the following: President, Everett Lawrence; vice-president, Joe McMiller; secretary, Mrs. Joe' McMiller; treasurer, Mrs.
A. H. McKee; chairmen of entertainment committee, Mrs. Joe McMiller; chairman of flower committee, Mrs. A.
H. McKee; chairman of membership committee, Mr. and reporter, Mrs. G. E.
Bogue. Extensive plans Rally Day were proposed. Each member was given list of names of people in their vicinity to talk up Rally Day. social time was enjoyed after the business and. 'refreshments served.
The next meeting will be The opening meeting of the Friendship Club Friendship club was held yesterdoy at the home of Mrs. Laura Gardner, in the nature of a guest party. Mrs. Eva McPherson, Mrs. Ella SherGoldie Mcillwaine and Miss Gordner.
The guests and members who attended were: Mrs. Noomi. McIllwaine and guest, Mrs. Oren Simmons; Mrs. Eva MoPherson and guest, Mrs.
G. W. Mrs. Mrs. C.
Eorl McPhers and guest, C. Heineman; Mrs. Emma Horter and Gertrude guest, Mira. and guest, Mrs. E.
ElmerMartin; Mrs. Day; Mrs. Clara Lawrence and guest, Mrs. Renbarger; Mrs. Marion and guest, Mrs.
Robert McIllwaine; Mrs. Ada Murphy ond guest, Mrs. F. M. Smaltz; Mrs.
Mollie Devin, and guest, Mrs. Priant; Sweet and guest, Mrs. H. C. Clayton, Sr.
The afternoon was were served by the hostesses. The spent 1 socially, and refreshments net meeting will be held. in two weeks with Mrs. Gertrude Rapp. and Bridge Club Mrs.
Ernest 'Powers the members of the N. and H. bridge club: last evening. Mrs. J.
Earl A Miller won first prize, Mrs. Charles Michaels second and, Miss Violet Wirick consolation. The hostess served refreshments to the following members: Miss Mabel Arnold, Mrs. W. H.
Riley, Mrs. Charles Michaels, Mrs. J. E. Mrs.
Walter Mains, Miss Riley, Miss Violet Wirick, Mrs. Ione Ober, Mrs. K. C. Wirick.
The substitutes were Mrs. William J. Price and Mrs. Brambauer, The next meeting October 4 with Mt. and Mrs.
Lawrence, 3564 South Boots street. 4 CLUB NOTES The' Osborn reunion was held at the' home of Dr. and Mrs. Barnett, and Mrs. Geo.
Carson, 'and Mrs. Jonesboro Sunday, Sept. 18. 1 Mr. Harley: Hughes and son, Mrs, Mary Adam Osborn were present from Wilmington, Ohio, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto, Marysville, Ohio; Mrs. Marys Goldsmith and sons Fred Jr. and Bayard, Huston, Texas; Mr. and Chas.
Reeve, Miss Lucy Osborn; Miss Laura Osborn, Indianapolia, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rusterhotz and Brookville; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nuzum, Muncie; Mr.
and Mrs. Winfred Runyan, Huntington; Alice Howel, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Jay, Richard Jay, Nellie Jay, Falrmount; Mrs. Mae Howard, Mr.
and Mrs. Hadley, Mr. and Mri. Noral Feel Good AR TO NIGHT license bureau. And for one, am willing to believe it, as I've observed same thing.
for some time. Perhaps this explains the faded romance of Francis Powers, 87, and Cyndora Powers, 67, married in the garden of the bridegroom last now suing for divorce. Money troubles seem to be cause for complaint. 02 FAT GIRLS ONLY Plump ladies, read, I "pray you, article by the Princess Alexandra Kropotkin called Sexless Figure," in which she gives all en-bonpointed ladies their long-awaited innings, and says a few nasty things the dieting sylphs. soulsatisfying things as this; "I have learned that the semimasculine figure so dear; to the heart of the modern woman is not lureful nor tempting to the modman as woman fondly imagines.
"A constant concentration on the ideal can not fail to vends disastrous pursuit of a personal selfish influence on any? character." Indulgence in any form produces The effect of drugs a continuous preoccupation with one's. figure, differs not so greatly the end." Which means that indulgence of dieting as bad: indulgence of eating. C. OF BABIES The high cost of babies and their resultant scarcity is hit on the head Kathleen Norris thus: "The average young couple startinto matrimony now can afford everything but a baby. They afford an apartment, car, at telephone, a radio, a gas stove, a piano; they can afford to have a woman come in to clean floors and wash windows; they can afford to bills with the florist and confectioner, tailor and hair -dresser, beau, ty-parlor, movie and theater; they can make wedding presents and dinner parties; they can send telegrams and play golf and subscribe the club's dramatic section.
when you ask them about the and heir they say gaily, 'Just first minute we can afford it'!" not be taught by advanced pupils, but will be under the superpision Prof. George Fenstermacher himself. Prof. Fenstermacher been' fortunate in: making arrangements whereby, a may tented rental, if you instrument, and do not wish buy one 'just now. Those who interested in this offeffr should Prof.
Fenstermacher at the Taylor University office. H. Morse Skinner has returned after. conducting an evangelistic campaign in Iowa. Clarence and Ralph' Porter returned home after a visit with atives in Randolph A large number relatives, friends attended 'the funeral Adonna 'Horner, 57, which was at.
his residence Saturday noon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. roe Vayhinger in charge. ment was made near this place. Horner, a well known prominent farmer, has been a resident of place for a number of years." Horner died at his home Thursday morning after 8 hours illness. He is survived his wife, and one daughter Kenneth Ayers of Indianapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Denny daughters Lemeen and Lavonne Ft.
Wayne Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. N.
Johnson Muncie visited with Mr. and A. P. Brogneaux and family. Mrs.
Josephin Stout, accompanied by Wilbur Stout of Muncie Mrs. Guy, Hardy of Chattanooga, attended the funeral of ua Strange of Marion Saturday. A New York critic says many our present-day jazz songs never die. Then our jazz bands better stop trying to murder Father finds he has to make lowances for the boy in college year, and that allowance has meanings. Corrects Oily Skin Using CHEX Soap daily will quickly clear up an oily skin.
You will be amazed at your improved complexion in just a few weeks. Buy CHEX of your drug or department store. Then follow the simple directions. CHEX is a super-medicated soap of highest quality; delightfully fragrant, pure and mild; makes profuse creamy lather in hard or soft water. CHEX Soap cleans-and clears up roughness, chapping, large pores and excegy of oil on face or scalp.
It is the one best soap for oily skin, oily scalp, over-size pores and odor. ous perspiration. Endorsed by 1600 physicians. Try CHEX on our positive guarantee of satisfaction. Remember "CHEX-does MORE than --Adv.
JOHNSON'S SUPER-STATION Auto Laundry Car Greasing, $1.00 Battery Service, Vulcanizing and Free Road Service. Adams Phones 1245-1564 ONE CAR OF POCA. LUMP. on track, $8.00 Delivered Buy now while it lasts. E.
SISK SON FEED COAL 818 No. Wash. St. Ph. 540 A series of revival meetings progress.
at the M. A church Sweetser this week. Rev. Ag Simmons, local pastor is conducting the services. Tonight is mothers and women's night.
There will special music by a ladies quartet, Serber, high school teacher, will play the harp and there will be music by a large Tomor tow night will, be school night. Miss Wittenberg, music" supervisor in the schools will be in charge of the music A and, give several numbers herself. The will continue all week, Mrs. Simmons, wife of the pastor and Miss Mabel Foster have charge of the music program and Miss Kate Stevens is in charge of the cottage prayer meetings. Girls' Noses Never Shine when' they use this new wonderful French Process Face Powder called MELLO-GLO.
Keeps that ugly shine away, Women rave over its superior purity and quality, Stays on longer--akin looks like a peach: -keeps complexions youthful--pre vents large pores, Get a box. off MELLO-GLO Face, Powder today Adv. February 24, at. the First M. E.
church. Dinner will be served at This is guest night. Mrs. W. Long of Indianapolis will entertain with a Colonial program.
Mrs. Elza Modlin will be chairman of the hostesses for that evening. At the March 23 meeting, Mrs. Dolores Kersey Nussbaum will entertain with portraits on Washington Johnson: and Benjamin Parke. be A 1 Reports of state council, will again Election of afficers and it: reports from the Continental Congress will be given at the April 27 meeting.
A one o'clock luncheon will be given at Warren with a joint meeting with the Huntington chapter of D. A. R. on May 28. Miss Minnie Butler of the city will tell of Europe in 1927.
Closibg the season's activities will be- a pot luck picnic. A' program will be presented at this meeting by the Children of the American Revolution. The final meeting will be June: 22.0 MIss Alice Goldthwaite is Regent, Mrs. Frank Beard, vice regent, Mrs. 0.
Campbell, chaplain, Mrs. C. Pribble, secretary, Mrs, C. A. Priest, treasurer, Miss Bessie Heichert, registrar, and Mrs.
James Sisson, historian. M.E: OF WABASH AREA OUTLINE WORK A Pastors' Wives Club Its First Official WABASH, Sept. 21-Plans for work to be carried out by the Methodist churches "in the Wabash district were outlined at a district meeting held here yesterday afternoon and evening, and the Pastors' Wives club held' its first official meeting since the organization of the club several months ago. tr Rev. U.
S. A. Bridge, district superintendent, and Mrs. Bridge were hosts to the visiting ministers and wives during the afternoon, the guests at the luncheon being Rev. and Mrs.
D. C. Souder, Lafontaine; Rev. and Mrs. K.
R. Thompson, Lagro; Rev. and Mrs. J. C.
Graham, Larwill; Rev. C. S. French, Lincolnville; Rev. nd Mrs.
S. K. Dougherty, Marion; Rev. Mrs. H.
Davis, Marion; and Mrs. C. E. Stoner, Marion; C. O.
Barker, Marion; W. H. Baumbaugh, Marion; and Mrs. A. P.
Teter, Markle; Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Little, Mentone; E.
'H. Saunders, Morris Chapel; Rev. and Mrs. J. W.
Borders, Mt. Etna; Rev. R. Wehrly, Akron; Rev. and Mrs.
S. H. Caylor, Andrews; Rev. and Mrs, H. H.
Harris, Bippus; Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Pugh, Churubusco; B.
Morris, Claypool; Rev. and Mrs. H. Boase, Columbia City; and Mrs. B.
D. Nysewander, Jonesboro; E. J. Fults, Etna; T. C.
Wischmeier, Fairmount; '0. D. Drake, Gas City; Rev. and Mrs. R.
C. Plank, North Manchester; J. S. Blocker, Pt. Isabel; Rev.
and Mrs. C. W. Shoemaker, Roanoke; Rev. Mrs.
C. E. ParRons, Roll; Rev. and Mrs. E.
H. Kennedy, Silver Lake; Rev. and. Mrg. C.
S. Miller, Swayzee; H. T. Young, Sims; 0. C.
Bogue, South Whitley: and A. G. Simmons, Sweetser; E. E. Franklin, Upland; Mrs.
J. L. Gillard, Van Buren; Rev. and Mrs. J.
F. Porter, Rev. and Mrs. C. B.
Sweeney, Rev. and Mrs. F. B. Megenity, all of bash; Gerry Brown, Warsaw; Rev.
John Parker, Warren; Rev. B. S. Hollopeter, Huntington; J. E.
Washburn, J. S. Peat and W. Rockwell, furloughed missionaries. The annual convention of the Wabash County Sunday School tion will be held at the First U.
B. church here Thursday night and all day Friday, Mrs. Earl "Campbell was hostess this afternoon to members of the Brethren Ladies' Aid society. Mrs. Ida.
Votaw had charge of the lesson, after. which officers for the coming year were installed. Mrs. Henry Miller, 'Mrs, Will Zimmerman and Mrs. Frank Younglove assisted the hostess.
Mr. H. F. Knotts will be hostess tomorrow afternoon to members of the Social Sewing Set. Mr.
and Mrs. Porter Jones Philadelphia will arrive here' for two weeks' visit with relatives. Helen: Sagstetter will: be hostess at her home on North East CHICHESTER 'S PILLS Pills IS SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVER run give Yet son the has have are call have reland of held afterMon- InterMr. this Mr. early few by Mrs.
and mo- of Mrs. and Josh- of will had them. althis several DR. HORNE DISEASES All curable diseases treated with or without medicine, according to indications. 105.
E. Main St. Gas City, DEMAND POLAR BEAR FLOUR Standard of Quality For Twenty, Years aly FREE FREE For a short time we will install a "VECTO" Heater in your home and let you give it a thorough trial, before you are under any obligations to buy it. IDEAL "VECTO" HEATERS Heat up to 7 and 8 rooms, and are guaranteed lifetime. Don't pay a higher price, for an inferior heater.
HOTEL ANICKERBOCKER A NEW 1 WEST STREET Just Eastof Broader Times Square HEART OF THEATRICAL AND SHOPPING 4.0 IT Big Dance SATURDAY EVENING, SEPT. 24th In Redmon Hall, Over C. C. Palat: Store, Music Furnished By WAYMAN'S REDMENS ORCHESTRA Public Invited Qi. At Here you will find just the right Wall Paper for your rooms--The kind that is best suited to your special requirements.
7 See our beautiful new Fall Wall Papers, They have--more color -more design -more character r. -see them Hendey's Wall Papers cost more than ordinary 1 Hendey Paper Paint Co. 507 So. Wash Phone 146..