The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

12 TIIK SYDNJSY MQRmQ.JlERALD, SATyjlDAY, JULY 10 1875. FURNITURE, ETC. BISHOP'S CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, ALFRED BISHOP, Manufuehiriug Cliemist 17, bpeuks Fields, Mile End, New Town, Ixmdm, N.E., nsiMYtfully remind the wholesale and rt'tail tnulo, 1D in TENDERS. mo 1WU.DKHB, fcc an-invited for the -I. Krcctiou tutU Completion ur twn House Hnil out Sicca.

Kor plana and Kpccilioatioiia apply to Mr. N. WullV, 77, Bourko-atn-cl, Woollooiiioulou, Tenders till loth July. Thphiiiidwrf ouncil of MnryWmgh, J. tlueensloiid, invite TEN UF.HH for thr Umi-m- of their Wharfs fur a term of throo yours.

Tlir wharfs an- throe in number, each having a frontage lo deep water, aiul uviy bo lnisid separately. Tenders will to rm-ivnl at the Towii Clerk's OHioc, Maryborough, up to mam, TW USD A Uio 31st August. Kor further particulars, apply GORDON Will ttOTCH, Hews Agents, Hvdncy. JAMHS CUNNINGHAM, Town Clork. C11TY TKMTKllANPE TKNDKR8 aro invited (in onn-touuence the death of Mrs.

Shakespeare) for the Goodwill of this itensivo and lucrative business extending over a period of years aim), for the romuindcr of tho torni of the lease 13 year. The furniture. will la offered nt a valuation. Tenders to be Rent to Mr. WILLIAM SHAKES.

VKARK, Town Hall, Adelaide, not later than tho 14th July next, froui whom particulars may bo obtainod. OROUGH OF TUB oTeHK. TF.NDF.RN are re nuircd for building a Retaining Wall at Ross-street. Bpeeitieation and plan may be seen on application to the Surveyor, by whom Tenders will bo received until WEDNESDAY, 21st instant. By older of the Vnvor.

W. UK BURGH HOCTKR, Council Clerk and Surveyor. Oonncil Chambers, Olobo, 6th July, 1876. fkOROUC.H OF ST. LEON AH1)8.

TEN D1SR8 will bo received until FRIDAY, tho loth inatunl, tsr Erecting a Stono Culvert on the North Sydney Uoad forming the boundary between tho llonmgh of St. Leonards ml North Willoughby. Flan and specification mav bo aeon on application to Mr. O. 11.

CHALK, School of Arte. W. HERON, Clerk. Council St. Ix-onards, July 6, 1875.

0 BALK TENDER THE BRADWARDINE ESTATE. ontaining 820 acres, as per Crown prant in favour of the late Jamc "Walker, Adjoining tha oitv of llathnrst. Tho preater portion of this area arici.ltiirnl land of the hiphest class. On the estate are most beautiful site for residences. The frontape lo the Mocqnnrio River, at tho northern nd, is about a mile in extent.

On the eastern wide, Earom-ti-cct bounds Uio estate for about ono mile. Into it several troets ran from tho city, including Durham -street, tho main road to Tnmharoom, fcc, which luisse through the ropcrty. On the south boundary is a frontage to a road wwlinp from Dathurst to tho Cemetery, and on tho west are the Esrom cntat.n. The whole is in the occupation of Mr. It ART IN RYAN wntil 31hI Deeemher next.

Thin estate could nut bo more favourably situated for tut bdi vision. Tendon for tlie whole estate to be sent in, endorsed 4 Tender for to the nndorsiimcd, on or before MONDAY, tho 2nd day of August next, at noon, at which time they will be opened in presence of the tenderers in attendance. Tho highest tender not necoRMurily orepted. Title, unquestionable, may be inspected on application 'CAR THY and ROBERTSON, Pitt-strwt, Sydney, Solicitors for Vendors. June 22, 1S75.

iNDKRS wanti-d, for Onnti tinr. Apply T. M'Gmth, new building, Raglan and Botany streets, Waterloo. TENDERS wanti-d for Plastering and Cementing three Howe, Bent-street, Paddington. Plans and ptvifimtiona to be seen at Tradesman's Armsj Paddington, and all Tenders lodged.

TENDERS minimi to build a Stone Wall and other Stone work, at Potts Point. Kor further particulars apply between 9 and lOo'cloek a.m., JOHN BARNETT, Woolloomoolou. flO CHEMISTS. TENDERS for the mipp7yof JL Medicine, No. 76, Division Sons of Temperknco, will be received at Mr.

G. PALMEKS, Market-buildings, to the 21st instant. BALMAIN. Excavation and Foundation for CotlagCv Apply K. R.

ROBINSON, White Horse Point, Bnhnain or 486, George-street, Sydney. ENDERS wanted for tho erection of Colonnade, labour only. Butler, Brothers, Park and Castlcroogh ste. ENDERS are invited for Carpenters', Joiners', and Bricklayers worn. Jonn Tforu, ST.

FRANCIS' GUILD AUSTRALIAN BROTHERS OF TEMPF.RANCK. TENDERS will be received until WEDNESDAY, 14th mutant, from Vedical Gentlemen for attendance on tho members of tho above Society and their familioa, with or without medicine. For further partieulara, apply to tho President, Mr. GILCHRIST, No. 9, Dixon-rtroet 'JAMES C.

HILL. Secretary. TENDERS for the Hotel at the corner of Dowling and Tnylor atrocta to be aent into fmv office, on MONDAY, before 6 o'clork. A. THORN LEY, Archi tect, Vc rark-atrcot, Sydney.

fflO BUILDERS. TENDERS required for tho croc 1 tkm of a Dwcllinp-houae, at Miller'a Point. Flan said partieulara at my office. No. 2, Park-street, Sydney A.

THORNLEY, Architect. TO BUILDERS. TENDERS required for tho croc tien of 2 first-claaa Houses in Fort-street, Sydney. Plana and particulars at mv ofRcc, No. 2, Park-atroet Sydney.

A. THORNLEY, Architect TO BUILDERS. The TENDERS for the House on the Point Piper Road, Woollahra, to be acnOnto my moo, THIS DAY, before 12 o'clock. A. THORNLEY, Architect, No.

2, Park-street, Sydney. TENI)ER8 are invited for clearing and forming 21 chains of Road. Specifications can bo seen by applying to T. A. SMITH, Banks' Meadow, Botany.

All tenders must he sent in on or before tho 14th July. TENDERS arc invited for tho Erection of two Shops at Newtown, to tho 15th instant 11 network, labour, And material. Plans and spocificationa to bo seen at Mr. C. CROOK'S, Eliza-street, Newtown, whor* tenders will be received.

PUBLIC NOTICES. L. The nnderniirned effects tho SALE of wool in this MAvkfit hv rtrivnta nonrrnnt. and ia nronarod. if a aatjsfaetorv priwi cannot bo obtainod, to ship under liberal advance to bifl London Agent, Mr.

Kdward cstnvonnagen, unaer wnow personal supervision, with tliat of Mr. Rudolph urn merer, all consignments are realised. HENRY AUSTIN, Hunter-stroet. A 10 F. MARTELL'S BRANDY.

It having come to our knowledge that spurious imitations imnnrtorf. Conaumera should be careful to see that thor otain the genuine article with our brand, whioh is to be JMd ol alt respectable MARTELL and CO. TO GROCERS, WHOLESALE DEALERS, and others. The undersigned, having been nppointod Sole Agents in Sydney for Messrs. CROSSE and are prepared to receive orders for all descriptions Oilmen's Stores comprised in their printed lists, which -will bo forwarded and executed witn care ana punoiuanvy, and got nn in tho stylo and of tho quality which havo com- BandCOI lor tne gOOUS Ot trosse anu nuuii hui Tarsal approval and osteem.

R. TOWNS and CO. A DV ANCES made on Wool, Metals, and other colonial produce for aalo hero, in London, or olsownere. mnJIHM frTMited for nnrr.hasa nf Broods, and indents executed, All on tho most favourablo terms, through our, conduct by Orgj. c() Lloyd's Agency.

TOOL. Tho undorsignod are prepared to make liberal advances on Wool and otner produce oon-- AameA fa thnir ncmntj, in Tendon and America. Arramro- aaanta havo been made to ensure tlio ntxnost care and mpcmaxm eHeeting sales. M0NTEF10RE, JOSEPH, and CO. TTV UBUIS80N ROBEY, AND MP Importers and Commiamon Merchants, NOUMEA, NEW CALEDONIA.

AND CO. CIRCULAR QUAY, SYDNEY, WOOL BROKERS, LIVE STOCK AND 8TATI0N AGENTS. SHEEP AND CATTLE SALESMEN. LIBERAL ADVANCES on WOOL, SHEEPSKINS, TALLOW, 1IIDE8, LEATHER, TIN, and other ORES, and any other Colonial Produos con-signed to them for Salo in Sydney, or for Shipmont to their agents, Mossrs. W.

MORT and London. ARR1S0N, JONES, and DEVLIN STOCK AND STATION AGENTS and CATTLK SALESMEN. WOOL STORES Circular Quay. SALE YARDS hom*obush and Sydney. OFFICES Boll's-chnmbers, Pitt-stroet, Sydney.

LIBERAL ADVANCES mado on all Produao fHock consigned to pa. rp I N. I HARRISON, JONES, and DEVLIN rooolvo TIN CHE for SALE or shipment, and wdl make liboral ad- waacea wnan requireu. TN THR ASSIGNED ESTATE or HYunisx, I COHEN (lata Reilly and Cohen). The trustees Adt, A 8 ON I.

The Uudorsiimnl undcrliikn thn, mil, for salo either in this market or fur shipim nt to London, Amoriaa, and the Continent of Buroiai, iind are pn pared to make liliend advunccs on business entrnstid to UlCirtsure. FANNING, GRIFFITHS, and SYDNKY. KA It F. AN lfcS Mart's Rooms, Pitt-street Auctioneers, Uud and Estate Agents, and Valuators, undertake the nianagii)i'nt of Kstuti. Mortgages nigotiaUvl.

Casli advanced uin procrtios suliiuitll for sale. CHAMPAGNE VINEYAUl) PKOI'KIKTOUS COMPANY'S COGNAC. Tho Undersigned are AGKNTfi for the rs.mnnov Svdnev. and havo a stuck in. bull- iikI muw on band.

HARBOTTLE, B1DDU1.PH, and AI.SOP, 121, ritl.street North. Sydney, Octolier 1, 1872. TT0T1CK. I hereby give notice that anv neranna jl givinir cnnlit to mv Wife. Kl.t.KV KRvnit.l.

after this dale, will not be iid by mo without my written authority. A. 11. KKNDALL, Smitb-stroet, Balmaiu. IN THE ASSIGNED ESTATE OF BENJAMIN co*ckS.

Bootmaker, of Gonnrc-atmat- All persons indebted to this Estate are requested to 'forward tho amounts uuo oy uwm, under cover, addresard to tho Trns-tees, nt No. 10, Barrack -street. IWigncd) JAMKS VICKERY, 1 ALFRED SADDINGTON, BOWDEN, Ml LLS, AND GORDON AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS. LAND and ESTATE AGENTS, 164, PITCVSTREET. Outdoor Sales Conducted.

OT Cash advanced on properties or goods for sale. ACCOUNTS due to tho Estate of tho lato JOHN BURTON, Huntcr-stroot, must be paid before the 1st of August, after which date thoy will be placed in tho hands of a solicitor for immediate rooovory. MARY BURTON, Tmstees. JGLCATLEY, INDENTS. The undersigned are prepared to exooute Indents on (he most favourable terms, for all kinds of merehnndiso of British, Continental, or American manufacture.

HAHONE, FF.EZ, and 3, Wynyard-strect TXOI.ISH AGENCY. Tho undersigned, established -1 in Ismdon upwards of twentv vears, confine themselves exclusively to a General Commission Business, am well aitiunintcd with Australian requirements, and poaca special fm-ilities for purchasing goods to the best advantage in the English markets. Indents should be accompanied by cash remittances, or bank letters of credit, to insure 'full trade discounts. Account sales of produce under consignment rendered promptly, nnd net proceeds invested to order, every attention Is'ing devoted to the eligible shipment and insurance of all good (Hissing through their hands. H.

S. LLOYD nnd 3, Georgo Yard, Lombard-street. London. Kefercnres Messrs. G.

A. Lloyd and Co. Till Si'OKRTIFY. that the undersigned, have been quito deaf and suffering from fearful pains in the head for the last four months. I thought I wonld go distracted from the fearful effects of tho pains which were almoBt unbearable.

1 visited two medical gentlemen, ono in Queensland, and one in Sydney, hut did not obtain any relief whatever. At last eonsulted Dr. Georgo On Ic, and have been under his treatment for the last nine weeks, and I am happy to say that I consider myself now free from all pains, and can hear as well as ever I did in mv life. ANDREW New York Boarding House, Corner ing and Sussex streets, Sydney, July 8th, 1876. A All Scrutineers in the late election acting in tho interests of Mr.

W. A. LONG will please send their Rolls to Mr. II. T.

JONES, Parramatta, without delay. ILL END AND TAM BAROOR A. MR. W. G.

COLLINOS, Mining Agent, Manager, and Broker. Rcporta and surveya carefully made, and inquiries answered. R1KNTAL TELEGRAPH AGKNCY (Limited) wnrkimr in connection with the ANTILLES TELEGRAM AGENCY (Limited). REDUCTION IN COST OP FORWARDING ENGLISH TELEGRAMS. Client of this agency are respectfully requested to observe that the charge for the first word or registered RddHsa is now REDUCED to TWENTY SHILLINGS.

Tho Oriental Apency tokos every precaution to ensure the greatest possible accuracy ooncummt with the utmost promptitude in dispatch. It lias Agencies in And Branches in Amsterdam London Antwerp Birmingham Berlin Bristol Bordeaux Glasgow Constantinople IJverpool Frank fort-on-Mains Manchester Hamburg; Plymouth Marseilles Southampton Paria Vienna Names and addresses are registered FREE OF CHARGE. Addresses when registered CHARGED AS ONE WORD. PRESENT TARIFF: To tho United Kingdom. 1 10s first two words 10s each additional word, or JS1 for registered address, and 10s each word after.

To the Continent of Europo and America. Extra rate. Particulars on application. TELEGRAMS forwarded doily. SOCIAL CODE, comprising ten thousand Mispressed messages, available to the public.

PASSENGER TICKETS offer special advantages to travellers. GILCHRIST and WESTON, Agents. 6, Spring-street. ESTATE of MARY WATTS, late of St. Andmw s-fttrect, Balmain.

Creditors are requested to apply for pnvment of the amounts respoctivolv duo them to WILL'IAM SMITH, Solicitor, 16fl, Pitt-stroot. II ARDIE AND GORMAN, Auctioneers. Valuators. Land and Estate Agents. Undertake the management of Estates.

Mortgages negotiated. Cosh advonced uwm Properties submitted for Rale. Bell's" Chambers, 17ft, Pitt-street, Sydnoy. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Mossrs.

SMYTH and PEEBLES, Stock and Share Brokers, havo removed from No. 131, Pitt-street their old oflleos, No. 32, Hunter-street THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. In the Goods.

Chattels, Credits, and Efforts of MICHAEL DAWSON, late of Phainix Park, Brunswick, in the colony of Victoria, Esquire, deceased, intestate. NOTICE'is hereby given tho oxpiration of fourteen days from tho publication hereof, application will bo made to this Honorablo Court, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that Letters of Administration of Uio goods, chattels, credits, and effects of tho abovenamod deceased may bo granted to EMMA DAWSON, of Photinix Park, Brunswick, aforesaid. Widow of tho said deceased. Dated this 10th day of Julv, A.n. 187(5.

M'CARTHY and ROBERTSON, Proctors for tho aaid Applicant, Pitt-street North, Sydnoy. MR8. SCOLES, will sunnlvthe general nnhlie with PURE MILK at 6d nor imperial anart. in the neighbourhood of Paddington, Wavorloy, Rnndwick Woollahra, RnshouMer Bay, Double Bay, Woolloo- inooloo. c.

MARY SCHOLES, Double Bay. Advance Australia. NOTICE. Notice. Notice.

Tho Exhibition Oilskin Factory REMOVED to Wilton-street, Strawberry Hill. Exhibitions of 1872-1873 highly commended. Priooa as usual. RELIGIOUS, CHARITABLE, and BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. Mr.

A. BALBIBNIE, 213, Bourko-strcot, one of tho oldest Collectors in Sydnoy, ia prepared to receive and pay away aubsoriptioM or dona, tions in aid of tho above. Received from James Young, South Creek, for Rev. P. Campbell's Bush and Gold-eelds Mission, 2 10s; Rev.

N. Pidgoon, aa a tribute to his ndelitv in Cltv Mission Work more than thirty roars, Sabbath Breakfasts in tho Temperance nail, lus. ACiO E. STREET. -i9tiaC9 W.

HOWES, Tailor, haa, much ploaauro in annonncing to his friends, patrons, and the pnbllo generally that he haa REMOVED his business to tho above central premises, and will open tho above THIS DAY, with a largo stock of New Woollens. W. HOWES, 428, Ooorgo-etroot, NOTICE. If Mr. CRONEY will return tho CLOCK that was given him in mistake, ho can have hia own, J.

M'MINN, 111, Oxford-atreot. -iTiva STARTl-BOWKETT BUILDING SOCIETY! J3i Members are requosted to leave then- PASS BOOK at onco for auditing. WILLIAM J. CLARKE, Secretary, arn RTAIin.noWKRTT BUILDING SOCIETY, J3l A RE-SALE of Um right to an advance of 300, urvNTiAV EVKN1NO. Julv 12.

at 9. WILLIAM J. CLARKE, Secretary, PARTIES FURNISHING are respectfully inviud by IIAHl'X, HHUJUKltH, to coll and inspect th( ir largo and varied stock of KM AHJJ tlKL'UND-HAND FURNITURE comnrifiiuir 1 New and second-hand PIANOS Drawing-room SUITES, in every stylo Dining-room SUITES in hair cloth, morocco, 4c Bedroom SUITES in new and elegant designs Hall nnd library furniture Mttgnificcnt gilt pier glasses llnndsomo dmwing-room ornaments Rest Bruasols and tapesty earpeta Ijirgo stock of cheap carpets, ls.rls. aid Is. 61 ma-yard 1 OILCLOTH, for rooms or najwamvi Druggetting, China matting uiigo aasonroent ol toilet-glaaaes, raarblo slab, Se.

Ilanusomo marble-slab washstands Dreasing-tabliw to match Iirtre stock of brass and iron bodsteada Ditto children's cots Hair and puln mattresses Blankets, quilts, and bedding of every dosoription Electroplated-ware and table cntlery Choieo engravimrs and oil nsintinirs Very handsome dinner nnd dcasort ser vices JJitto tea and breakfast services Cut glassware (a large stock) Complete kitchen requisitos. LARGEST STOCK IN THE COIXNY. 26 per cent cheaper thnn any other bouse. HARDY. BROTHERS beg to inform parties furnishing that their Show Rooiuit aro rcpleto with every desimblo rotjuisito for oompleto house-furnishing, suitably adapted to the requirements of ur iuiiuii uoustis.

Note the address HYDE PARK FURNITURE BAZAAR, A.11 I3' "nd ltoei Rld- IjlOR SALE, a handsomo green and ainbor satiu 7 COUCH, perfectly new. Apply 10, Bridge-street. HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE. PETERSHAM. ALLOTMENTS, facing good mads road, 3'2s.

per foot others 2os. T. Miller, 284, Pitt-st. I7WR SALE, cheap, May-Btivet, three 3-roomco" HOUSES, 450 300 can remain on at 6 percent. 6 Shops Jand Houses, Millcr'iPoint, comor suitible for an hotel; 1660.

NEWTOWN Hotel and Shop, largo allot-nient, 1M0, returning 10 percent. FARMS: Kiama, 200 acii 60 of which laid down with grass acoda, valuable cedar on other portion, a bargain, or will oxchangc Mackay district, 1070 acres, ith 3210 aen pre-emptive, one mile Piper's Creek. 400. Corner Allotmont, 132 foot. Cam-bridge and Liberty streets, Stanmore, 2 per foot-102 1C0 feet, Pnlmcr-stn-ct, 13 nor foot Land, 61 acres, Liverpool Itoad, 350; Hotel, first-rate, Ox.

ford-ntirrt, 110(1 larin onrnar Hotel, Shop, aud 3 Hf-iiFce, 2 nice Houses, Elizabeth-street, Bodfem, i'300 Hurwood, acres, partly fenced, hill sido, jC600 Hotel, '2 shops, and Cfittaffc, suburbs, filOOO.return 14 per half inch stone Cottar and 3J acres land, ganlen, Cook's Hiver, 400, a bureain Shop and Dwell inp, Oifonl-Klrcct, 8 nmms, 1100 fwre Land, Buildings, and Machinery, haised at 52 per annum, and 1 acre, Vctcrshnm. together, 500 George-sti-eet 3 Slu.pB, and Stores iu rear. UG00: 8 Houses, and Allotments, a bargain, 2700 2C-C0 or mere can remain at 6 por cent four nmcd Honws, batbreoma, Surry nills, 2o00, now; 2 ousts, Darlinghurxt, fi and 5 roniiia, 950; large suburban Hotel, furniture, bar nnd gas fittings, hay and com store, 3000 Kedfern Hotel and 4 Houses, n'turning IM 800; University Hotel, corner Glebe Road, 24 rooms, Mfibling. 2500; adioining Shop and 450; Jingo Houhc and Stabling. 500; 2 7-roomed Houk-s 400 each Hotel nnd 6 Houses, Paddington, and All.

ill. 11250; 2 4-roomcd Houses, Woollahra, 150 cai-h; 2 largo Shops Paddington, 1400, and 3 Shops and large Residence, 2000: KmgHtonCotUurc.Srooins, crarden. 6 ALLOTMENTS. Paddington, corner hlocV, 70 foet by 09, 4 per foot; Darling Harbour, Woolloomooloo Bay, Darling Point, Hay-ntreet, Bourlte-ntreot. COAL LAND 40 acres, adjoining railway, 150.

C. BATE and 165, Pitt-street. FOR SALE, Blocks of LAND, from lOOlo 200 acres, in 5 to 10 acre allotments, from 8 to 10 per acre situated attout 8 miles from Sydney woll watered suitable for market gardeners. E. RAMSAY, 410, George-street.

VTY PROPERTY, Sufwex-street, near nathursUirtT, for SALE. E. Ramsay, house agent, 410, George-st. I LEY-STREET. For 8 ALE, 2 Houses, in clost proximity to Albion-ptroet.

namsay, 410, Goorgo-st. TO SMALL CAPITALISTS. An investment returning 13 per cent. Six COTTAGES, situate in Marshall -atreet, Surry Hills, bringing in a rental of 132 per annum price, 1000; one-third cash, and balance 9, and 12 months with interest added at 7 per cent. L.

E. THRELKELP, CityMart. WANTED to sell, a pretty 6-roomod COTTAGE "and two 3-roomed COTTAGES, brick splendid view healthy situation, cheap. Apply to if. Gordon, carpenter, Morton-street, Balmain.

FOR SALE, 2 suburban Residences, each 12 freehold, 2600, easy terms. House, 0 rooms, (city), 750 2 houses nnd allotment, city, 750; 6 houses (city), 2600. Apply 410, Georgo-Btroct. FOR immediate SALE, freehold, 50 Acres of good LAND, at 2 per acre, within fifteen miles by good mad of Sydney, and near Railway-station. This is a downright gift.

FAHEY and COMPANY, Bond-stroot REEHOLD PROPERTIES FOR SALE. COTTAGES and HOUSES In CITY and SUBURBS, FARMS Valuable Farms and Orchards, near Railway Stations. North Willoughby, Liverpool, Bellinger, Sec ALLOTMENTS in all partsuf the SUBURBS. Splendid FIVE-ACUE VILLA SITES, near PARRA- ATTA UNCTION, 50 each. Torrons' Act 12 VILLA SITES, 1 acre each, doso Railway Station.

PLANS can be seen at Office of tho undersigned. Propertv Bought, Sold, or Valued. LOANS BROWNJOHN and BcU's-chambors, Pitt-street. FOR SALE. COMMODIOUS DWELLlNO-nOUSE, with ma-roontal grounds, fronting BLIKABKTH BAY SUBSTANTIAL and HIGHLY-FINISHED FAMILY.

RESIDENCE, with water frontage, and extsnsivs harbour views That VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY, comer of; WYN YARD-SQUARE and suitable for hotel, warehouse, or public building, 114. feet 80 BLOCK OF LAND, LOWER GEORGE-STREET BLOCK OF LAND, PITT-STREET NORTH BLOCK OF LAND, CASTLEREAGH-STRKET. NORTH FORTY-FIVE ACRES LAND. with. 800 feat frontage r- Hunter's Beach, Middle Harbour FII TEEN ACRES, parish of Willoughby BLOCK OF LAND, Watt-street, Newcastle BLOCK OF LAND, Bullock Island, Newcastle FREEHOLD ESTATE, DARLING POINT ROAB Cottsgo and vnluablo Block of Land, PyrraonUstroet, next- tho Rovnl Oak Hotel THAT CITY PROPERTY, with frontags to ELIZABETH, MARKET, and CASTLE- REACH STREETS, with Uio well-known GI OBK- TAVERN and other buildings FREEHOLD ESTATE, NORTH SHORR THREE COTTAGES in ELIZABETH BAY ROAD, nret-clast investment.

-TERRACE in ELIZABETH-STREET NORTH fully let for a term a capital city investment. GILCHRIST and WB8TON. J1NFIELD, noar Burwood Sovorsl ALLOTMENTS -2J for SALE cheap, fronting to Liverpool Road; also 1 1 Acres, upon which is a substantially built family roaidonos replete with ovory convenience. Ramsay, 410, Georgo-st. AMES PRINGLE, 156, Pitt-stroet, haa for SALE 60 cash, and terms, for Brick Cottage, 4 rooms 7-roomed House, balconies, verandahs, 00, half cash and 0 per cent.

6 Houses, Hnymarkct, rentals, 2 14s. per week, bargain, 1060; 2 Housoa and spare Allotment, stabling, 8. 660; Gontloman'a Residence, 1 -apartments, cooch-houeo, 0-roomod Morrickvillo. 21 acroe, 1000 Property, Pad- dington, near toil, rents, 27s wook, 460; Puhllo. house, 10 rooms, ere land, oottago, 4c, 1000 2 nice Cottages, Balmain, and oornor allot-ment, 460; 2 pretty Houses, Surry nills, near Moprs-Park, 760; Terrace Houses, Surry Hilla, always let, 2600 3 Brirk Houses, 160, soouros 20 10a yoar not 2 Cots ires, Globo land, 80 100, vory choap, 660 8 Houses ana spare land, 44 80, rent 20a, 460 near ferry, Balmain, always let, 000; 1W 100, Albion Estate, position good, 7 10s; 40 144, beat position in Handwick, bargafn, 120; 34fi-Acre Farm, Nsttai hom*o.

slesd, 060 6-Acre Farm, 12 miles from town, cheap, 3C0. FOR SALE, splendid HOUSE, (rardm, mrf near Newtown Railway; comer block Buildings, city-propertv, 12 r.ot. block Land, building site, Sta. vai. properties in city.

Warren King Pitt OMEBTEAD with 600 acres for BALK, terms. liberal, w. nongiaaa, vn, lOTTAGES, Terraeos of Houses, and Allotments lor OA lift, IrimB. uuvumtuu, w) -w I1CHB18T BT PROPERTY AUIT1 tun RBM, aa i V.KTATR AGENTS. Sale RoomsJJ, Bprnuj-strest, nndeitake 0i dispoal ef Real Property and EstoU rmblie or private Sale, negotlAk.

of Umioo C1 I anil MEDICAL, CHEMICALS, ETC. HENHY'S C01A1N I AL OINTMENT, in lid poU, la each, at all chemists and storekeepers. 11 FOLLOWING JL is nn EXTRACT FROM A LETTER, doted 16th May, 1872, Imni an old inhabitant of llomingsliiuu, near Warminster, Wilts "1 must also beg to say tliat your Pills are an excellent medicine for ine, and 1 certainly do enjoy good hoaltli, sound sleep and a good appetite this is owing to taking your Pills. 1 am 78 ymrs old. Remaining, Gentlemen, yours very respectfully, 8." To the Proprietors of NORTON'S CAMOMIU.

PILLS, London. 700LLA11KA. Pratt's Devonian Cream, Pratl'a Salaam of Horehound, Sloicr's Phospho-Lic-tate of Lime and Iron, Watt's Canigheen, Holluway'a Medicines, Jayne'a Msdieinca, Norton's Uamoinilo Pills, co*ckle's PillB, and overy Proprietory Medicine can ho obtained Genuine, and at Sydney pnees, at tho Woollahra Pharmacy, corner of Pipor and Spirer streets. Physicians' Prescriptions accurately dispensed with Drugs of tile purest quality. EUGENE ARNOLD, Managor.

rjIHE UNIVERSAL MEDICINE. WATSON'S SUGAR-COATED ANTIBIL10U8 PILLS can bo obtained through any of tho wholesale warehouses or at tho Manufactory, 5ti7, Guorge.Htleot South. Lirge piircliaKcra libcmlly dealt with. Agents wanted ovcrywhor*. I EF DrS I.

I I)M A is the great remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour F.metatioiis, and llilioua AITcctions. It is the Physicians' Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout, Gnivel, and all other eomnlaiuts of the -Bladder. And as a safe and gentle medicine for Infants, Children, Delicate Females, and for the sickness of Pregnancy, DINNEFOKD'S MAGNESIA is indispensiblc. Sold by all Druggists and Ston'kecpcrs. N.B.

Ask for DINNKKORD'S MAGNKSIA. Agents Messrs. F.DWAKD ROW and Pitt-street. Me.T8. ELLIOTT, 112, Pitt-street.

LIVER PILLS FOR INDIA COLONIES. AND THE Dr. KING'S Dandelion and Quinine Liver Pills (without memiry) are Uio best remedy for Bile, Wind, Indigestion, Sick Headache, SpaKiuB, Gidudiness, Heartburn, Ncrvous-neps, Gout, and nll disorders of the Stomach and Liver. They combine mildness in operation with Uio most admirable effects, und as an atericnt cannot, bo surpassed. Manufactured by James Rorkc, 47, Mortimer-street, Ixm-don nnd sold all over the world by most chemists, at Is Ud, 2s ftd, 4s Agents, FULTON, GRIM- WADE," and Melbourne.

lOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIKE. CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. Trade Mark "Blood Mixture." THF GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER, for cleansing and clearing tho blood from all impurities, eimnot be too highly rocommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Shin DisoitKos, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and pennancut cure. It Cures old Sores, Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck Blockheads, or Pimples on tho Foee Cures Scurvy Sores Cures Canrernus Ulcers c*nts Blood iuuI Skin Diseases Cun-s (ilnndular Swellings Clears the Blood from all impure matter, From whatever enuso aming.

This Mixturo is plcnnuit to tho taste and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex. THOVSAWns OP TFflTMONIALB PROM ALL FAllTS. MIRACULOUS CURE OF ULCKRATKD SORES. "(iriiiinbury, Biuibury, 20th August, 1874. Dear Sir, I beg to tender you my grateful thanks for tlto benefit 1 havo derived from taking your 1 world-famed Blood I had been several hoRpitals for my complaint ulcerated soroH but without deriving any benefit, and had given up all hopes of getting cured.

Somo weeks ago I bought a small bottle of your 4 Blood Mixture, and since that time I have had six more, tho effect of which has be miraeuloua. Yours faithfully, Charlbs Fmtbll. To Mr. Clarke, Lincoln." WONDERFUL CURE IN A BAD CASK OF BLOOD POISONING. 75, Westminster Bridge Road, Lamboth, London, S.E..

Oth July, 1674. Sir, 1 return my sincere thanks to you for the groat tvenctit I have derived by taking your celebrated Blood Mixture I will ntato my complaints tn yon. I had on injured finger, and unfortunately got it poisoned, then It gradually bocamo worse. My arms, face, and body came out in pimples and blotches, and I could scarcely stand on my legs. However, I saw an advertisem*nt from you 1 agreed, as butt resource, with my wife, to try your 'Blood and, thank God, tho second day I felt relief, and in one week tho pimples began to die away in three weeks 1 went to work again.

Yours truly, "John IIbsdbusoh. "To Mr. Clarke." i CURE OF SORE LEG. Deeping. St, James's, Peterborough, 18th April, 1874.

Mr. Clarko Sir, I havo much pleasure in stating that your 1 Blood Mixturo and 1 Skin quito cured mo of a fearful bad Jog, of upwards of a year's standing the soru was brought on by a amid, and never thought it would get better however, I sent to your agent, Mr. W. Stephen Wilson, chemist, Long Causeway, Peterborough, for the world-famed Blood and, after a few weeks, quito ro-cevcred. I shall bo glad lo answer any questions on tho subject.

I am, yours grate? nlly, Sarah Bakbr." SKIN DISEASES, eruptions, spots, pimples, pustules, boils, carbunclus, ringworms, aculd hoad, ho re eyes; itch, scum, disoolourations of (ho akin, humours and disoosos of the skin of whaU ever nnmo or nature, are Htenilly oarriod out of the pyatem in a short thno by tho umi of this world-famed medicine. I IMPORTANT ADVICE TO A lL. Clennso the vitiated blood whenever you fiud its impurities bursting through the akin in pimples, eruptions, or sores cleanse it when you find it obHtructed und alugi gich in tho veinB cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure, uud the health of the system will follow. CLARK K'8 WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURB in sold in bottles, 2s fid each and in cases containing fix times the quantity, I la each sufficient to effect i permanent cure in the groat majority of long-standing eases.

BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout tho world. SOLE PROPRIETOR F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, Apothecaries' Hall, Lincoln. CAUTION.

Beware of worthless and injurious imitations. EXPORT AGENTS. Rnrgoyno, Burbridge, and Colcman-stroot, London Uewlierry and Sons, 37, Newgnte-stroot, London Barclay and Sons, 05, Farringdon-stroot, London Sanger and Sons, Oxford-stroet, London, i and all the London Wbolesale Uonsea. I SYDNEY AOENT8. Elliott, Brothers, and Wholesale Druggist Edward Row and ditto.

I HE HAIR strengthened, embellished, and preserved DV UIO USO OI PRATT'S celebrated DEVONIAN CREAM. This preparation has now been before tho Australian public for upwards of twenty years, and from Its first in-' traduction to tho present timo tho demand for it boa boon atendily increasing. Tho largo salo that it oommnnds, and tho testimonials which tho proprietor frequently roocives, inoontestably 8 rove tho high estimation in whioh it is held. It poasosaos 10 combined advantages of a Dandruff Lotion and a Kutritlvo Cream it effectually cleanses as well aa strengthens the hair. Tho following extract from a Mndgoo oorreapoDdont's letter is a specimen of teatimoniala My wife begs me to state that she uses your Dovomnn Cream constantly, and finds no preparation for tho hair equal to it." Prepared exolosivoly by W.

PRATT, Wholesale Druggist, W4, Goorgo-stiwrt, Sold by chemists, porfumors, and storokeoponi. Price 2s 6d and 4a 6d per boUlo. Ml A 0 TIC CAUTION. See the name of MYERS and SOL0M0JN every bottle of LINGARD'8 UOUGH UNCTUS Heist) bears the Proprietor's nnmo and tho Government Stamp. "Without theso NONE CAN BE GENUINK.

Legal proceedings will bo inntitutod again" any poreon FRAUDULENTLY IMITATING tho trade mark, or offering the same for sale. FOUR CASES OF THIS INVALUABLE MKDI-C1NB NOW LANDING EX ST. ORYTH. MYERS end BOLOMON, U2 and M4, GKOROE-STREET. I LOPEK'B 6YBUF, Pbospbo LeeUte of LIME end s.


8 10s. HALF CASH, NO EXTRA CHARGE, and TIME. STILL GREATLY REDUCED TERMS of TIME PAYMENTS! I In order to plaoo it In tho power of ovorv family of the most moderate moans to become possessed of a FIRST-CLASS MACHINE, G. J. WEL1.S, acting under special arrangements, has reduced tho terms of Hme payments to the EugliHh, American, and Viotorian aealos, vus.

2s 6d PER WEEK WITH 10s DEPOSIT. All machines warranted, NEW, GENUINE, and in FERFECT ORDER. FULL INSTRUCTIONS FREE. Machines regulated at any lime free. Full particulars at tho ORIGINAL and nly COMPLETE.

EASY, and pcrfoct system jot OFFERED THE PUBLIC. uBT Note the address G. J. WELLS, by appointment of Ueearo. STANFORD and Molbourao.


REGISTERED. Tho IIIOEST SALE of any in AUSTRALIA. GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS. 6000 PURCHASERS doolaro it is tho SIMPLEST, MOST CERTAIN, RELIABLE, and DURABLE marhino procurable, and with rcortnt improvements it is A TRIUMPH OF MECHANICAL GENIUS. No.

1. Hand Mnchino, complete 10 No. 2. Treadle Machine, complete, with elegant table, drawer, and droaa-fraard 6 10 0 No. 3.

Samo na abovo, with cover, lock, and key 7 16 0 Theeo machinoa and tabloa are pnarantood all of American manufacture, and equal to any high-prioed ones, or the oat will bo refunded. Every GENUINE machino haa OUR NAME rtaraixd on the atocl plato; all othera aro COUNTERFEITS. llluatrationa, apocinionH, and tuition froo of charge. I Sole Agcnta for tho HOME Shuttle Machine, ju. jai'oci aim 9 to 13, Wynyard-lane, Sydnoy.

LIXTLK WANy.KH LOCKSTITCH FAMILY (SEWING-MACHINE. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. Extracts phom oruENoLisii Cohhhsi'oniencr. Some very clevnr nnd somo very clumsy imitatiims have been detected offering in the English market, and it is just posfiblo Mime of tliein may bo finding thoir way to Australia. The best imitation is one of fiornian manufacture, which has the name, pinto, and all the japanned work in atrict imitation of thcl.ittlo We nupply no one in your colonies but NOTICE! To prevent fraud all machines will in future have OUR NAME STAMPED ON THE FACE PLATE.

The WANZER SEWING-MACHINES have defeated all ether machines in public competition, and proof of the wisdom of the judges' awards ia afforded in tho fact that the Little Wanxer has been selected BEFORE ALL OTHERS for use in the BRITISH PUBLIC SCHOOLS. First prise at Paris First prizes in America First prises in England First priKos in Canada First prise in Vionna Onlv priee in Sydney. GIBBS, SnALLARD, and Sole Agonta, Sydney. HOW TO PROCURE A SEWING-MACHINE EASILY. Every Genuino Machino has the name of the Arm, Wheeler and Wilson, M'Fg.

and impressed on tho cloth plate and in addition tlio Trade Mark affixed to the bed-Tilate. Aa the great reputation of the WnEELER and WILSON has led to tho manufacture, of a very largo number of imitation machinos of an inferior quality, we ask the public to bo exceedingly cautious that none of these spurious machines are sold to them for the GENUINE WHEELER and WILSON. The WHEELER and WILSON SEWING-MACHINE has no heavy machinery to tire and weary tho feet, and is therefore the MOST SUITABLE FOR FAMILIES. THE WHEELER and WILSON has no cog-wheels to wear away and break, which renders it the most durable as well as tho FASTEST and BEST SEWING-MACHINE IN THE WORLD Tho great advantage offered by tho TIME PAYMENT SYSTEM places tho New Improved WHEELER and WILSON MACHINE within thercach of all. GORDON and GOTCH, 354, Gcorgo-stroct, Sole Agents for New South Wales and Queensland.

8 EWING-M A IKES. The "LADY," chain-stitch, with box 2 10 0 The "LITTLE W1LI.COX," twisted loop. 'stitch, complete, with box 2 16 0 The MATCHLESS," chain-stitch, complete, with box ..360 The UNIQUE," chain-stitch, complete, with box 9 6 0 The AUSTRALIAN," lock-stitch, complete, with box 4 10 Tho AUSTRALIAN," lock-stitch, complete, on stand ..660 The DEFIANCE," loci-stitch, complete, on stand 4 10 0 The "DEFIANCE," lock-stitch, complete, with box 6 0 0 The DOLLY VARDEN," lock-stitch, complete, on stand 660 The FAVOURITE," look-stitch, on stand, complete ..660 The "LILY," lock-stitch, on stand, 7 7 7 Tho GARDNER'S," lock-stitch, on aland, complete 886 Each machine guaranteed in perfect order, nnd trial given before purchase. Printed or personal instructions, if required, gratis. 8.

HOFFNUNG and Pitt-stroet, Solo Agents for tho Patentees. t5JKWI0 MACHINES. Lunger's genuine, from 8 ios singer's genuine, from 8 10s. howe's genuine a. from 9 howe's genuine from 10 howe's genuine from 12 genuine home shuttle, 4 10s genuine home shuttle, 4 10s genuine little wanzer, 4 10s genuine little wanzer, 4 10s wheeler and wilson, from 7 wheeler and wilson, from 7 easy time payment8 easy time payments all the above maker8 at 4s 6.1 per week ALL THE AliOVE MAKERS AT 2s 6d PER WEEK NOTE THE ADDRESS NOTE THE ADDRESS TURNER AND WOOD TURNER AND WOOD, 349, GEORGE-STREET, OPPOSITE NEW POST OFFICE.

AG ATELLE TABLE required ono for country, at a VIST. a low prico. AUt and 14J, I'ltt-street. AN TED a Portable Choet of Drawors, in two parts, for soa use atato lowest price. r.U Mox iji ILLIARD-BAGATELLE TABLE for SALE.

Siw, 11x6. Waratah Hotel, Glebe Point Road. ILLCOX and GIBBS' SEWING-MACHINES complete, with extras, 17 lue. Tho safest test to purchasers Is that they can havo ONE MONTH'S TRIAL BEFORE PURCHASE, if required. THEY WILL DO EVERY DESCRIPTION OF WORK.

Refereneos can be given to 19,000 purehasors. EVERY MACHINE GUARANTEED FOR TWELVE MONTHS. SAMUEL HEBBLEWHITE, 432 Goorge-streot, near Royal Hotel. -ar mB 81, Winur KKWING-AC'uTNES, XI in ail sUoa: tho nowost and best samples in the market; VERY SUPERIOR to the oia stylos ana cnoap Imitations so largely puffed as substitutes, and palmed on the unwary at 'a ba weeitiy. M'RICKAHD, BKOTltJSnM, iw, lara-swuoi.

"CWRNITURB BAZAAR Satisfy youraclvcsof tho JO bargains to be obtained at tho City Auction Rooms, Suit Pitt-street, Dy catling ano T' I. .1.. llMlnaH Wnrk TmHIm advnr. fined elsewhor* aa" BARGAINS at Ms" can bo purchased here for 20s. Similar contrasts will ne uisooverea un inspection.

H. SINGLE and Double IRON'BKDHTBAIJS tot aih. cheap. J. LAWLKR, 617, Oeorge-at, Brlokflold-hill CSPF'KIOR Horsehair MATTRESSES for BALE by J.

LAWLKlt, 017, ueorgo-siroei. Flook. Fftre. and Flax MAO kkbiiivb. uest I stock in the town to select from at JAWLER 8.

(fATTRESBES oarofnlly cleansed and remade by JJ1 steam, i. IjAWIek, ok, woorgp-auoni. T1LIJARD-Bagatelle Table (slate baik. HatM 0Ot, ureal iiniuln and abroad, that ho originally invented and nrepand Citrate of Magnesia sinco 1H67, when it was find intnKluccd. Re has never eonsod personally to superintend its manufacture and tho marked sunerkintv nf UnimX over that of all the iniitntionn in tho market is admitted by all the largest buyers, Tho materials omnhrvnl are unifurinlv of the hhrheat ntialirv th irninnlrM tinrt.

some in appeuntneo and perfectly soluble, and tho gomiino jin iinniuuu yieius a UTuugiii wincii, a reiresinng aaJuw of peculiarly plottHiint favour, is instantly tinguiriliablc from tho nnitJitionn, Agents for Sydney, ELLIOTT, BROTHERS. PRATrs" BALSAM OP HOREHOUND- certain and Hpei ily cure for coughn, adds, influensa. astluns. difficulty of breathing, and all diaoases of tho chest end lungs. Can bo obtained from most druggists and storekeepers: in Is td and 2s 6d bottles.

Prepared only by W. PRATT, Whohde Druggist, M4, Bydney. pOVLAND'8 MACASSAR OIL JIV prevents tho hair falling off or tnming gray, strengthens weak hair, cleanses it from sourff or dandruff, Muses it to grow thickly on bald paoos, end makoe it beautifully soft, plinblo, and glossy. ROWLAND'S KALYDOR removes all freckles, spots, and cutaneous eruptions, end realises a health purity and dolicaev of complexion. ROWI.AND'S ODONTO whitens nnd preserves Uio tooth, prevents and arrests their decay, atrengthena tho gums, and glvos a pleasing fragrance to the breath.

ROWLAND'S ESSENCE OF TYRE produces immediately a perfect change in red ur gray hair, whiskers, nnd eyebrows, to a glnssv and permanent brown 6r black, which colour neither washing nor porspiratioji will reinovo. GREAT CARE must bo taken to ask for Rowland's Articles nf 20, 11 at ton Garden, Ijondon, and to see that their signature, A. ROWLAND end SONS, is RED INK on tho wrapper of each, no other being genuine. Sold by all Chumints, Druggists, and at ell Stores throughout Australia and New Zealand. DR.

J. COLLI8 BROWNE'S CHLORODYNK. ice-Chancellor Sir W. Paob Wood stated publmly in Court that Dr. J.

Collir Browne was undoubtedly tho inventor of Chlorodyne, tliat the wholo story of tho defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, nnd ho regretted to say it had been sworn to. Timkh, July 18, 1864. I)r. J. CoIHh Browne's Chlorodyne.

The' Right Hon. Eni'I IUiHHi'11 oommuniciiUd to tlio College of Physicians ar.d J. T. Davtuiport that ho had nweivM infonuutioi. to tho effect that the only remedy of any service in cholera was Chlorodyne.

See Lanokt, Docemlter 31, 18G4. Dr. J. Collis Browne's Cldorodyne "is preserit)cd by scores of orthrdox practiUoncrs. Of course, it would not be thua singularly popular did it not supply a want and till a plnoe." Mkmual Timkh, January 12, 1K86.

Dr. J. Collis Browne's "Clilonxiyno is the best and most certain rcimdy in coughs, colds, asthma, connuruption, ncumlgra, rht-umatiMu, Dr. J. (llin Browne's Chlorodyno is a certain euro in cholera, dysciitcr', diarrhaa, iy(lii, Dr.

J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne. Caution. None genuine without the words" Dr. J.

Collis Browno's Chlorodyne on the Govcnimcnt Ruunp. Ovrrwholming medical testimony accompanies each buttle. Sole numufaoturur, J. T. Davenport, Great Russell -street, Bloombury, Ixindon.

Tho immcnRO demand enables tho proprietor tci reduce the prio; it is now sold in bottles, Is Ud, 2h tkl, 4k 6d, and Us. containing double quantity hitherto. Agents: Svdney ELLIOTT, BROTHERS. Agt-nts Melbourne FELTON, GRIM WADE, and CO. TEKDMAN'S SOOTHING POWDERS FOR CHILDREN CUTTING TEETH.

The value of this well-known Family Medicine has boon largely tested in all parts of tho world, and by all grades of society, for upwards of fifty yrars. Its well-earned extensive side has induced spumous imitations, somo of which in oi'Twakd appearance so closely resemble the original ns to linvo deceived many purchasers. Tlw proprietor, therefore, feels it due to the public to give a special caution aguinut the use of such imitations. Purchasers are, therefore, requested carefully to observe the four following distinctive chanwtcriHtius, without which none arc genuine 1. In everv case tho words JOHN STEEDMAN, Chemist, Walworth, Surrey, are engraved on tho Government stamp affixed to each packet.

2. Each sin olb powder has directions for the doso and the words John Steedman, Chemist, Walworth, painted thereon. 3. The name Steedman is always spolt with two EE's. 4.

The manufacture is carried on solely at Walworth, Surrey. Sold in packets by all Chemists end Medicine Vendors, at Is ld and 2s 9d each. POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, for Coughs, Aathma, Bronchitis, Testimonial from the Rev. W. Lush, Vicar of Stixwold, end Editor of the Remembrancer.

Stixwold Vicarage, Horncastlo, Lincolnshire. Dear Sir, I have to acknowledge with my warmest thanks the receipt of a large bottlo of your truly valuable Balsam of Aniseed for tho benefit of my poor pariahioDers. I need hardly say, in the face of winter, how truly acceptable such a present is. For tlio past twelve years I have been in tho habit of using myself, giving away, und rooora-mending your Balsam. I should not bo exaggerating if I Nud I have never known it fail.

Whenever I havo a cough I use it in preference to anything else, end again end again it has cured me. I am fully aware, and yon, my, dear Sir, would, I feci sure, equally with myself reeogniso the fact, that wo arc dependent in the use of all means on Him whose blessing makcth rich, but 1 rejoice that so often Ho has scon good to add that blessing to the use of Powell's Balsam of Aniseed. I remain, my dear Sir, "William Lush." IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL. Dear Sir, I may toll you that 1 havo used your Balaam for a very lonfr time (both for myaelf and my family). I think it an invaluable medicine for membora of my profoa-sion, and have alwaya atrongly recommended it to my brother and aistcr artitrt.

If you think a toatimonial from me would bo of any acrvice, you aro very welcome to make use of Una. I am, dear Sir, youra truly, "Lionki. Brovoh, Globo Theatre." POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, tho favourite remedy, for oougha, oolda, bronohitia, aathma, night cough, it ia unRurpafwed. Sold by cheniiiita and atorckoopera throughout Australia and New Zealand. Prepared by THOMAS POWELL, 16, Blackfriara Road, London.

Trade Mark Lion, Net, and Mouse." OUGH NO MORE. GAMBLE'S -CELEBRATED COUGH LOZENGES. recommended to thoae aufforing from Coughs, Colds, In-duentui, Sore Throota, Bronchitis, Asthma, aa being 1HE REMEDY to speedily cure those dtstreaaiug oout-plaints, as THOUSANDS can certify to. Prepared onlv bv H. GAM11LK, 160, Bourka-atnnt, lbnurne.

and sold in boxes, Is 6d oach, by W. FEL-M INGHAM, Chemist, 84, King-street, Sydney. Country agents wanted. PILLS. Low spirits usually dopond on a loipid liver or disordered stomach.

Both those are rectified by Hollowoy's incomparalilo Pills. Without dish or inoonvonience Uwy givo atronglh toHlio dv and confer vigour and serenity to tho mind. Sold at o3', Oxfoid-trcot, London, and all druggists SWITZERLAND'S FAMOUS RESTORATIVE. To the delightful appetiror and atoniachio, known for centuries as the Dow of tile Alps," tho whole population of Switzerland, tho hardy hunters of that rugged region, ascribe their exemption from tho diseases consequent upon exposure, and tho impunity with which thoy endure privation and fatigue. That sterling and reliable firm, Messrs.

M. MOSS and were tho 8rst to spread the famo of this exquisito cordial boyond the limits of Europe, and they aro now, wo belicvo, the solo agonta of tho manfao-turns, Breslin, Bisehoff, and of Geneva. Tlio popularity of the great Helvetian tonic in tho United States, especially in California, is Immense; and its bcMada) effects in Australia havo boon such aa to create an absolute furore for tho article in tho mining districts. DREW'8 CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC OILS, a sovereign remedy for all kinds of Rlioumatlo Paine, Lumbago, Nouralgia, Sprains, Bruiaoa, Sa. Wholoaalo Agcnta MYKRS and BOLOMON, 642, Geprge-etreet.

Retail at tho 36, Erakine-atroet -and all respectable chemista and atorekoopen throughout the colony HARVEY'8 OINTMENT. A cure for sore breasts, burns, scalds, carbuncles, ulcere, boils. This valuable medicine can bo had of Mr. Pinhoy, chemist, Pitt-strrot: Mr. Sloper, Oxford-stroet Mr.

WatiGeorgo-atreet and wholesale of Messrs. Elliott, Brothers, Pitt-streot. In pota at Is and Is (id each. PERMANENT Com, Wart, ud Bnnlon Cnrcr, la 6d per bottle, at H. HAINB'S, opposite Royal.

RY tho Permanent Com, Wart, and Bunion Carer, at H. UAINS'S, opposite Royal. I YOU suffer from Corns, Warts, and Bunions, buy a bottle to cure you lor Htm, n. naina. 118.

M'CULLAGH'S and Hair Dyo Mannfnotnrer, tjastiereagn-sirooL INDIAN WORM SYRUP, an Infallible and olneoolous remedy for intestinal worms completely auporsodoo woim powders, worm loMingos, and all other patent pro-parations. Prepared by J. HAMILTON, Chemist, Ilogont-atree t. Sold hy Mr. M'Carthy, Hunter-st.

and Mr. Long, Williom-stwt. Wholesale agents, Elliott, Brothers. 'rVTOTICE. My Distilling Apparatus ia in full work daily.

INVALIDS may bo quite aortain that an ample supply of Pure WATERS, Medicated and plain,.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


Is The Sydney Morning Herald liberal or conservative? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

What is the purpose of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Herald is proudly committed to fearless, independent and accurate journalism as Australia's number one news brand, whilst generating high-quality and informed opinions and debates to help readers make up their own minds.

Is it The Sydney Morning Herald or Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) is a daily tabloid newspaper published in Sydney, Australia, and owned by Nine.

Is The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age the same? ›

The newspaper shares some articles with its sister newspaper the Sydney Morning Herald. The Age is considered a newspaper of record for Australia, and has variously been known for its investigative reporting, with its journalists having won dozens of Walkley Awards, Australia's most prestigious journalism prize.

Who is The Sydney Morning Herald audience? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the country's most read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.3 million Australians, according to the latest Total News readership figures released by Roy Morgan.

What political party does the Herald support? ›

The Herald declares in every edition that it does not endorse any political party.

What is the slogan of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Tagline / Call to Action:

Independent. Always.

Who created The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Herald, founded by three English emigrants—William McGarvie, Alfred Ward Stephens, and Frederick Stokes—was first issued as a weekly in 1831 and became a daily in 1840.

Is The Sydney Morning Herald app free? ›

The app is free to download. You can unlock unlimited access to all content with a Starter Digital subscription through the App Store.

How popular is The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the most-read masthead, with more than 8.4 million readers across digital and print over the past 12 months. The Herald finished ahead of The Australian, which had an average readership of 4.4 million, while The Daily Telegraph has an average readership of 4 million.

What is the main newspaper in Sydney? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the most-read newspaper in Australia, with over eight million readers as of 2021.

Who owns the Herald? ›

The Herald & Times Group is owned by Newsquest, one of the UK's biggest newspaper and website publishers.

Who writes for The Sydney Morning Herald Technology? ›

Stephen Hutcheon is the Digital Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald. He writes on technology issues.

Who owns the Australian newspaper? ›

Parent companies

The Australian is published by News Corp Australia, an asset of News Corp, which also owns the sole daily newspapers in Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart, and Darwin, and the most circulated metropolitan daily newspapers in Sydney and Melbourne. News Corp's chairman and founder is Rupert Murdoch.

Who is the editor of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

Bevan Shields is the Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

What are the conservative newspapers in Australia? ›

Major conservative regional newspapers include The Daily Telegraph, The West Australian, The Mercury, The Canberra Times, The Advertiser and The Courier-Mail.

Is the Herald Sun a conservative newspaper? ›

The Herald Sun is a conservative daily tabloid newspaper based in Melbourne, Australia, published by The Herald and Weekly Times, a subsidiary of News Corp Australia, itself a subsidiary of the Murdoch owned News Corp.

Is Boston Herald liberal or conservative? ›

Boston Herald
Cover from February 3, 2013
EditorJoe Dwinell
Political alignmentConservative
Headquarters100 Grossman Dr. 4th Floor Braintree, Massachusetts 02184 United States
9 more rows

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Article information

Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 6553

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.