The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

'SUll. J'l i. 'I- S-l. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, BAJTKS REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES L03 ANGELES --iwirnti wn vfC-TJOiTiTJTS'HAKK OF jt Oldest and largest ban in Southern CaT fornix Offlcer-lala W. Bellman, rea.

Herman W. Bellman, John Mllner, Cashier; H. Fleishman, jWstCahier-. r.m rfanv, w. ChildH.

xr miiiii: Duoue. X. Sell and bur foreign and domestic exchange. Special colliecflou, department old schoolhouse. Inspector, Brewer, judge.

A Plalsted: clerks, Kd Germain, G- Wllllm. COMS'TON 4delegatfc. Votlrtr place. Mor-' detv'a barber Inspector, W' Carpenters judge, John Gr ess: clerks, JS Green, I Morten. DOWNEY PBKCINCT H-8 delegatesv place.

Central Hotel. J- A Fialley; judg, Gray; clerks, 8 Ruddock, F-JfUfyant. 1 tOWNlftY PRECISCT' Wm delegate Voting place, Smart's Inspector, Levi Ultery; judge. Jesse Graham; clerks, HalL William McOormack, Jr. -BNI'BJjpmse- dlegate Voting tfttcv Enterprise Inspector, Kel sea: judge, Crumb; clerks, Murphy, Rule.

FLORENCB-8- delegates. Voting place, schoolhouse. Inspector. A Hollenbeck; jiMlge, Russetl-, clerfea, AUwood, A Nadean. FRU1TLAND-9 delegates.

Voting, place, BcU's-Station: Itmveetor. A Matthias Stone clerks, Bdwln Polkinr hour. Wlltard Barrett. HOWARD 3 delesates. Voting place; school-1 house at Howard Sammit.

Itnsector. Luck-ensroyer: Judge, Dlnsmore; A --BYDE PARK-s Voting place; Hyde. Park schoothouee. Inspector, Capt. CfMki.Judg WHKekw; clerks eor? Jo joba P.

McGue. spondence invltedi 1 vv nTHg NATIONAL BANK OF i I The National Bank of California 1 one1 ot the few banks that successfully stood the shock of the late panic aad maintained lull colw payments rlsrht through. The National Bankcf California pays no Interest on deposits In any form! offers no special Inducements for business other than reliability, when the' customers exercise tbelr right de- thematter of foams it looks more to rellaWllty than, hlsft rates of Interest, and desires no loans exeept from good and reliable parties, and then exacts good security, believing that no bank is better or more reliable-man. Ms loans. wIsTd-VAN TVaNEWVoNENC.BALiEY- OHKMAKBLE 1 pTAfE LOAM AND TKC8T COMPANY northwest corner Second and Spring streets, bo Angeles Oak paid! irp .........8500,000 Reserve.

A BlfKfcAK BAWKIWf? BTTSTSfESS trans acted. Interest paid on time deposits. OFFICERS! W.O.COCHRAN. B. A.

WOOLLACOTT, First JAS. TOWEtiU WoPre: J. W. Off, CashlT. DIRECTORS Geo: Bonebrake; O.

T. Johnson W. a Cochran, Gardt-ner, P. M. Balk- James F.

Tow ell. A. Av Babbard, J. Woollacott, F. 0 Johnson, J.

W. A Oft LOtf ANGELES ITATIONAL. BANK- VNITED STATES PEFOSITART. 'Capital 1500,000 Surplus 67.500 Total $567,600 GEO. H.

BONEBRAKJ5 President WARREN GILLELErN Vice-President P. fi HOWES B. W. COB Asst CasMsr Directors; Geo. Bonebrake, Warrea Gfllelen, P.

M. Queen. CHas. A. Marrlner, W- CI-Biwm A.

W. Francisco. -B, P. Johnson. M.

T. Allen. F. C. Howes.

GERMAN-AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK. Paid-up capital 1100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 17,661 2i OFFICERS 'B. N. MTDONALD. DR.

JOSEPH 8, W. Vice-President' MOSES N. AVERY Cashier P. F. SCHUMACHER Asst.

Cashier VICTOR PONET Five per sent. Interest bald en term de-postta; per cent, on ordinary. SAVINGS BANK OF SOUTHERN CAL1- FORNIA, 152 N. Spring st, Is Arlesi uapiiai SEOCK J. HV braIjT BIMON MAIER W.

IX WOOLWINB H. Jevne, W. C. Patterson. AGl ron.

J. M. Elliott, Haasonf Polndexter. i. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NATIONAXi BANK.

NADEAU BLOCK, con. First S3J Surtax st. Los Aagvlesv Cat Lv N. BREED President W. F.

BOSBYSHELLv Vice-President FLINT W. BV jCasfeter Pald-ta eapltal 1200,009 Surplus and undivided M0O Directors; 1. Remick. Tbos.Gos, W. H.

Holllday. L. N. Breed. H.

T. Newell. Wm, H. Avery, Slla Holroaiw M. Hia Frank Rader, a BosbysheU.

Bosbyshell. UltB OF TBAVBL. SOTTTWR31M PACIFIC COMPANY- IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIME, MAX 1894. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Los Angeles (Arcade Depot,) Fifth dally as follows: Leavo fori -DESTINATION. Arr.

from 2:00 pm San F. Sacramento 46pmSas F. Sacramento 2:00 pm Ogden East 26S class 1 7:45 pm Ogden Eastlst class Portland, Or 8:3 am Paso and and 8:39 am Banning Redlands Redlands Redands 10:30 am B-edlandst; COltORi 8:30 am Coltoa 7:30 am 1:48 pm 7:30 am i 1:48 pra 730 am 7:00 pm 7:08 pm. 7:00 pm 9:21 am 10:10 am pm -70 pm 951 am 10AO am 4:68 pm 7:00 pm 9:21 am noaoam 48 pm 7:00 pm "9 31-am 10:10 am 4:68 pm 7:00 pm 8:50 am 10:19 am 4:58 pm 7:55 am 10:20 am 4:45 pm 1:48 pm 8:55 pm 9:63 am 4:04 pm 8:43 am 8:43 am 1:45 pm 8:15 am 11:56 am 4 :16 pm 8:08 am 8:50 am 12:12 pm 4:25 pm 6 :10 pm am 4:25 pm 12:12 pm 6:10 pm 4:25 pm 8:60 am pm i.nw. eo-uoa Colton Riverside Riverside) 10:30 am Riverside laOpm Riverside San Bernardino- 8:30 am San Bernardino mv San Bernardino 4:30 pm San Bernardino 8:30 ass.

Chlno 4 Cnlno 4:30 pm Chlno 5:45 ptn Chino 8:15 Monrovia 2:40 pm Monrovia pm Monrovia Santa Barbara Santa Barbara 9:52 am Santa Ana Anaheim 6:10 pm Anahelnti Tustlfl WMttief pm WhWUer 9:25 am L. Beach San Pedro 12:50 pm h. Beach San Pedro 6:00 pm Beach San Pedro Santa Monica 10:30 Santa Monica 1:10 Santa Monica 6:15 Santa 6:25 pm Santa Monica 9:30 am Soldiers' Home 6:25 Soldiers' Home Los 10:30 am Los Los 4:05 Chatsworth Park rh.tflttrth Park Leave from and ar rive at River Station (San Fernando st.) only. SumIays excepted. Sundays only.

"CATAlilNA ISLAND. Connecting with W. T. ateamer at Ban jrearo. MONDAY.

Mav 28. (Figures in parenthesis, unless other- ise stated, give Volume fthd page of mis cellaneous record containing recorded IL Ferris to Humphreys, Sc 36, 4 NH 15.W$4i.; A Tuffs, trustee, to-Jr lot block Firey subdivision, Hur- hank $5. -J r--I United, States to Sears, patent to-lot 4, Sec' 15; I rR 10 Wi'- Houe et ux to V-. Dallas. E4 NWii, Pdmona tract, Pomona, $167 da Shepherd to M.

Mason, lot a and lot 4, block 22, Wolfskin Orchard $10., Stearns Kahcho Company to Newton, 14.22 acres NE. see; 22, 3 12 $355 5u iL Holt'et ux to.F M.JVUHams, lot 32, block 73, Lordsburg, $200. raeifie, Land Company to Williams lots J3, 3a. block 73. Lordsburg, i Haman et ux to HM Williams, lot 7, block 40, Lordsburg, $250- i Garnstsy to Anderson, block 83, Rancho ProvidencjaJ.and Scott tract.

lot 18. tot 22, blocks 17, addWJon GarVanfca; also on third interest in '10 acre SEt NW, see- P.M -Williama et ux to and W. .20 acres, 1 -W, $1500. 'I i Baldwin foj Drake. 8 lot 3.

block Iotrero de; Felipe iisoojk'v i' Security Savings Bank and Trust Company to. Terry, lot 7, bl6ck M.orafi,--tract $150 Jacob, to A.Crawora,,.lot 10, block Felt addition. Long Beach, $10. 'Gatnsey and k-A Blytlie, part lots 18 andW subdivision Los Aftgelesv jP A.l' to. Hemsch, 1 ot -4, lesion Jots and-G block' 16, second, ad lltion Mohroi-' San.

Pedrij Literary su.bc-sftonj- Ban r-eu. et ux to lots 129 and Southside tract, Bleetrhr Rail- lots xt Harnh- Tf. C9() urw ck lots 2352i FtOampbell. to. Vyer, to Inclusive.

hicago a. A. KcLeUan to A Lutz, tr act, M' Wft Daltoo, etTUX to A MCueyanLi to a ior Wavf iriy- tractt, SJt, I Sheer, lot'e 2. Sz tracf Ran chO Sar, Pedro, A BishfJP, to UZrmitn lot 63 Erl tag's 9ubcMvist.3 7 9 11 Kw.k Hill -tracV'Sjei WOCK and Icett, 58. tract, S30.

nx to A Lamb, lot 'Uniy -ion lots 24 to a and i 64D iS trait $700. ux to Doyle, lot 20, block 3M Lamb a.itjdiyjsion 1 Orange Slope rfract, $10. to A Van Bull, lot 8, block 4, s-Jbdivlsion Bennington tract. $25. Wjltcomb et ux to Olmstead, Bec 1 8.

9 W. $250. nomas to A Osgoodby, 10 acres In Pomon 4f $1800. "Ah Gabriel Cemetery Association to osg oodby, lot IS, block cemetery $20, Ala Brunsoo to A Harman, lots 2 and 3lan 4 4, Mock L.Mott tract, $5000. SUMMARY.

De 40 Nc 18 jUl A PLEASANT OUTINCk Cachlng Party to the Orsnd Canyon of tha Colorado. By the courtesy of the Saginaw Lumber Company of Williams, Aria, a coaching and hunting party to the Grand Canyon of the Colorado will Jeave this city on Thursday next and will be joined at San Bernardino by members of the party from other portions of Southern California for a week's tour of sport and sight-seeing in the most marvelous section of ths continent. The party will comprise the foflow-lnga gentlemen: E. E. Hall, Vander-Wit; W.

Patterson, Charles Anderson, H. J. DoolitUe, A. M. Anthony, C.

A. Marrlner, Frank W. Henry, Hynes, L. E. 'Mosher, Lo Augeles; W.

E. Howard, H. Day, San Cdego; A. H. Cargill.

Brookhurst; S. Derbv. W. H. Bnmham.

OnuiM: Ii. Thomas, Tustin; Frank B. De- -hi. a. atanton, ur.

w. u. sawyer, Fk KJelnfelder. Riverside; R. C.

Wood-wfft', F. A. Healy, Prescott, R. Gable, C. A.

Crary, M. W. Ffcrar- Albuquerque; E. J. Stanton, Dr.

su. jonnston and J. C. Brown, jesldent of the Saginaw Lumber Com- pany, Williams. A A .1.

T7. 1 xi ,1, jou ruin, me party win oe joined by the gentlemen from Prescott and at Williams by those from Albuquerque. On the night of June 1 there will be a log-cabin reception and banquet at Williams, participated in toy business men from Needles, Kingman, Williams and Flagstaff, in addition to the regular canyon party, and at large time is anticipated. It there is any sort of a four-legged specimen of game In th vicinity of the Grand Canyon it highly behooves him to take to the brush before the shooting begins, for that it will be hot and accurate there Is a manner of doubt. THE EAST SIDE.

The Republican Caucus This Evening-General News Notes. All Republicans are requested to attend the caucus this evening at Banquet Hall. It will not take very long to select the delegates, but no one who fails to be present will have grounds for protest should the work of the convention not please him. There will be a concert and phonographic entertainment this evening at the Baptist Church. The programme includes quite a number of well-known local artists, and a good time is evidently in store for those who attend.

Mrs. Van Dusen is still at the Glen-wood, and was yesterday reported as being much better. In fact, her husband is now quite hopeful for her recovery, although for several days sha was not expected at any time to Uve longer than a few hours at most Mrs. Etta Jurdan. nee Hetton.

a former East Sider, has been visiting 1 me iamuy 01 capt, at No. 723 Pasadena avenue, for a few days. Corn- and' at4: Cshvdlosed- Afra higher. and provision -scored advance all There waa only a flMderatS buslnese jn wlt -price J. tiHwtea, to- ftia.

The jreature was. covering by'locai ana th ahseoca fit tha selling pressure whlch--w go, Drnftounced Saturday. The better- ton waa, attributed ta the frost, saare, -rsporbB- of bad, weather'. aorotta, suxn ertunenuifc caoies atci cao, crop, newa frpnt. the eahlea.

reportea a sevr storm-, Kngian.a, Which had batlly datnaged cropst; and many districts Iri -fhe Serth-of Spain and. Southernv Francs' -ware said, to- tnown in iujiplr, was not, aa, ilaree-. aa eetiBi'all making the total-quantity in sight 61,329,000 buahelsasagftinat iaa.uw Dusneis- ior- tne same laisi year. Prices advanced with a few reactions, end. the, the.

top. Corn was. within -rang of Re-, porta ot-'cnop daniagS- shacwsd a dmireaSe in local stocks last, a fair d-tiwDd wa the. bull, factpf, Ttti.iTtyflutf. Closed "at -the Oatsn- were firm--on- unfavorable-- crop news- and aided -lnt wheat ntl I ,1 ,1 Provisions weak; big.iiv but firmed "Ut later on.

the etrength rof ithe-grlr(--mark-et8i Tha close was ttronK with July- porka juiy -lara, ribs The- leading futures ranged as No.v.2-. Closing. July September-Corn," No. 2- i v. 3838jg 3a Juneir $vv'-1 Jflly Saptember follows Flour, easy 2 sorifwr-' wheat- 54'A: No.

3 spring; wheat? Noi 2 -red, 54i4, 2 3t-i, Ntt, 2 roats 33: 2 47' 1Ta ft- BOSSSTNo. 1 flax sed, 1.33; prime timothy seed, 4.00; mess per 11.80-i lard' per10: lbsw 6.805v.S2; short nnsv sKtes- noose,) ary sa-icea shoulders i (boxed. o.7.Wt.00i. short cleac sides (bojsek 6.646.87i4 whiskey, disr. tiUera' finished per- supers, cut loafj Ai -wo: eiiowicomi.js,, Grain -Mo vements v.

1 Rcceints. Sh'tonients, barrels--AVtieat, bushels Oats. 1Q.0OO 29,000. 4.000 mfiOto: 387,000 5,000 a.floo Ott-i the Prodtlcfti ICHshanffl'B- trwla.v... th-' butter: mstrkiet was sUady apid-uwianBed, Bg'gft-steiady ndJ.

May were 8ft cars, of Texans; the market, was I0l5o -higher; prime to extra native- steers; 304.00j. others, 3.40gi3.75t Te3tans. 2.803.8(L:: Hogs The, were; 37500, heads market, 510o, lower; stronger, later; rough heavy, and-mixed, 4.604.70; piime heavy and': butch ers. 4.75.asHprted light; 4.604.T5;: Sheep arid -receipts- the, best- were steady- and the. othent, dull and.

lowerti tqp 4.80;.tep:.larftbsi, 4.8a.35, Liverpool Grain. M6.Y 28R-Wheat- was.sdull and the demandr poorf holders, offer- moderately; No. California 8i4di western. 3d4- 4d Com was; dull and' demwid, popr; new mixed spot; 3S 7d. BAN FRANCISCO MARK RTA.

Oral tt, an Produce. Aiaoelattd Pratt' Leattd-wlri Scruicei SAN: FRANCISCO, May- vegetable market is The Receipts: today were 839' boxes, of. asparaeu.J.. 50 boxes of rhubarb, 17' of potatoes; 60 boxes of squash, .80 boxes, ot 17 boxes, of tomatoes. 4 of: beane.

AsDasasrua was lower; onions' are weak The receipts of. fresh: frlh today- were 34: oheets, ot' 4il cheslts of 6ft chest: of- gdoeeoenrtea, box- of, peachesi 4 boxjes-of- 7, boxes, of apples and) 1883: boxes- of; cherries. The-berry, ark et waa lower. The butten market, ruiesV weak, with, heavy' stocks on- hand's. Efess are overplenttfUL.

and prices- ha-ye a lower Is steady; The poul-. market is vww dulh. wilth, heavv i siooas; jnj. nanctj-gsim' norn-maii. lour Bnoesv nop- ianoary exr.

trasv. baixers' extras 3.300)3.40;- per bbl. Wheat The. market' still' lacks animation, there being comparatively- no- ln- qulry. for export) purpeeau a nd but.

small demand, rory use snipping: wheat is not quotable over Jf7c pet? cenr. tal as a- top: 931.02 will represent, the. range miUing eels change ownership. Barley The sample- maiftet Is-, unsettled! at- irresrulatv nricesv obody is in-. cllned to and: sales, have, to- be- forced' ifr holders; an determined.

to, real--, lae; This, mornings 91q- w.av the figure at which same bright, feed barley wa parted whim-, less deulrable stock oeuia- protiaDiy naye oeetu ruia as; tow as 87c per. cental: of brewing barley were- reported! at being full figure- for- a choice artlcSe. Qats Then market is; -weak andi prices, have- a downward: tendenwy Milling; L20. 1.38; fancy 1.27L32; good ta chDiije, 1.1618)1,25;, poor tx L0OUO! Wack, nominal; redj, nominalr. gray; Receipts.

SAPS May Flour; quarter sacks 2S.56T; Washing fon, 78; wheat, centals; 598; 2989; eemtafcfc. 3498; WasAtnjr-, Oats; centals J2J3s. Washington, 16235; csrw, 582, Callboard Sates. 'SAJST FRANCISCO, Mlay was Deeember L03, Barley December 9,7.. Bran 16.00 per torn, LOS ANQELES, WHOLESALE PRICED Poultry.

Hens 6.005.7S Roosters Young; 0M1 460V 2 Ducks 6.507.50. Turkeys13i, Vegetables' Potatoes 1.0Q'5)1.25'i sweets. U53.00i Beets90. Ontons 4.0m Tomatoes Per box, 2.0032.SS. Lemons Per box.

t7S2.0Oj uncureit 1.0O1.25. Orange KTavels, seedlings. 1jOO1.25. Dairy Produce Batter 451 fancy dairy. choice, 32.

Cheese Large Anchor, 12; Atmitos 12: Young America. 13; Swiss, 142bV Grain, and Feed. Wheat-No. per MaL lKi Ne. t.

109. Barley nol. 1.15 Rolled barley 1.2ft Corn 1.15. Cracked Corn M-: Mixed Hay U.Q0S13.0O. Products.

Flour 4 bM.5 buckwheat. 100 per 100; rye, ISO; graham. Q0; coinnaeaU, LSOf oatmeal, 4.90. Smoked Meat HamwlZfcjPtenlCk 88: 10. ,1 1 Bacoa Bfsakfast 12912: MA.RR1AOB RECORD.

O'DONNELL-AMJLLO Edward O'Don-nell and Mies Angel Aroillo, Saturday morning, by Juatiee Bartholomew. BIRTH RECORD. EIRLl XJONTS TO the wife of the Rev. I. M.

MerUn Jones, at the' rectory. Santa Monica. May? 37. 1894. a girt.

FALES-To. Mr. and Mrs. W. L.

Fales, at Sierra Mad re, May .38. 1884, a daughter, THE CELKBKATBD MAQEE RANGES At F. B. Browne's. No.

314. South Spring. "JESSE whlsklca are unexcelled for purity and quality. TO prevent Ata and Convulsions during teething, mothers Should always have oa hand Steedman'a Soothing Powders. GO TO Brysnn Lumber Company to buy best lumbar.

Offlcs, No. 10 West Second street, Bryscn Block. EVDRYTHINQ King Co. on, wheels. Hawley, Cornet Mala ana Commercial Street! Capital paid Surplus and 826,000 TOTAL i ..120.000 B-Lattkershini, 0 EL Thorn, Ducomman.

W. Hellman, Carre-' FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS AN-GELESv Capital stock Surplna M. ELLIOTT' G. KE'RCKHOFF FRANK Jkr GiBSON Cashier G. B.

SHAFFER Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS: J. M. Elliott, J. D. Blcknell, J.

D. Hooker, F. Q. Storyr Wnu G. Kerckhoffl, H.

Jevne, W. Patterson. STATEMENT OF CONDITION May 4, 1894: REiSOlTTBriKS Loan and discounts Overdrafts ,6,7324 U. S. bonds to secure circulation (4' par).

Stocks, securities, etc Banlolng-hauae furniture, and fixtures Other real estate Five per cent, redemption fund Cash and sight exchange, 224.6438 2,250 00 ,689,671.85 69 LIABILITIES. Carit al stack. Surplus Undivided profits Circulation Deposits 0,000.0 133.969.47 .1 35,920.00 1,420,517.22 82.070,406.69 LOS ANGELES SAVINGS BANK 28o N. Uatn st apttal stock noons UTBlHS 80.000 HELLMAN President w. sx.

K.Msvf.&LiLt D1 rectors: r. W. Hellman, R. Baker, H. W.

Hellman. J. E. Plater. I.

W. Hell, man. Jr. Interest paid on deposits. Moner to loan first-class real eaUts.

SECURITY SAVINGS BANK TRUST 148 S. Main st. Five per cent interest paid on deposits. Capital Officers: F. N.

Myers, Pres. Maurice Hellman, Vice-Prea; T. W. Phelpfl, Cashier: W. D.

Longyear, Asst Cashier. Directors; L. Duque, Maurice S. Hellman. J.

M. C. Marble, J. A. Graves, H.

L. Plniiey, H. Shankland, 1 C. H. Sessions.

J. H. Harris, J. F. fiartort, Myers, T.


C. HUB BELL J.y. WACHTEL H. W. Hellman.

K. Conn. J. H. Jones, C-.

T. Johnson. W. G. Kerckhoff, H.

W. tyMerremr. Interest paid en all depositsL SOUTHERN CALIBX3RNIARA1LWAY-(Santa Fe Route.t IN- EFFECT FEBRUARY- 1 Leave forf LOS ANGELES. lArr. frdra 5:15 pm.

Chicago Limited Express. 9:00 am 6:30 pm 70, pm 9:00 am 9:50 am 1:30 pm 6:3 pm ami 8:15 am 4:40 pm 7:00 am San Diego Coast. Line San Diego Coast Line San Bernardino 9:00 ami 4:00 pmi via i 1. i 3:16 pm Pasadena; 7:00 am; Riverside San Bernardino :30 pm 8:80 pm 10:15 am 3:55 pm 7:00 pm am via amf and San Bernardino 4:40 pm! via I'M am iOO am Redlands. Mentone and Highjand Pasadena 9:30 am pm 6:30 pm 10:15 am 3:55 pm pm am 8:43 am 9:50 am 1:30 pm 4:18 pm :30 pm pm! pm :05 ami Redlands, Men am and Highlands.

4:40 pm 9:00 am 1:30 cm Orange and Riverside Azusa, Pasadena and Intermediate Stations 4:00 pml "3:30 pm 7.05 pm 7:00 am 100 am Pasadena 1 Pasadena Pasadena Santa Ana' Santa Ana Santa Ana Santa Ana V-Ht 9)0 am l-l9 am pm 6:05 am 8:15 am 1:50 pm 4:40 pm 7:62 am 130 pm :68 1:15 pm 7:00 pm 9:45 am 8:30 pm 6:84 pm 3:20 am 3:50 pjm pm 1:30 pm nas pin Santa Monica 10:15 am 4:45 pm Sauti. San fa Redondo Redondo v.J.:. am 4:45 pm 9 0 am 11:00 am 9 am am a Jacinto via Pasad'a S. Jacinto via Orantre Temecula via Pasad'a Temecula via' Orange 8:15 am Escondido via Cat L'e Daily. "Dally except Sunday.

Sundays Iv Trains via. Pasadena line arrive at Dow ney-ave. station seven minutes earlier and leave seven minutes later. 1 E. W.

M'GEE, City passenger and Ticket Agent. 129 North Spring street and La Grande Station, Los Angewa LOS ANGELES TERMINAL RAltWAY. Leave Los Angeles for Pasadenai 1 8:00 am, :00 am am 12:20 pm 1:40 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 6:20 pm Leave Pasadena for Los 7:15 am 8:06 am t9. -05 am 12:25 pm pm pm pm 4:06 pm "6:26 pm 7 :06 pm 11:56 pm. leatrlng time; T-iq'tn.

Leave Los Angeles for am, am, pm7 Leave Altadena for Los Angeles, am, 12:00 5 Leave Los Angeles for Glendalei 4:40 am, am, pm, pml' Leave Glendale for Los Angeles', 726 am, g9J3 amt vtAi 6:13 pm, -Leave for Long Beach and San Pedro, am, ym, " pm, pm. Leave an Pedro, am, am, 3:40 pm, pm. pm. -ECHO RUBIO UAM IUN ANU MOUNTAIN. Trains leave" Los Angeles 8:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:40 pm, 4 00 pm.

Fine pavilion. New hotel. CATALINA ISLAND. Connecting with W. steamer at San Pedro.

Leave for FIRST-ST. DEPOT. Arr.froni 9:45 am Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 4:45 pm 4:46 pm 4:45 am 9:45 am 9:45 am Dally. Dally except Su nda; ay. day only.

aaxcepi saturaay. nnlv. Theater nights, the .11:18 p.m. train will wait 20 minutes after theater is out when later than 10:55 p.m., when notice is received from theater that there will be passengers for that train. Stages meet 8:00 a.m dmi 12:20 p.m.

trains at Pasadena for Wilson's Peak, Via new trail. Passengers leaving Los Angeles at 8:00 a.m. for Wilson's Peak ean return on same dayi Good hotel fare at 13 per day. City ticket office at A. B.

-Greenwald a Cigar store, cor. First and Spring sts. Depots east end Flrst-st. and Downey-ave. bridges; General offices, Flrst-st.

da-pot. T. B. BURNETT," General Manager, W. WINCUP, Gen.

Pass. Agent. REDONDO RAILWAY WINTER TIME CARD NO. It In effect 6 a.m., Monday, Sept. 26, 1898.

Los Angeles Depot cor. Grand ave. and Jefferson sts. Take Grand-ave. cable or Maln-st and Agricultural Park horse oars, Trains leave Los Angeles for Redondo dally! 8:15 a.m..

1:86 p.m., 6:10 p.m. Trains leave Redondo for Los Angeles dally: 7:46 a.m., 11:00 a-nv, 1:45 p.m. Running time between Los Angeles and Redondo Beach, 60 minutes. Olty Ticket Office at A. B.

Greenwald'S Cigar 8trs, cor. First Sprint Ut. FIXAIf CIALu AlfDr i COMMERCIAL, OFFTCE OFTHE TTMES.r. LOS 1S34. The local, marketa are without: particu lar i movemeat though thev tinues eteady ln mosb ST.

LOUIS MARKETS California Bg Ttltgrapk to TA ST" LOUIS.i Mav 2g-fSneclsi Dlanatch.) The- orange market staL.iaiet;- Duarte ssedling.1.801 nayefc 1D04.2S;. CHIC4QO MARKETS: CSUf or nil AuMlateiJrtultai4-ulti $tMcH. 28l Porter sold at- auction two of California irun; cen-tennialsj. 1.50;; blggweauswl.lQr black: La.i-iaria.uH, many? in pootti 701.40s Iittlf fcratesi! 2JiSga.75a i ThfEari: Fruit r.Oompany sold carload whlchn, in good the following- prices Blackntar- tarls.TTH- r.a. i i liKiya1' lJal.B0 centennials, I PRUITiATrFRlSCOi-, "Early Peaches.

Auoclatt Prtto Ltanditvirt SAN FRANCISCO.May 28. Lbcal com-, mission today- reeetved1: con slgnmenta of peaches the first i of the- season. Thtv ft-nHi- i fromi therVacavilie: ranch of Ditto andi sold at $1.50 pec bbx aree an'MSney; NEW YORK, May week opened on the Stock. Exchange with' a decrease in the volume of business and a generally heav tona to the The trading was unimportant, as a rule, and waa largely, monopolized, by, thar room operators; who operated: only inua, small There were my specially controllixrg Influences ins the: market; Ai renewal i of the reports, that; the-: sugar- of the: tariff' bill: as agreed on- by. the.

Sen-. ate- would be- adopted: by this- receiver, failed; to- move; the stock-, of; tber trust up in. the early dealingsj-. bui. the--higher range led the- shorts- to put outt fresh lines which led to af decline-of: 1.

In siders: came; Vo the- suppert- of the shares at hiis point with! tbe result- of at; rallv of 1. The improvement tem porary, anui. unaer rresn au.cle clln of. 2 per cent was effected. In; the later dealings-a, renovery aLlm.

waa made of which 1- Her cent, was lost at cIgss. the last: sale' bethg. at a- figure 1, ueiow oaturaay augar. preferred in dawn The; trrangers; opened' lower and en- selling orders, from-; the West: made further declines: Occasional: rallies- but -the trend' was-downward and the final: sales were af the- lowest: of the dayi, escepfc fan SU Paul; which, is 4 above; the bottom figure; thsf net; losses Being, Hock island, st, PkuU ik. and Northwestern, Atchison Was: sold try- Boston: and; loeal-.

traders in th beliisf' that. the. assessment to be made under1 the1 reorganization', will be heavier than; has2 been' prnposea. under th- published plan. A.

decline- of on that day and: ooitslderablfe long stack, was thrown on. the market; which was- taken surDrisinalv well. Missouri Pacific made a gain of In the morning. traamg ana then lost i oiasmg at tne lowest figures: made, despite reports of steadfly increasing net earnings. The transactions in the rest, of the list' were nusaaUy and only the specialties were there any material fluctuations.

The trading was very irregular during the early morning' and was heavy at. the elaae. The railway anct! miscellaneous bond market was somewhat easier- in tares- during ths but gained strength; in, tiie-afternoon; closingflrm; New York Stocks and Bonds. NEW May 28v-The total- sales Of atocKSi today weren snarea, eluding; American 7200: Chlcac-o- 11.890: Distillers, 33(10: General 3700: Louisville and Nashville-, 3500; Missouri: Pacific, Island, aooof st Jr-aui, za.sw. Atehtaan 8 N.

Y. Am. Nv N. 3 Baltimore 73. Oregon imp taWWf 13' Oreebn.

Naw 15 Ches. 17: Oregon S. L. 514 Chicago- jfacmc meui G. B.

Qv -77 Pittsburgh: 150- Part. Gas PUlK PaJace ...163 C.C.C. St. L.36V Readlnit; Colo. Coal FUclrnrorat Ter ..10 Oat.

Oil T. Dfd 15 D. G. 14 D. K.

u. pm.JiPfa- Kf. w. Erie .........13 Rook- Island Erie: ofd 27 St. Great N.

p.fdu St Paul: ...59 C. 'ik Ei. JIT. irfd.94 St Paul Illiinc-is Central. .89 St.

Paul. t. Paul ac ot; u. pia.xia. L.

E. Se Southern L. fir W. Sugar Lake Shore Texas Pacffic- 8 .11 rn i it en uoiaia, ec rr a. ce Man.

Con- Union: Pacific: ..,15 Mich. Central ..95 W. Sb. L. 7.

Mo. Pacific ...26 WaJbasn- pfd .,.15 MoDiie- weus-uargo, Nafl Cord 22 W. Union 83 Mat'l Cord, nfd.42 W. St L. N.

W. Wheeling pfd ...43 mortn jac :vi.nn. as. North Pac. pfd.Wi D- R.

9 N. W. 108 Gsn. Electric. K.

W. pfd. .14 Rnmd! t.llt. V. t.

5a P. IStg; 110' U. Sv 6 N. P. 2mta 78 u.

K. -rs ex. u. at i. U.

S. 43 .113. St. S. U.

9-. 49 St. Paul 128 TJ. 8. 4s coup.

108 St, C. P.Ulii uoutsv st a s- a. jr. i. uv r.

t.iH"fc C. P. lsts 105 T. P.R.GI T. R.23W.

D. R. G. IsU.n IT. P.

lsts 105 D. R. G. West Shore- u. ec it.

u. vv xv o. i. Erie 2nds .71 Atehison 4s- 73. M.

K. T. G. Ss.45 Atchison. 2 T.

G. 5s.S2 Bid. Saa Francises Mining Stocks SLN FRA'NCTSCO, May 28; Belcher Ophtr 3 73 Best Belcher.l 60 Potoal 1 15, Con. Cal. Va.73 Savage 7 Confldence ......165 ierra Nevada ..115, Hale A 71 Yellow Jacket us Mexican 1 70 Petroleum.

NEW YORK. May waa steady; Pennsylvania oil, sales none; June options, sales none; closed 87U bid; Lima oil, sales- none. The London Financial Market NEW YORK, May 28. The Evening Post's London cablegram says that trade in stocks today waa confineti to arrangement of the account which; is at moderate size. Money was plentiful; Amer-eans were lower 23 per except for, gilt-edged stocks; the tone was dullish.

Consols were 100, the highest record. Americano were dull, but firm, and closed weak at the lowest prices. A rise- in Indian exchange put up rupee paper 1 per cent Argentine stocks were steady, although the gold premium there is 324. London Money. LONDON, May 28.

par attver, 925 fine 28d. Consols 101 7-16. Bullion in Bank of England 397,008. Bank of England discount per cent Drafts and Silver. SAN FRANCISCO, May Oa sight.

New York, per $100, 10c. Sterling bills On London, 60-day bank, Stiver bars 2t4(gM2st per ounce. Mexican dollars New York Money. I NEW YORK, May on call-Easy at 1 per cent; last loan, closed at 1 per cent Prime mercantile paper S44 per cent. Sterling exchange Was barely steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at 4.88 tor demand and 4.87 for 60-day bills; posted rates, 4.88y,4J'4.90; commercial bills, 4.86; silver certificates, 64 Boston Stock Market BOSTON, May 18.

Atchison, Telephone, 198; Burlington, Mexican Central, San Diego, 4. GENERAL EASTERN MARKETS. Grain sad Produce. Attoelotti Pru Liand-uilrt 8tnile. CHICAGO, May 18.

Fears of crop damage again aided the bulla in wheat today, and July closed with a gain. -AND- In accordance with a resolution adopted on the 17th day of Bay, 1A94-. by the Republican Gooary Central Committee ot Los Angeles county, a 1 Primary Erection lsheveby ordered to fie held by the Republican voters of said county, On Saturday, June 1894 from 12 o'clock VL to 7 o'clock p.nw elect deierates to a Republican County Convention, to convene in MuslcHaII In the city of Los Angeles on the 7th day of Jnne, 1804, at 10 o'clock a.m.. to elect sixty-nine delegates to the Be- Subllcan State Convention which assembles at acramentoon the lOtbday of June, 1804 and to either authorize said sixty-nine delegates to set also as delegates to the Congressional and District Conventions, or to appoint a like number of delegates to the Congressional and District Conventions. The said County Convention wfH be composed of 010 delegates, and the basis of representation wilt be one delegate for each precinct, one delegate for each twenty-live votes cast for Hon.

Thomas K. Bard, Bemibllcan candidate for Presidential elector, at the general election In November, and also one for each iractlen of not less (ban thirteen or over. The printed Great Beglsler and certificates ef registration are to be used to determine the right of Republicans to vote at the primary; that no one be entitled to vote unless his name is found on the Great Register of the county, nor unless the Register bEowb that he Is a resident of the precinct or ward where he tenders his vote, excepting in case of removal since registration, in which case the voter may be permitted to vute in the precinct or ward to Which he has removed, UDon making proof to the satisfaction of the officers of the primary election that he is a bona tide resident of such precinct or ward; If certificates of registration are tendered as proofs of registration, they shall be taken up and canceled by the primary election officers before the ballot is received. In addition to the foregoing Qualifications, the. following test may be required of voters, viz; 1 will pledge myself to vote for the nominees of the Republican party at the coming election.

The election board of each precinct or ward Wilt forward to the secretary of this committee a copy ot credentials as soon as the count is finished. The following polling places and election boards have been selected, and the number of delegates to each pieclnct specified as follows; A(frON 2 delegates. Voting place, Acton schoolhouse. Inspector, Robblns; Judge, Hebbeck; clerks. Packard, Ira Bouser.

BURBAKK-3 delegates. Voting place, schoolhouse. Inspector, A Buffing ton; fudge, A Watson; clerks, Crane, Gano Henry, CAHUENGA-8 delegates. Voting place; the Pass schoolhouse. Inspector, Fairbanks: Judge, A Ensign; clerks, 0 Roberts, 3 Gowcr.

"CAIiABASAS-8 delegates. Voting place, Calabasas schoolhouse. Inspector, John chapman; Judge. Newell; clerks, 0 Long. Grannie, DiSL SDR 2 delegates.

Voting place, school; house. Inspector, David Eldson; Judge. Will-lam Van Bub kirk; clerks, John Sunn, Marcus Andrada. GARVANZA 3 delegates. Voting place.

Garvanza HalL Inspector. Tf Green; Judge, Jay; clerks, A Page. George Stearns. aT.F.NDAT.R delegates. Voting Dlace.

Good Templars' Ball. Inspector, Uarvis; iudre, Hollenbeck; clerks, George Hunter, 3 Richardson. LA CANYADa I delegate. Votlngplace, La Canyada schoolhouse. Inspector, Hall; judge, White; clerk, Rowley, LA LIEBRA 1 delegate.

Voting place. La schoolhouse. Inspector. Clauson; Judge. John Baldy Clerks, E.W Spencer, Caldwell.

LANKERSH1M 1 delegate. Voting place, To lucca schoolhouse. Inspector, -C Wedding-ton; Judge, Town; clerks, A Town, Llndysmith. I LANCASTER 2 delegates. Voting place, Oa-kette office.

Inspector, A Lei and: judge, Holland; clerks. 8 Adney. Hellck. MONTE VISTA 1 delegate. Voting place, Laurel schoolhouse.

Inspector, William Rapp; Fudge, Tom Qulnti clerks, Wilson, 8eunot NATIONAL PRECINCT No. 16 delegates. Voting place, Boom 'i. Co, A barracks. Inspec-' tor, Jtooert smun; juage, liewis iioimes; Clerks, Tyrell Jerome, John Gleuroy.

NATIONAL PRECINCT No. 24 delegates. Voting olace. Assembly Hall, Inspector. George Stewart; Judge, Woodman; clerks, John Daly.

Alfred McAlll8ter. NATIONAL PRECINCT No. 8-6 delegates. Voting place, room 2, barracks No. 3.

Inspector, John Tnrptu; Judge. Thomas Harkness; clerks, Kobert Elliott. George Thompson. NATIONAL PRECINCT No. -7 delegates, voting place, Assembly Hall.

Inspector, George judge, Samuel Brown; clerks, James Adams, Dowe. NEWHALL 5 delegates. Votlngplace, New- Jall Block. Inspector. Edward North; judge, Gilford; clerks.

Lechler, Wright NORTH PASADENA 0 delegates. Voting place. Pinter Block, corner Logan and New Tair Oaks avenue. Inspector, A Winner; Judge, 8 Burson; clerks, Cyrus Wright. George Forbes.

PASADENA CITY. FIBST WARD--7 dele ates. Voting place, No. 90 North Raymond, nspector. 0 Brown; judge, Wesley Bunnell; clerks, Lacy.

Barrfngton. i A PASADENA CITY. SECOND WARD-9 dele-gates. Voting place, City Council chamber. Inspector, Lucius Jarvts: judge John 8 Clerics, Merrlam.

Holland! PASADENA CITY, THIRD WARD-8 delegates. Voting place, Doty Block. Inspector, 1 Drake; judge, Jesse Allin; clerks, XyBtone, A Conrad. PASADENA CITY, FOURTH WABD-9 dele-gates. Voting Building on Colorado street, between Marengo avenue and Broadway.

Inspector, Church; judge, Webster: clerks. George Senter, LJCrowell, -PALHDALE 2 delegates. Voting place, schoolhouse. Inspector. A Willis; judge, Lansing; clerks.

Bell, McDonald. PICO HEIGHTS 4 delegates. Votlngplace, Folsom's real estate office. Inspector. Folsom; judge, John Zellner; clerks, A Olapp, Jacob Chase.

SAN a aeiegates. voting piace. Maclay's store. Inspector, SRMaclay; judge, Brown; clerks, Villegas. Charlea Hawk.

SANTA MONICA PRECINCT, No. 1-4 dele gates. Voting place, office of I A Willis, Utah avenue. Inspector, I A Willis; Judge, Twlchellt clerks, Dexter. Harris.) SANTA MONICA, PRECINCT No.

2-5 delegates. Voting place, engine-house, Oregon avenue. Inspector, Lewis; judge, Dr Place; clerks. Vaster, Rising. SAN VINOENTB-1 delegate Voting place, Dillon's Pavilion, old canyon.

Inspector. Carpenter; i Judge, Louis Enriques; clerks, Decker, Charles Lewis. ALHAKBRA 6 delegates. Voting place, Adams real estate office: inspector, 8 Page; iudge. Lansing Thurbcr; clerks, A 0 Weeks, araes Wayne.

AZUSA 6 delegatca Voting place, Bouldln's office, Azusa avenue. Inspector, Calvert: judge, Vaughn; clerks, Charles Dodsworth, covika 5 delegates, voting place. place, Covlna Bashor; Judge, JoseDh Moxlev: clerks. A Warner. Pntter.

DUARTE 8 delegates. Voting place, school-house. Inspector, Bacon: judge, Douglas; clerks, Adams, Blaln. EL MONTE 8 delegates. Voting mace.

Mc-Laln's HalL Inspector, Martin Metcalf i judge. Rehfro; clerks, John Barton, Charles Sow-ard. GLENDOBA 8 delegates. Voting place-Book's Hall. Inspector, Wamslev; judge Thomas Kamphefncr: clerks, John 8 Daley, 8 Rice.

'LAMANDA 4 delegates. Voting place, Schoolhouse. Stanley, Jewett; judge, Bluett: clerks, Ed Norton, A Vos-burg. LORDSBURG-5 delegates. Voting place, Pioneer store.

Inspector, Capt. Ell Schulcr; Iudge. Cumberland; clerks, Davis, Cendlg. MONROVIA-5 delegates. Voting place, north room of Monroe Block- Inspector.

Thomas i Judge. Monroe; clerks, A Johnson, Cooker. POMONA PRECINCT No. 1-5 delegates Votlngplace, brick cannery. Inspector, White; judge.

Williams; clerks, Pratt, Arbuthnot. POMONA PRECINCT No. 2-7 delegatea Voting place, Central schoolhouse. Inspector, III Adams; judge, clerks, 0 Burdlck, James Lovey, POMONA PRECINCT No. 3-4 delegatea Voting place, Baynbara store, 8.

W. corner Second and Ellen Btreets. Inspector, Frank Berllng; judge, Selden I Ford; clerks, ewey, Btnngfleld. POMONA PRECINCT No. 4-6 delegates.

Voting place, City Hall. Inspector, Brown; judge, A Whiting; clerks, Johnson, Flemmlng. R1VBRA 2 delegates. Voting place, school-house. Inspector, 8 Burkt judge, Nagle; clerks.

chapman, Harvey. ROWLAND 1 delegate. Votlngplace, school-house. Inspector, Frank Taylor; judge, Hudson; clerks. LTaylor.

8 Rambaud. SAN GABRIEL 4 delegates. Voting place. Ware store. Inspector, Dobbins, judge, Bodkin; clerks, Albert Smith, AN Ptrane, SIERRA MADRE 4 delegates.

Votlngplace, Town Hall. Inspector, JO Vosburg; judge, 8 Holmes: Clerks, Miller, A Hawks. SOUTH PASADENA PRECINCT-4 delegates. Votlngplace, City HalL Graham Block, Inspector, Young: judge, Rust; clerks, George Wilson, George Glovor, Jr. 8PADRA 8 delegatea.

Voting place, store of Wright. Inspector, Stanley Bates: Judge, A WHITTlKR-6 delegates. Voting place, of- vurnur? uicihs, a tvukui. yre jsioore, flee of Hlatt, Inspector, A Swain: Judge, ii tv uaueji iiiittui jn mail, lull avi elerka. William Mlatt.

Russell. AKTE9IA-4 delegates. Voting place, Ar-teata school house. Inspector, Levi Carse: Judge, 0 Masons clerks, Sanford, 0 Brown. oBALLONA 9 delegatea Voting place', school-house.

Inspector, Bryant) judge, William Nourse: clerks, Eugene Hoyer. Talamantes. CATALINA 1 delegate. Voting place. The Pavilion.

Inspector, Comllt: judge, 8 Xddyi clerks. Will Uloeser, William Hunt. CERRITOS 8 delegates. Voting place, school-house. Inspector.

Butler; Judge, Hurbet Blxny; clerks, A Howard. Mitchell. CLEARWATER -1 delegate. Voting place, COUNTY C0WEM01 City Hail Inspector, Plttmawi Jndge; BtHcxi wnu jj nirrra, waiter Wlllr NORWALKffdercgate-s, Voting place; swi gart's store, Inspector, Jitdeej Pendleton; Bruniser, Brent- REDONDO delegate, Voting place. City Hall.

inspector, Hesiw S.Leng" street: clerks, Perry, Fred Humes ROSEDALE fl delegatea Voting place, Wll-lard's Hall. Inspector, Ledgerwood Judge, Fulton: clerks. Btllmcyer, Hlxon. SAN PEDRO PRECINCT No-. 1-8 delegates.

Voting place, eve Hall. Thomaa-Hughest judge, William Davis; AG Bar ton. John Matgren. 8AN PEDRO DISTRICT Nu. 2 Vetlnn nlace.

Cltv HalL Insnecmr. Dr. Rmwn tndge. A Carpenter; clerks, Frank laulelClay. UNIVERSITY 8 delegates.

Voting- place, Wilson Hal), Park Station. Inspoctor, OW eexiDuouuge. mvhui, uierKSt i a uougn. erty, Neville' VERNON 6 delegates. Voting place.

Ven-non schoolhouse. Inspector, Thomas judge. A Hamilton; clerks, 1 Draper. 8-D Pallett. WILMINGTON-4 delegates.

Vstlng plaOe courtroom. Downing Block. Inspector, Thomas Hayes; judge, Frank Carey, clerks, Joha Downing. Thomas Marshall LOS ANGELE9 CITt, FIRST WARD-24 dele gates, voting place, in week's Btore. Inspec.

tor, Tyler; Judge, Neiswinder; clerks; Brldres. Fox. LOS ANGELES CITY, SECOND WASD-44' aeiegates. voting piacc corner Temple and-Olive streets. William Le Moyne: Wills; Judge, WL Sheldon; clerks, Henry Henderson.

Harvey Evans. LOS ANGELES CITY, THIRD WARD 41 Voting place. City Hall. Inspector, Charles Parsons; judge. George Slnsaoaugh; Clerks.

A Howard. West. LOS ANGKLEB CITY, FOURTH WARD 31) delegates. Voting place. Pico Stables, corner Pico and Peari- inspector, Samuel Klttgeryi judge; Louis Gottachalk; clerks, Leslie Hewitt, A Whitney.

L08 ANGELES CITY, FIFTH WARD-15 delegates. Voting place, corner Figueroa; and Washington streets. Inspector, Maj Fallon; Judge; Stewart; clerks, James Slausou, William 8 Hammond, LOS ANGELES CITY. SIXTH WARD 18-delegates. Voting place; Washington and- Saw Pedro.

Cheneworth office. InsDector. iuw(b Thome; judge, Joseph Baxter; clerks George-P Bunch. Edward Leek. wn, oiivisi'it waHDHw delegates.

Voting place, Grosser Block terser Filth and Sau Julian. Inspector, George Knox; judge, Fred A Duy; clerks, Storrs, Peter A Rest T.rm AVfJKT.KS MTV. -ktsttiw WinnaT Voting place, 332 Allso street, old hook and ladder house. Inspector, A Altaian; Judge, Sargent: clerks, George. Beebe, Murphy.

LOS ANGELES CITY. NINTH WARD-IS del egates, voting piace. engine house. Inspect tor, N.E Davidson; judge, A Sanborn; clerks, Smith, Hill. CHARLES SILENT, Chairman." A CONRAD, Setfy.

IjEGAL. Proposals for School Bonds, OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF SUPER-visors ot Los Angeles county, California. Sealed croDOsals for the Durchase of bonds, In the amount of $4500.00, or any portion thereof, of the Gardens School will he received by the of siiiwr. of Los Ansreles county un to o'clock1 of June 6th, 1894; each- 6f said hnnda -bearing' Interest at the- rate of seven per per annum, and payable- annually at the office of the treasurer Of Los Angeles county.

Said boncfa are nine in number of 1500.00 each, numbered and payable aa follows, namely 1 I Bond No. 1, $500, due January 1st 1895. Bond No." 2. 8500, due January 1st 188T. Bond No.

3. $500, due January 1st; 1898. i Bond No. 4, $600, due January 1st, 1899.. Bond No.

6, $500, due January 1st 1909. Bond No. 8, $500, due January 1st, 1901, Bond No. 7, teOO, due January 1st 1902. Bond No.

8, $600, due January 1st, 1903. Bond No. 9, $500, due January 1st 1904. Said bonds will be sold for cash only, and at not less than par and accrued ia- Th8" board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals for the purchase of said By crder of the board of supervisors of Los Angeles county, California, passed May 19th, 1894. WARD, -County Clerk, and ex-Offlclo Clerk, of the Board of Supervisors.

By C. W. BELL, Deputy. ''r'! y.w.c. a.

An- Interested audience of young women gathered In the Y.W.CA. rooms to listen to a. talk upon "The tJye," given 'by Dr. -H. Bert Ellia, The models and drawings used were moat helpful.

in getting an understanding of the points taken up. The volley of Questions poured upon the doctor at the close was proof that his treatment of the-, subject was greatly appreciated. Next Monday evening the Y.W.CA. will -hold a symposium; upon "The Wheels led by Drs. Frank and Hose Talbott Builard.

The ladies who were in the rooms at noon one day last week were highly favored by music from Prof. D. 13. Morrison. CASS SMURR STOVE COMPANY.

Have the newest thing in gasoline stoves. No generator. See their 1894 "Qutckmeal." Nos. 224 and 226 South Spring street. MIRRORS of all descriptions are now being made in this city, and can be had at a great saving over what you have been paying for them.

French bevel plate glass Is also made to order by ths same house, at satisfactory prices. H. Raphael Se Ho. 440 a Spring st. Selling Fast.

See Grlder Dow's Adams.street tract. WAlL-PAPER for sale lOo paper for 6c; 16e pape" for 7c; 25c paper for 16c; Ingrain, 10c a roll; hanging, 10c. Chicago Wall-paper House, No. 828 South Spring street. Samples sent.

Your time bow. Discovered at Last That meais can be had at the Royal Bakery Restaurant, No. 118 South Spring street, just as cheap as can be obtained in those untidy restaurants where persons lose their appetite before they start Siting, THE Florence at San Diego is offering unequalled advantages as a hotel ot Quiet elegance and superb cuisine. Occupying one whole block, located above sea level, thereby escaping all possible dampness, with east, south and west frontages, all rooms enjoy the full benefit of the sun at some time Of the day. Yet it is the coolest and dryest spot in Southern California, and commands a view over the entire city, ot ocean, bay and mountains.

Electric cars to all parts of the city, depots and ferries. Special inducements for Rates from $12.60 per week upward. Harry Watcham, proprietor, formerly of the Brown Palace at Denver. THE perfume of violets, the purity of the Illy, the glow of the rose, and the flush of Hebe, combine in Pozsonl's wondrous powder, i SHARP A SAMSON, funeral directors, No, 636 South Spring street. Tel.

No. 1029. W. B. TULUS, watenmaker, 403 South Spring street buggies.

Hawley. King sk Co. FIVE "gold medals. World' Fair, Columbus Buggy Company's buggies lead where none can follow. Buy them.

No. 21Q North Main street MOTHER! Be sure and use "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" for your children while teething. The best of alL. KEW-style traps.

Hawley, King ft. Co. Leave fori ARCADE DEPOT. Arr, from Monday 9:25 am Tuesday Wednesday 11 6 am 9:25 am. Thursday Friday 11:66 am 9:25 tun Saturday All of the seaside and local Interior trains stop ait the new station, corner of First and Alameda streets.

I Take Santa Monica trains from Arcade Depot, River Station (San Fernando Kaud's Junction, Commercial Jefferson st. (Wmthrop Station.) Grand ave, or University. For North Arcade, Commercial Naud'S, RVver Station (San Fernando st.) For East Arcade, Commercial For other branches Arcade, Commercial Naud's, River Station (San Fernando at Local and through tickets baggage checked, Pullman sleeping-car reservations made, and generallnformaUon given, upon application to J. M. CRAWLEY, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No.

144 South Spring street, corner Second. --CHARLeI General Traffic H. GOODMAN, General Passenger Agent; HO! FOR HAWAII! OceanicS.S.Co. (Spreckels' line.) Los Augeies to Hon, nluln -unrt return 180. Volcano now unusually active.

This Is the year to see Hawaii. Yokohama and Hong-Kong via Honolulu and China lines. From 8. V. to Cape Town.

South Africa via Sydney, 114s to I3iu. Round the world. 1st class, Kioto 410. Apply to HUGH B. RICE, Agent O.S.S, 124 W.

Second street Lo Angeles, Oaf PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP Goodall, Perkins general agents. San tYanctaco. Steamers leave Port Los Angeles and Redondo for Ban Dleo May 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 86, 4. Cars to tbnneot leave Santa Fe depot at 10 a.m. Wnf San Francisco.

Pnrf XtrtA u.a BanA Barbara, May 1 io, lfl, 24, 28, June 4. Cars to connect with steamer atl Redonao leave oanta aepot at 10 a.m.. or Redondo Railroad depot at i'm. Cars to connect with steamer at Port Los Angeles leave S. P.

depot Fifth Steamers 'leave i Ban Pedro ana East San SedrO for San Francisco and Way norta air 8, 7. 18, 21. 26, 80, June 9. connect with these -steamers leave a. depot, Fifth at 6 p.m., or I Terminal depot at 6:16 p.m.

The company reserves the right to chsngs steamer. orMrs JXf. Second Los Angeles, CaW one leaves toaay to rejoin ner bus-band at Catallna, where he Is engaged in building houses for the summer residents of Avalon. F. Ivan R.

Moore of the railway-mall service is rapidly recovering from his recent Illness, and left on Sunday for San Francisco for a few days' business trip. He expects to go back on the road about June 15, Quite a delegation of Foresters will go from the East Side tonight to hear Dr. Oronhyataka, supreme chief ranger of the order, who is to speak at the Grand Operahouse over town. Come en, Bevsi Come, boys, and mount the burning deck Our orators speak vapidly; We long once more to reach the shore Of "Iser rolling rapidly!" To half the campaign speeches We do not much incline; We want the fellow who was born At "Bingen, on the Rhine." The campaign muslo fills the air And jars from left to right; Once more, once more, we yearn to hear Old "Curfew" ring tonight. The orators keen mounting on, And every one a borei We want the burial of Sir John.

Whose other name was Moore I So mount the burn'ng deck and shout, Whle fast the fires glw; And lead that lamb of Mary's out. Whose "fleece was white as (Atlanta Constitution. A SO ENVELOPES. 60: ream writing paper, Langsudtar. vat West 8 scon RIDE a Keating bicycle.


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Article information

Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Views: 6012

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.