You can request your course accommodation letter using the tools in this portal. When you login on the next page, please only use your Linkblue userid. Do not include the many cases, if there are no changes in your requested accommodations, the letter will be available immediately. In some instances, the letter cannot be auto generated and if this is the case, please contact your DRC consultant for a copy of your letter. Please do not request any changes to your letter through this portal.If you feel you need to alter your accommodations, please schedule an appointment with your DRC consultant. Acaptioned video describing how to access and dowloadyour accommodation can be viewed by following this link:Accommodation Letter Video Please note that students have certain responsibilties to ensure the effictiveness and timely provision of accommodations. The informationbelow describes these responsibilities. By clicking on the Accommodations button, you are indicating you have read and understand these student responsibilities. This list can also be viewed here Accommodations: Student Responsibilities ¨ SCHEDULE a private meeting with each faculty to discuss your accommodation letter. You may plan to go to their posted office hours or email faculty to schedule another time. Students need to develop an understanding with their faculty about what is needed and how arrangements will be made. Students may email the accommodation letter to each of your faculty when you request a meeting and/or print out a copy of the letter to present to faculty when you meet each one to discuss the accommodations. ¨ ACCOMMODATIONS are not retroactive. Your accommodations begin on the date you meet with your faculty to present your accommodation letter and discuss it with them, not the date on the letter. ¨ PROVIDE a reasonable amount of notice to faculty in order to receive testing accommodations. Accommodation letters are prepared for students upon request. The intent is for faculty to receive them within the first two weeks of the semester. Reasonable notice is defined as 7 work days prior to a scheduled test or quiz and 14 work days prior to a final.
¨ CONTACT: Make sure your faculty know the best way to contact you. The Disability Resource Center will designate your official U.K. e-mail address on accommodation letters for the convenience of the faculty. If a student prefers another method of communication, this must be discussed with the faculty.
¨ CHECK IN with your faculty as situations arise. If classroom accommodations are not occurring, it is recommended that the student discuss this with the faculty in an e-mail or private meeting. Follow-up with your Consultant if you are still have not resolved the issue.
¨ RESPECT faculty time and environment. It is not recommended to try and “catch” a faculty member before or after class to discuss sensitive accommodation issues. It is not appropriate to discuss your confidential information with other students around. Students should request private office meetings as needed or communicate with faculty by e-mail.
ACCOMMODATED TESTING: Student Responsibilities
¨ DISCUSS ACCOMMODATED TESTING ARRANGMENTS with your faculty. Faculty determine whether they will make your testing arrangements through their Department or contact the Disability Resource Center Testing Services to make the arrangements. Students cannot directly request testing through the Disability Resource Center. Only faculty can make this request.
¨ ARRIVE EARLY to the testing location, by 5 minutes or more. Exam proctors will wait 30 minutes but the scheduled ending time will remain the same. Students who do not show up at the scheduled test time will have to discuss this with their faculty, who will then determine the student’s options regarding whether a make-up exam is possible.
¨ ACCOMMODATED EXAM TIMES through the DRC will be arranged to overlap the scheduled class time or the time requested by the faculty, to the extent possible. Conflicts due to jobs, extra-curricular activities, etc., will not be considered. Conflicts due to an Internship, TA position, or other mandatory attendance position that is documented with the DRC staff and your faculty at the beginning of the semester may be considered.
¨ BRING a photo ID and only the items allowed into the testing room. If you do not bring a photo ID, you may not be allowed to take the exam. Students who are allowed the use of a calculator on a test must bring a hand held calculator to the scheduled test site. Proctors will ask that all personal items be left in a designated area. CELL PHONES will not be allowed into the testing room for any reason.
¨ CHECK the exam schedule (online frequently for the details of your accommodated exams scheduled through the Disability Resource Center. Anticipate that not every exam will be at the same location or time. It is important that students respond to any correspondences promptly so that the arrangements can be finalized.
¨ EXPECT to receive the specific testing accommodations stated in your accommodation letters during a test. Proctors may not change the arrangements that were established with the faculty. If students find that the established accommodations are not adequately meeting their needs, they should discuss this with their Disability Resource Center Consultant.
¨ INTEGRITY: Students receiving testing accommodations have the responsibility of honest, ethical test taking behavior. Cheating will not be tolerated and any suspicious behaviors will be reported to the faculty. Disciplinary action will be at the discretion of the faculty.
Click the'Accommodations' buttonin the main menu in order to get started.