Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)

THE STATE JOlTtWL Sundoy, Dec. 6, 1964 H-3 Lansing. Michigan 4 i TELEV PROG 'JSSSBSSBM ISION RAMS 11:20 r- i 11:00 16:30 9:00 Movie 10:30 Faith For Today 6:30 Changing Earth Thought for Today P. UTiiirTinii ATior -r v'. a a QC CD es.

Weaturr Sports Movie Movie BLACK ORPHEUS (195B) Vamessa Dawn, Breno Mello. Woman hides in Rio De Janeiro after her life is threatened. 11:15 Movies THE BEAUTIFUL PLONDE FROM BASHFUL BEND (1949) Betty Grable. Cesar Romero. Gambtino-hall Queen is trigger-happy.

Also NIGHT AMBUSH (19591 Dirk Bogarde. Marius Goring. A Nazi general is kidnaped bv British secret agents on the island of Crete. Movie AS YOUNG AS YOU FEEL (1951) Monty Woolev, Thelma Ritter, Aari-Ivn Monroe. A plea for letting men over 65 work on is disguised in a comedy dealing with a man who has been retired and his efforts to keep his iob.

Pleasant comedy. Movie QC Movie Classes $1075 Complete I and up Bifocals $3.00 Extra With Frame, Lens Case Dec. 7 The Day of Infamy Living Doll When a compulsive gambler visits Dr. Bob. to find out whv his luck is so bad.

Bob uses Rhoda the robot to teach him that mathematical odes are against him. 000 Bonanza Wnen Hoss is accused of murder, he insists on being defended bv a hard-drinking attorney. 3 The Sunday Night Movie THE LAST TIME I SAW ARCHIE (161) Robert w.itchum. Martha Hver. Con man serving in the Army holds the rank of private but pretends to be a general.

QC Fugitive 9:30 0 0 0 Joev Bishop i ne sets a traffic ticket for an illegal left turn but insists that she is innocent. When Joey suggests that sne pay me tine ana forger it, insists mat she go to court fight it. she and 10:00 QOQQC Candid lanifra 13 CD Rogues Tony Fleming setis a textile mill he doesn't own to a corporation-grabbing business world octopus. 10:30 GBQeC What's My Line Christmas Tree Rope TOP SOIL HARDY MUMS LEE PARRY CIDER STRAW by Bale or Ton Corner Kalamazoo at 810 OLDS Belt Line Railread 400 CLARE Hospital Plants THE GUN OF 2ANGARA 0959) Robert Stack. Eliot Ness stops t-tempt bv members of Al Capone'l mob to take over the 1933 Chicago's World's Fair.

11:25 Movie BLOWING WILD (1953) Barbara Stanwyck, Gary Cooper. Power-crarv girl tries to gain control in Mexican oil fields. Welt done but hardly worth the trouble. 11:30 Surf side 6 Movie 12:30 0 Lawman 1:00 0 With This Ring CD News, Weather OPTICAL 2 Discount Supply 416 Tussing BIdg. IV 2-4667 E3 qlti 3..

THE WRONG PATRICK An unhappy Patrick W. Richardson, 21. sits on the curb outside the induction station in Los Aneeles after the Army found it had called up the wrong Patrick W. Richardson for the draft. Patrick had quit his job.

sold his car, accepted part.n?; from friends, and arranged with a judse to suspend a drunken drivin? sentence so he could accept the Army's call. The Army furnished the wron Patrick with a $1.25 bus ticket to Santa Ana that's near Oranse, where he lives. AP Photo) jC PAY MORE WHAT FOR? Comparison U'elconie! Just Bring a Copy of Your Prescription to Us Our Low Overhead Saves You Money Sheriff Umvorried By Rights Charges Low, Low Prices on Prescription Sunglasses All Repairs Also Hearing Aid Glasses Batteries We Grind Our Own Lenses conn Ena MERIDIAN. Miss. fAP) ter told the men.

She said itaiUU Sheriff Lawrence Rainey of was not necessarj' then for Iliom Neshoba County stuffed a huse to enter a plea, cut of chew-ins tobacco into his; Attomev Herman Alford re-mouth and settled back on a quested a preliminary hearing sofa the officers' lounge of for the entire proup and the the Naval Air Station. commissioner tentativelv set Smiling around the bulse in the heanns for 10 a.m. Thurs-his cheeks, the sheriff showed dav at the federal courthouse no trace of worn' his broad. jn downtown Meridian where red face. usually performs her duties.

He misht have been settling; uown lo wim.ii nib laxuiiie ii'it- vision program 7:00 Understanding Our World Rural Newsreel 7:10 News 7:15 Accent :li.i 0 News 7:30 (iospel Time 3 Country Living 3 Christophers Hater Wonderland 1 coim News 8:00 Electricity Industry on Parade 0 Bible Story Time Starlit Stairway Story 0 Bible Puppets 0 Christophers Davey and Goliath 3:30 0 lor Shut-ins 1 Bible Answers Eternal Light Insight 0 Lntlerstanding our World 0 Faith For Today Meet The Minister 0 Sacred Heart 0 With This Ring 0 I (lurch Service 0 Church at Crossroads 0 Homes 0 Woodland Chapel 0 Word of Life 1:15 0 To Dwell Together 0 Sacred Heart Travel Time 0 l-ers See 0 This is The Life Bozo the Clown I cclok i 0 Herald of Truth 0 Christophers 10:00 0 0 This Is the Lire 0 QC Lamp Into My Feet 0 Kenny's Funnies World Adventure I color i 0 Word of Life Radio Specials UJIM rtlTI 101 MM-FM rthAK-KM kR HTfl HJ 9." IJ30 iJ-FM 97.1 nvii-ni iM.t TO lISTFNrRS: MtMt drvntrd reinr4 miiir uno nt. Th- htztiMvtl fnriia nnloitt nrn- rnm. -ti(lon-i rr4rv fh rtrht n.4kf lat minute 'hnnss Sunday, Dec, 6 W4: 7 a.m.. i hrttian l.l-tnsi 1:1.. itMpint; 7:30.

inith Bai'tinf hurrh. Chnrt Nfw: 8. Bark tn 1.mI: 1 rntht- Tim; 9:05. Ifarkvi-tHind: 3 9:4.1, TVrhr artl: 10. latter alnt: 111:1.1.

irntral MMhKli.t tmrrh: fr Health: 11, hiirrh of th RenrrwlHin: I Cvrt Mirhlcan: Sconce; 6:30. MrH Ihr f'rrftji. VVII: 7:30 PIM (Ihm; S. l-ho fnm alvarv: 8:30. Ltcht and lif-: 9.

Snlh Itnntut: 9:4., hiitta Srunc: 10:03. II, Hoot I aith: 12 nMn. ElMH-opaJ; :30 IVrrjr atth: I o.m.. Rrtval flnarj 1:3. Invnc CH1f Hoar.

9:30. Billy nth am 1 0 :1 fcnnivar Chorrh ol II a.m.. rmann! Iithnta hurrh; 12:30 p.m.. Hoar of St. Kran- HU F-FM a.m..

FmanoH a-lhran hurrh. WK.AIE: p.m. ConTfrnatlont; 30. (mrtrtown nnim. J.

Child', U.rld: Att, fmnn I'mfilrs: 4. 4. rand Kni'nU "iyniph.tny. U-WM (Ki: a.m. Nm.

9 Sunday xrrnad. 10 llynini of All 10:30 Cnmrrt la.irs. IS Vn ut. p.m. Sunday Srr-nadf.

I iJiiTnan Ilnur. 1 :3. Sunday Srrfnadr. Nw-. 3 Studio Nfw.

9:1 Sunda.r srrnadf. U' iI'Mi: a.m. lntJtant flour: II a.m. filhrmn Chorrh Srv-trr; A p.m. Int-rloivn: 6:30 Background: 1 Curtain Time.

Monday Dec. 7 SPFCIALI. WhR: Pat Ford; 9. K-adinc I I 10:30: AontraJlaa it.anwy 4.. Piano Mooda 1 1 IIiMTM-makpr't Show.

11 T.N. K'n nd 1 noun, arm. 4 Trmna-ailamir Profile- MF. MMK-hl: "-no. Ua-hinrton rU-port: o-ril of the Wwk.

8. overt Hall. II 9. JT frndants to be bound over for Rainey had stood in front of the sofa with 1 other white men." and listened to the reading of a Mls Carter set tempnrary federal complaint charring of 3-m cn and ls them with criminal conspiracy defendants were released after in the slavin" of three civil arraignment on property bonds. rights workers last summer in As the defendants got ready to Neshoba Countv.

leave the lounge, someone jok- Federal arents Friday arrest-1 asked Kainey if he had a ed 21 white men in connection nde anfl wn-v hp not retllrn with the murders. The sheriff 1 n's nty with the persons and Deputv Cecil Price were in who brought him here -t a the group arraigned at Meridian1 reference to FP.I agents who Naval Auxiliary Air Station, arrested him. which is 23 miles north of the: If 1 can lntrhhike a Cjtv I'll walk back, the sheriff said. it'u-as an iinusiiaT spt'in? The And he walked out chomping his; 11 -P II OPEN TO DEALERS AS Xte PS will have to offer; sutucient evidence tor me ae- broadcast station WGST of Atlanta. said he had no; comment alwut the possibility! murder charges being placed; him.

Trice said he didn't think he; was guilty of intimidating the civil rights workers television sets had been moved: tobacco. from the large lounge, the sofas Later. Price, a long dis-and chairs nrram-pd in rows tance telephone interview with Due to the GM strike we over-anticipalt'd our We must unload 5100,000 worth of furniture and appliances before Hit. fiih. This sale lasts only one week-Prices slashed to the bone.

During this sale NO SIMX1AL PRICES will be quoted over the phone due to shortage of sales personnel. facing four small tables, about the size of card tables. The prisoners flanked bv their attorneys filed in. forming an uneven line along the wall. Thev stood, mostly silent, while the! cameras whirred and clicked for more than five minutes.

Miss Esther Carter, the U.S. commissioner, entered and took a seat at the table. Rather tall News, TVeather, Sports Sebring Road Race Checkmate Movie 'EM COWBOY (1941) Bud Ab-bctt, Lou Costeiio, Ann Gwynne. A dude ranch is the scene of some attempts to fix a rooeo. Where the w-t ends.

C) Have Gun Will Travel 00OQC Football Scoreboard 7:00 0 QC Lassie Ranger Stuart sends Lassie for helo wnen he becomes seriously ill while cn a woodland inspection tour. 0 Survival ft) Ozzie and Harriet Death Valley Days 7:30 0 0 OC Favorite Martian Mrs, Brown's neiqhbor claims to be afcie to bring relief from a dry spell. While using his levitation gesture to sto me aDparatus from exploding powders which irritate his Vartian system, Uncte Martin accidently aims at a cloud, which brings a torrent 0 CD Disney's World I c-cs A 14-year-oid French Canadian orphan finds a home when he is given the task of exercising a wealthy sportsman's champioT dog. Part l. (D Wagon Train An Army deserter's past catches up with him when an Army sergeant recognizes him.

8:00 QC Kd Sullivan 8:30 G0QQ Bill Hana Fearing reprisals from two escaped thuqs mev helped catch, Jose and detective GHck disguise themselves as Broadside Commander Adrian tricks the WAVES ino requesting a transfer by convincing them thpy are going baid LIVING ROOM SUITES $149.95 2-Pc. Sofa and Chair $159.95 2-Pe. Early JiftSSI Amer. Sofa Chair BEDROOM SUITES $169.95 4-Pc. Bedroom Suite $189.95 4-Pe.

Bedroom Suit $219.95 4-Pe. Bedroom Suit -Pe. Bedroom Suite M2388 $69.95 Bunk Bd Springs Mattresses TSSi Innenpring Mattrui 1Sa 139.50 Innerspring Mattress $28a. s3Sa $59.50 Innerspring Mattress S69.50 Innerspring Mattress $77.50 Innerspring Mattress STEREO $1A95 Reg. 279.95 1 03 Pole Lamps $195 to I A.

A-A-A ffti fffk Qi rrSiftl iii 1 1 8 QQQC Look Ip and Live (J IB forty fig fcj mis Is tne Life 11:00 Deratv Dang 0 L'-M TV House Detective Camera Three 0 Bullwlnkle CJ QC Catholic Mass Herald of Truth 11:15 0 Social 11:30 Security 0 Movie PARIS PLAYBOYS Bowfry Boys. Steven Geray. Sach is sent to Paris vnen he Is mistaken for a missing French space scientist. It J-sn croit This Is the Answer 0 0 Discovery '64 Usher Family 11:45 Changing Times 12:00 0 Life of Riley Childhood Midwest Farm Report QC This Is the Life fj Bowling (Q Conversation with Eric Iloffer C3 Rebel 12:30 Hanukkah I special i t'aee the Nation r- Wbard Bowling QC Faith for Today 0 Pathfinders (Q In Our Opinion 12:45 Changing Times 1:00 Great Moments in Music Wrestling Qu'z 'em Christopher Program (D Directions '65 fj hanging Times QC t-M TV 0 Young American 1:15 Voice of the Fans Pro Focthall I special I Fifteen with Father 1:30 Pro Press Box 0 Changing Times Heckle and Jeckle 1 COLOR Issues and Answers 0 Init F.ight QC Christopher Program 0 At Issue 1:4. 0 QC NFL Today Great in Music 0 QC Pro Football 2:00 Lions vs Colts International Zone Dialog 0 Maverick 0 Movie PGVWY ISLAND (1950) Johnny Weis-muller David Bruce.

Ann Savaoe. Jungle Jim to the rescue, with the hplo of his pyqmy buddies, when a V.AC officer is caotured bv spies while cn a iunole mission. Pvgmy piot. too 2:30 NBC Sports Special 0 Club 1270 0 Festival of the Arts 3:00 Profiles in Courage Checkmate 3:15 0 Changing Times 3:30 Football Patriots vs. hiefs 0 TV U.S.A.

0 Wide World of Sports 4:00 Sunday 0 Profiles hi Courage 4:30 Pro Football Hams vs. 49ers 5:00 G0G0 Wild Kingdoiu GREEN FIRE (1955 Stewerf Grang-r. Grace Kelly. Adventure In a South American iungle. A man hunting em-era'ds meets a beautiful plantation owner.

So-so adventure-romance. 5:30 0 0 Fantasy Hour Bn ives tells the tai Rudoli tr? Ped-Noe 1 SFECIAL I COLOB 0 Pro Football Interview Evening 16:00 News, Weather. Sports 6:15 Football Scoreboard Dateline TONIGHT! For the twenty-first year the welcome mat's out at the Nelson home! Droo in and share THE ADVENTURES OF OZZIE HARRIET 7 p.m. on Channel 10 51 Co'Sponsored by CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY sfcAA mA-Mi AAA A yGcn. Qui nn (iris her hair beginning to grey, shelrj i looked like a schoolteacher.

1II(I till VtU The prisoners waited and: WASHINGTON (AP) The talked among themselves. 'Veterans of the Office of Strate- Then Miss Carter directed all j-ic Services has honored Lt. the defendants to stand before Gen. William Ouinn. com-her and she read the complaint manding ceneral of the U.S.

quickly and evenly. None of the Seventh Armv in Europe, for men showed emotion. "distinguished service to the "You do not have to make any interests of the United States statement before me," Miss Car- anri the cause of freedom FLORIDA HOHESITES a Oninn hrcnto thp first rertni- COLOR TV Zenith's own Handcrafted TV CHASSIS for GREATER DEPENDABILITY ZENITH Black White Television from ffllW TERMS AS LOW AS $445 Kiraaytowa Lovely i acre homemes in Florida's lake citrus sec- onlv VW5. no money down. 510 a month! Nol isolated hut ciose-m.

forked i bv fine homes. 5 miles to downtown Ocala? i-iS. hunt, bask in healthful cli-mate. Free Color Brochure. Write Dept.

26 L. 11 -f Oexla Park Estatem. Box 1444. Ocala. Florida OtSalOr 7 ENGLAND-COOK If TELEVISION '65 CHEVY: in Trie riarkrroiind 7 p.m.

ramiiy Waal HERE 419 EAST MICH. WHY BE ii jn i i A Week tiWiriW-f irirril free iiatfc-iti ent of the William J. IVmovan Award, name dfor the late Gen. William .1. Donovan, who head-; ed the cloak-and-dagger outfit during World War 11 i The award c'ted Quinn espe- jciaHy for his role helping thei uunng a uinicuii pcntHj 'followint 1945.

the end of the war in: NOW PH. IV 2-1251 onni BALD? -St a 'i at MAIL NOW FOR FREE DETAILS" TAYLOR TOPPER 123 W. 2Sth St. I I 9 I 5 I and at i jef wMt FIRST PAYMENT FEBRUARY 1965 90-Day Service Policy on Color Television Buy Now For Christmas "won't 6 Months Free on Black White See Lansing's Largest Selection of Color TV at Central Stores Choose from Table Models to Deluxe Consoles with Complete Music Center Of.rt. HITI.

AND ttVIT-ni: p.m.. Tart line 4tt Vttt a.m.. Farm: 4.1 p.m.. i 4-n Thima: 1 1 :05. City (tontl nw mil io Robert M.

John: 13:15 p.m.. Financial Xfti-air: Marie of Beauty 6:1.. inanrial 7. Rn.adway Melodies: arnl- al: H. trninc Concert: 9:30.

Jim K.wtoteli. Ult iFMt a.m. Stork Mar bet: 7 Panorama and Thoucht for Today: 7 :4." eu: 13:4. p.m. and and Stork Markrts: 11 stardu.t All Mcht Moic.

Service CI ul) Calendar Coroorat wdiiam Rails trie Vicvaan Priice give a tax. "Carthaoe Ca" Be Detrcved." at the Vcndav nocn meeting the Lansing Exchange Cs at he JacK Ta- Hoet. Election of anj toard memcs iU te con-2c-d The Oc'imif Club Cf Lansing witl TM.f voncay ncc" at tne Eaq'e Restau--anT with Dr. William R. Vanning, super-sn'eneent ot Lansing public schools.

The speaker. feJ Vc-n of S'-mo'ied B'okiceeping Tax Service will discos what's new faes at nocn luncheon meeting encav the Civi'an Cub of Lansing me Capttai Park Mo'or Hotel. Commander Thomas J. Keane. first Na-iticrat Director ot Sentor Scouting and one the pioneers of the Bcv Sccut will sotiflk on me tco'C.

"American t-tciaoe," at the noon luncneon meeting Tesav me Lions Club Lansing. (Ke-afe in 193 was awarded me George 'Aesningroo Honor Meoal Award. The Kiwanis cf Lansing-Everett meet Tuesday, 6:30 P.m., at the Pennway Coffee Shoo. S'ua J. Dunninqs, attorney end oresl-Sent me local National Association for he Advancement of Ccored Peccie.

will oeak en me tcoic "My Experiences in th noon tuncneon meeting Thursday of me Kiwanis Club of Lansing at the Eagle Reataurant. Judoe Rofcert Of-ake, deouty court administrator cf Vicnigan, will address me Lansing Hl-Tweivtj club Friday at Its noon luncheon meeting at the WCA. topic of his taik wiii "Youth Honor Club." slAAAAA sm A IV 7-5388 A -y 1 i Fu rn itu re Service Television A pplia ncesTelevisio Tn Pi Mh ilk A A Jhi ilfni iTl itfl iln- When you can wear a TAYLOR TOPPER, the only patented men's hairpiece. No net, no glue, no fuss, no muss. The only real answer to baldness the fabulous TAYLOR TOPPER.

York 1. N.Y-. Dept. 6981 send me FREE full detail on BE YOUR BEST TO: Taylor Topper, Inc. vtlopc.

New PteaM TAYLOR TOPPER Ample Free Parking Rear of Store 314 E. Michigan Ave. in plain whit en- I leDhort No. NAME I STREE I CITY 123 W. 23 St.

Y. 1, Y. Wl 7-1820 Offictn tn Princtoal Cities Coast to-CoAst Tim PAymont mt" M. AAA A Hi 1 A -Ti rn4t sfb.

Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.