Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)

in in in in in in a a a a a a a a a PAGE SIX. SPOKANE DAILY CHRONICLE. More Than Half-Million Dollars Paid in State Old-Age Pensions in October Other Groups Receive Added Assistance Since Spring. OLYMPIA, Nov. 20.

(AP)-The social security scoreboard in the public welfare department showed today a constant increase since last May in old age pensions, mothers' pensions, aid to dependent children and aid to the blind. Pensions to the aged have increased: from 15,877 persons last May to 26,034 in October, with the amount paid having been almost doubled, from $325,093 to $531,570. The average sum per person, however, decreased slightly, the May average being $20.48 and the $20.42. Under the mothers' pension and aid to dependent children program, 3989 families were helped last May, compared with 4999 during September. October figures are not yet available.

LODGE AT TEKOA ELECTS OFFICERS TEKOA, Nov. following officers have been elected by the Rebekah lodge: Noble grand, Nora Brede; vice grand, Marie Law; recording secretary, Ida Warwick; financial secretary, Bertha Birk; treasurer, Catherine Rawlings; trustee, Bertha Birk. On December 1 the lodge will honor the state president, Estella Temple, at a dinner. Friday is Red Cross roll call day here, with the American legion auxiliary in charge. Mrs.

W. Gutridge is The Veterans of Foreign Wars are planning a big night for Saturday when they will unveil their colors, insignia, flag and charter, and will install officers. A wedding of interest here took place in Spokane Saturday when Miss Faye Morrison became the bride of H. C. Kirkpatrick.

The bride was graduated from high schnake" 1930. The couple plan their home in Spokane. R. W. Spoonemore has purchased the Denoo home on Broadway.

The new owner plans to remodel the house. It is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. R. S.

Kalbfleish. Mrs. A. R. Hahner left Wednesday to visit relatives in Nebraska.

Dr. S. E. Johnson, traveling physician for the Indian agency, and the local reservation physician, Dr. J.


AFC PAL OF RETIRED DOCTOR TAKEN BY DEATH Dr. D. E. Keys, retired physician of Mullan, Idaho, who moved to Spokane in 1929, died Thursday at his home, W524 Nineteenth, following several weeks' illness. He practiced in 31 years before retiring.

Born in Missouri in 1870, Dr. Keys was married to Emma Rudolph in 1895 at Clinton, Mo. They came west to Mullan in 1898. Besides carrying on a general practice he operated a drug store for 21 years. He also started and operated for many years the city water system.

He served a as coroner eight years and was named to the board of county commissioners and served as its chairman. Dr. Keys made many friends among the miners' and business of the Coeur as he rode horseback caring -their ills. He is survived by his widow, Emma, and nieces in the middle west. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.

m. Monday' at the Smith funeral home, with Dr. Joel Harper officiating. Interment will be in Riverside Park. MRS.

FLORENCE HILL. Florence Hill, 49, route 8, died Thursday in a local She is survived by her Ernest, at the home; one Mrs. Edith Taylor, route son, Chesters, The body Smith funeral home. JURY DISAGREES OVER MAN'S WILL Mrs. Spokane, hospital.

husband, daughter, 8, and a is at the MOSCOW. Idaho, Nov. -After failing to agree, a jury trying a civil contest over the will left by Johann Johannesson, was dismissed this morning by Judge Gillies The case was set for retrial next spring. Johannesson, a bachelor; died at -Troy in January, leaving a $15,000 estate in trust with Ole Bohman, Troy, for distribution at the latter's discretion for charitable and religious purposes. A sister, brother and nephew contended deceased WAS incompetent, time the will was then drawn in 1934, and that Behman exerted undue influence in urging the drafting of the document.

Moscow will be represented at Lewiston tonight at a meeting of the Lewis-Clark league, plans will be considered for the formation of a three-division basketball circuit. Moscow area, valley and prairie division winners would hold a play-off at Lewiston for the right to represent the league in a Spokane tournament. The touch football championship at Whitworth junior high school was won 8-A class over 8-B team this week, according to George Evans, physical education instructor. 350 PARTICIPATE IN TURKEY TROT WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE, PULLMAN, Nov. -(Special.) Football will be omentarily forgotten at the state college tomorrow morning while 350 panting students race over the rolling Palouse hills in the track classic of the year, the annual turkey trot.

The Washington State Engineer, a magazine published four times a year by engineering students, will be issued Monday. Contrary to old beliefs. the name of "Smith" isn't the most frequent when names are compiled. "According -to the complete list of students at the state college, Smith takes a second place and Johnson takes the lead. Ray Hall, golf coach, is attending the convention of the Professional Golfers' association in Chicago.

Mr. Hall is vice president. Priest River Eleven Honored at Dinner PRIEST RIVER, Idaho, Nov. 20. (Special.) -Mr.

and Mrs. Stanley Jones entertained the football squad at dinner Thursday night. All the regular players, substitutes and coach were guests. Mrs. Gertrude Hanson left Thursday for Michigan, where she will the winter visiting her mother other relatives.

spenda The Cultus club, following directions from the district federation president, held a meeting voted to the work of the deal Cross. Mrs. Charles Jans was leader and through a round-table discussion brought out the work of this organization. Priest River democrats will go to Sandpoint tonight to take, part in the victory dinner planned by the county democratic committee. Final preparations have been made by the U.

F. W. for their two nights of fun, tonight and Saturday, at Wright's hall. A floor show, dance, and carnival will be held. Basketball practice has started high school.

Coach Howard aluthe handling the high school team, and Elmer Boyce is in charge of the grade team. WHITMAN RURAL POWER PLANNED COLFAX, Nov. (Special.) -Plans for rural in Whitman county in several districts not already tapped by the Washington Water Power company, are developing. Incorporation for papers the have Parvin been Power filed in Light company, Collax, nonprofit. Among the incorporators are Fred Harter, P.

S. Brownell and Elgie- The Willow Creek Power company was granted a 50-year franchise by the county commissioners this week to construct and maintain power transmission lines along the Dusty-Lacrosse highway and other roads fn that vicinity. Marriage licenses were issued yesterday by the Whitman county auditor to Roy F. Hall, Steptoe, and Constance K. Bell, Ronan, Harlin Owens, Potlatch, Idaho, and Velma Meredith, Palouse, and to Dale Gewalt and Dorothy Cross, Dayton, Wash.

The official count put Lamont in the wet column instead of the dry, as reported in the unofficial count of Whitman votes. In the corporate Lamont, 34 county, voted wet and only 15 voted dry. Voters in the Lamont precinct, diving outside the town's corporate limits, voted dry, 21 to 10, causing the incorrect unofficial report. The official count leaves Albion as the only incorporated town in Whitman county to vote dry. Precincts covering the unincorporated territory in Whitman county voted dry, thereby making it illegal to sell beer or other intoxicants in county areas not included in incorporated towns.

Guy W. Streamer purchased the Don Butler house on Park street yesterday. Mr. Butler is leaving on account of ill health. The Whitman county auditor ceived 7150 sets of automobile license plates for pleasure cars from the state department of licenses yesterday for 1937.

The new plates will be ready. for distribution December 1. DEARY REBEKAHS NOMINATE SLATE DEARY, Idaho, Nov. 20. (Special.) -The Rebekah lodge Wednesday evening nominated Margaret Olson, noble grand; Ruth Dahlgren, vice grand; Marie Nelson, recording secretary; Claire Gertje, financial secretary: Goldie Anderson and E.

Nelson, treasurer. Mrs. Charles Dahlgren and Mrs. Axel Granlund presented a program. Mrs.

Claire Gertie and Mrs. E. C. Nelson will entertain at the next meeting, Wednesday, December 2. Five Deary business men, George Lawrence, Edward Swenson, Ira Altig, George Karr and Fred Gertje, met at the village hall at Line and Third, Wednesday evening, to remodel the building.

Students of the Buckhorn school on Texas ridge will give, a basket social and school carnival Saturday, eyening. Procueds will be Fused to buy athletic equipment and books. William Darr, who recently purchased the house north of the L. 0. Beyer residence, has erected a new modern chimney.

Albert Swanson' almost severed a finger from his right hand this week. The accident occurred while he was skidding logs near Deary. FRANCIS MORROW LUNCH SERVED RITES AT COLFAX HOT AT SCHOOL COLFAX, Nov. 20. (Special.) -Funeral services for Francis Morrow, 38, former resident of Union Flat and Albion, will be held at the Bruning chapel in this city Saturday at 1:30 p.r m.

Interment will be in Colfax cemetery. He died in Spokane, Wednesday. He was a member of a Whitman county pioneer family and went to Four Lakes, five years ago. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

William J. Morrow, Four Lakes; three brothers, Dean L. Morrow, Palouse; Hugh Cheney, and Clem, Wenatchee. and sister, Mrs. Ruth Simpson, Spokane, CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS SUNDAY WALLACE, Idaho, Nov.

Officers of the WallaceKellogg Gun club will be elected following the annual Thanksgiving handicap turkey shoot at the Osburn traps at 10 a. m. Sunday. The shoot open to all trapshooters of Shoshone county and will be followed by miss-and-out competition, doubles and quail and skeet events. Anna Pearl Day, 10, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph H. Day, was severely bruised on the thigh and leg late Thursday afternoon when struck by a car driven by Bob Weniger, son of Postmaster R. E. iger, as she darted from between two parked cars.

Appointment of George W. Wakker as Red Cross roll call chairman for Wallace was announced Thursday by A. V. Dunkle, Kellogg, county chairman. Wallace Crews, convicted of robbery, and Tolvo Johnson, convicted of burglary, have filed applications for pardons.

Lew Van Patten, Burke, was fined $25 and costs on A reckless driving charge Thursday afternoon. Slippery pavement caused two accidents east and west of here Thursday. Occupants of cars were bruised. A by M. Martinson, Anaconda, and driven by a Mr.

Boyd overturned west of here. Boyd and his wife were hitch -hiking to Fort Peck, Mont. other car, which went into the ditch near the Morning compressor east of here, was driven by George Nansele, Billings, Mont. A hearing involving the compensation claim H. Janssen, Cataldo, against Elmer ployer, was held this morning before Frank Langley, member of the state industrial accident board.

Twenty-four women, 14 from Burke and 10 from Wallace, were initiated by the Burke and Wallace reviews of the Woman's Benefit association this week. Donald A. Callahan will represent the Board of Trade at the national reclamation convention in Spokane next week. Mrs. Irving Fairweather gave a report of the meeting at Galveston, Texas, board, meeting of the Shoshone County War.

Mothers at her home this afternoon. Irving Anderson Jr. and Mrs. Mary Tweed, both of Wallace, and Mrs. John Brown, Burke, underwent major operations, and Mrs.

Lucille Anderson, Wallace, a minor operation in local hospitals Thursday. La Vonne Smith, 9, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith, Burke, is patient in a local hospital.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Petersen, Wallace, Thursday. Mrs. Emily Latimer, Salt Lake City, Utah, is visiting relatives here.

CHIEF OF POLICE SPEAKS IN VALLEY Chief of Police Ira Martin will speak to students of West Valley high school December 1 on safety on the highway and in traffic. John Sewell, editor of the West Valley News, has resigned and has moved to Yakima, Wash. No one yet been appointed to fill the vacancy. Lucy Comes Anasta Next Trial Week COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho, Nov. Anasta, Indian girl, charged with manslaughter, entered a plea of not guilty yesterday in federal court.

Her trial was set for Friday, November 27. Lester K. Brass, charged with white slavery, was acquitted by a federal court jury Thursday evening. A jury this morning was trying William Yost, charged with illegal entry into the United States. On grounds of nonsupport, Harriet James filed suit yesterday for a divorce from Harry James.

They were married here in February, 1927. She asked the return of her maiden name, Baker. The Monday meeting of the chamber of commerce has been canceled, Charles Dittemore, secretary, announced today. All members were urged to attend the reclamation conference in Spokane. WILBUR POSTAL DEPOSITS GAIN WILBUR, Nov.

(Special.) -Postal savings here, with fewer depositors, total 290, as compared with $15,731 a year ago, according to a special dispatch received from Washington, D. by the Wilbur Register. There are 59 depositors. The report is the result of resolutions passed by the American Bankers' association calling for the publication of the amount of deposits various towns and cities of the country and calling for the abolition of the postal savings system. For all of Washington on June 30 there were 73,147 depositors in 158 offices, with total deposits 554.

TRAIN OFFICIALS FOR BASKETBALL MOSCOW, Idaho, Nov. M. Lyle Kendrick, division secretary for high school athletics, announced a training school for basketball officials will be held in Moscow in the near future. There will be five schools in this territory. Officials for high school basketball games will be given tests.

Esther L. Bridger was granted a divorce from Robert C. Bridger by District Judge G. D. Hodge yesterday.

The couple were married in Davenport, in April, 1934. Mrs. Bridger charged nonsupport. Morris Myers, Moscow, and Miss Edith Wernecke, Colton, obtained a marriage license from the Latah county auditor. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon in the church for Larry, infant son breeze.

and Mrs. Charles Haines, who live near Potlatch. The Rev. Adrian Robirts officiated. Interment was in the Freeze cemetery.

Funeral services were held this morning in St. Mary's Catholic church died" William Humphrey, 51, who Wednesday. The Rev. Father E. R.

Cody officiated. Interment was in Moscow cemetery. Mr. Humphrey had lived here all of his life. Major G.

H. Schoof of the Canadian mounted police, will lecture Monday at the Whitworth school. Veradale Mrs. Charles H. Leavy is entertaining the department of international relations of the Valley Woman's club this afternoon at her home.

Mrs. W. L. Peterson leads the discussion, having as her topic, "Methods Used to Promote Peace -Past, Present and Future," from the "Marathon Round Table Discussion." Mrs. F.

D. Muse is chairman of the department and Mrs. Burr Allen is secretary. Mrs. Conway Adams and daughter, Janet, Walla Walla, are visiting Mrs.

Adams' father, E. L. Allen, and her aunt, Mrs. 0. M.

Clarke. The Valley Rainbow Mothers' club met at the home of Mrs. W. M. King Tuesday afternoon for dessert and cards.

There were nearly 40 present, and honors in went to Mrs. Sidney E. Smith, Mrs. W. G.

Hand and Mrs. F. F. Johnson. ANNUAL DINNER MONDAY.

The Men's club will hold its annual Thanksgiving dinner at 6:30 Monday evening at the Y. M. C. it is announced. The Rev.

H. C. Caldwell will speak and Mrs. William Lucht will sing. Fred Johnson is in charge of table deer orations.

A 22-pound turkey is heing furnished for the occasion by Albert Arend. Thirty will attend. Short City News Told in Brief WILLIAM HUGHES, 40, transi-1 ent, was arrested Thursday night by Deputy Sheriffs Vecchio and Rooney on a statutory charge on complaint of a 17-year-old boy. Hughes was released from jail Wednesday after serving a sentence in connection with a petit larcency offense. PINOCHLE OPENING SUNDAY.

Prizes. Every one welcome. 7:30. Open at 1 o'clock. Cafe service.

1st. Joe's "SAFETY on the Federal Skyways" is the name of the motion picture to be shown at the aviation committee of the Chamber of Commerce Saturday a at the Davenport. The film is a production of the bureau of air commerce, department of commerce. SURE We 'Insure- -Auto- Fire. Clair Crisp, Gen.

Travelers Ins. 711 Hutton -Main JUSTICE COURT suits have been filed by Clayton R. Smith against Carl Reasoner and wife, seeking $16, and by Crowley Millwork company against Joe Bom- bino, seeking $12. YOUR ADVERTIsem*nT placed in this column will enter over 48,000 homes each day. Phone Main GLEN NELSON, 29, S524 Cowley, was treated at the emergency hospital today for a skinned and bruised right hand and arm, suffered while unloading cordwood for the forest service.

MATTRESSES rebuilt. New tick! Sterilized! Home Mattress Co. Lake. Adv. VOLUNTARY petition in bankruptcy was filed in federal court today by James Blair, railroad dispatcher, listing debts of $4022.39 and claiming exemption of $639.50 on assets of $1239.50.

THE WEATHER For Spokane and vicinity--Tonight and Saturday fair; freezing temperature tonight. For Washington -Fair tonight and Saturday, Jocal fogs west portion; freezing temperature east portion tonight. For Idaho -Fair tonight and Saturday; little change in temperature. For Montana- Fair tonight and Saturday; colder tonight and extreme east portion Saturday. Following are minimum and maximum temperatures and precipitation during the 24 hours ended at 5 p.

Min. MAX. Prec. SPOKANE 32 60 .00 Boise 30 36 .00 Calgary 32 68 .01 Chicago 34 38 .00 Havre 42 74 .00 Kalispell 34 44 .01 Kamloops, B. C.

36 62 .10 Los Angeles 62 86 .00 Minneapolis 44 50 ,00 New Orleans 56 72 .00 New York 30 40 .01 Portland 46 48 .00 San. Francisco 50 78 .00 Seattle 46 60 .04 Walla Walla 28 .00 Yakima 34 52 .00 Springdale Give School Carnival SPRINGDALE, Nov. (Special.) -The student body 'of the high school will hold their annual carnival tonight at the high school auditorium. A feature. of the, evening's entertainment will be a minstrel show to be given by the girls' glee club, under the direction of Glenn G.

Gibbs. Leland Solum, president of the student, body, is general chairman arrangements. Fog, which has hampered motorlists in this vicinity all this week, lifted Thursday and was succeeded by brilliant sunshine. Floyd Forney and James Hayter have finished contract with the General Electric company to supply their recently-purchased tungsten mine, known as the Germania, with 500 cords of wood. MRS.

VOIGHT DIES; FUNERAL MONDAY LEWISTON, Idaho, Nov. (Special.) -Mrs. Voight, 65, a local hospital this morn- ing. She was born in Ireland and had resided here 20 years. She was a member of the Catholic Daughters and the Altar society.

She is survived by one son, William Nugent, Clarkston. Services will he held Monday morning from St. Stanislaus church. Vasser-Rawls have charge of arrangements. George Kelly, 57, died yesterday at illness.

a local He was hospital an employee after a of brief Clearwater foundry. Surviving are his widow. Vina, and a brother, James, Seattle. Rosary services be held this evening at 7:30 at the Vasser-Rawls chapel. Funeral services will be held Saturday morning from St.

Stanislaus church. Interment will be at Normal Hill cemetery. Judge Miles S. Johnson reversed the decision of the industrial accident board in the case of M. A.

Pierstorff, vice president of Gray's Auto shop and former fire chief. In sustaining the claim of Pierstorff, which was refused by the board, Judge Johnson ruled Pierstorff is entitled to: $16 weekly for 1 140 weeks because of total disability. He filed suit against Gray's Auto shop and the Aetna Casualty company. At a meeting of the highway committee of the chamber of commerce it was decided to urge the state highway departments of Washington and Idaho to meet at an early date and make plans for a new interstate bridge. About 100 persons attended the district meeting of the Churches of the Disciples of Christ held here yesterday.

The first half of the 1936 real property tax is payable Monday and will become detinquent if not paid by December 26. The personal property tax becomes delinquent at the same time a A coupe driven by Paul Finn crashed into the rear of a truck loaded with cordwood and driven by Milton Fuqua on the Lewiston Orchards diagonal Wednesday night. No one was injured. Flinn's car was demolished. Will Everett, educational director for the continental committee on technocracy, will speak here Monday evening.

The Mask and Wig club of the Presbyterian church will stage the play, "Among the Breakers," at the church social hall Saturday eveThose taking part are: Grace Clayton and Howard Zenier, point; Mary Elizabeth MontgomEden; Maurice Mills, Jerry Mills, Wilder; Calvin Stiner, Lewiston; Robert Retherford, Moscow; Gail Ingle, Deary, and Eleanor Butler, Bliss. Mrs. Jack Cooley is director. THE CRESCENT Mum 2341 RIVERSIDE MAIN WALL Store Hours 9 10 6 DOWNSTAIRS STORE Cap and Scarf A Gay Set $1 69 This warm wool cap and scarf set will keep smart Juniors "snugable" against cold winds and snow. Its colorfulness will add a touch of gaiety to the coat.

GOOD FOOD. Good service. Where? Circle- Cafe at Third and Walnut. -Adv. CRIME PREVENTION will be discussed by Prosecuting Attorney Ralph Foley 2:30 Sunday at the Public Forum, Red Men's hall.

C. E. Stead will give current events. PINOCHLE. 10 TURKEYS.

5 other prizes. 816 Adv. W. H. BUXTON will discuss "The Bible Principles of Economics" at the Saturday noon meeting of the Liberal club in Antone's cafe.

DR. W. L. LA JOIE, chiropractor, 315 Hyde. M.

1696. Riv. THEFT of 275 feet of fire hose from the sawdust bin at the Ohio Match company plant, Yardley, is reported by Corliss Smith. TRENTWOOD 'all is 3 mi. east Millwood.

Dance every PROBATE PROCEEDINGS have been instituted in the estates of H. J. Clark, William Woolsey and Martha F. Cable. PINOCHLE -Prizes, turkeys and grocery specials.

FROM THE RECORDS Marriage Licenses. Theodore Olsen (legal age). Spokane. and Lily Murray (legal age). Spokane.

James B. Gray (28), Deer Park, and Ruth Ann Bemis (21). Deer Park. Clifford Barton (legal age). and Hazel M.

Kinney (legal age). Spokane. Spokane. kane. Ramon Vernon Hollingsworth (19), and Helen Opal Pease (19), Spokane.

SpaHarry Fischbach (legal age), Spokane, and Bertha Venar (legal age), Spokane. New Suits Filed in Superior Court. Margaret Johnson vs. Al Johnson: divorce. Luders: Owners' Loan corporation vs.

Fred Home $1378 on loan. Jerald Call vs. Ethel Call: divorce. Bonded Adjustment company vs. Elmer Johnson, $114.85 an assigned claim.

Bonded Adjustment company vs. John H. Irvine, $143.21 an assigned claim. Bonded Adjustment company vs. Edwin M.

Cole, $160.55 an Milo W. Smith vs. C. C. assigned claim.

Springer. $270 damages and restitution of premises. Bonded Adjustment company vs. George Featherstone $267.70 an assigned claim. Building Permits.

Mrs. Victoria Stressi. N2408 Wall, reroof residence. $100. Charles F.

Nygren, W417 Twenty -sixth. six residence, $4300. Charles F. Nygren, Twenty-sixth. private garage, $200.

Rich Avenue Gardens, N4311 Addison, repair shed. $75 Inland Finance company. W902 Fifth. repair apartment house, $800. H.

W. Dunton, E308 Ermina, private sarage, $150. Mrs. Mary Walker, E314 Ermina, private zarave. $100.

Articles of Incorporation, today OLYMPIA, with Nov. 20. -Incorporations Secretary of State Ernest Hutchinson were: Washington Building company, Tacoma. $250.000: to deal in real estate: Leonard Rooer W. Peck and Scott $18,000: Borderland Corporation, Bellingham.

to deal in mines, mineral claims and the rights to prospect: Edward H. Miller. William Newton. C. V.

Wilder and David Martin. Charbern Apartments. Seattle. $2400; to do a real estate business: Ralph Baldwin. Andrew Steers.

Vincent Miller and Robert H. Evans. Marler-Clingman Motors Company. Seattle, $10.000: to deal in vehicles and accessories: Tom Marler. Allen Clingman and Edwar S.

Hadley. $10.000: to own. hold and operate Seattle. buildPacific Management company. Ines: Tom La Follette.

Glenn Fairbrooks and Robert Gray Rathbun Implement company. Ellensburg. to deal in agricultural m8- chinery. tools equipment: N. A.

Rathbun. Warren Rathbun, J. D. Rathhun and others. In red, green, orange, yellow, white, blue; with contrasting trim.

$1.69 set. SONSWe Announce a New Peters Store -Located in the Medical and Dental Building-405 Riverside- Drop In at Your Convenience EL Note These SPECIAL PRICES Pompons $1 to $1.50 doz. Pompon Plants $1 to $2 Large Mums $3 to $6 doz. Cyclamen 75c to $3 Carnations $1.50 doz. Ferns 75c to $5 Roses $1.50 to $3 doz.

Ivy 35c to $1 THANKSGIVING CORSAGES GARDENIAS Three Stores Three Stores 829 Riverside W. SONS 4702 N. Market Main 1155 405 Riverside Tel. Riv. 7153 Glen.

0073 GARDEN SPRINGS, Nov. (Special.) -Mr. and Mrs. Floen of Prince Albert have moved to the J. B.

Christman home for the winter. Mrs. D. Peirone entertained the Happy Hour club Thursday afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. H. Ponton of Eureka, are. visiting relatives and friends here. Mr.

and Mrs. D. Monteith of North Dakota have rented the E. E. Williams home for the winter.

Hot lunches cooked and served to school children by a WPA worker have won public favor and will be continued..

Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)


Why is Spokane famous? ›

Spokane is the economic and cultural center of the Spokane metropolitan area, the Spokane–Coeur d'Alene combined statistical area, and the Inland Northwest. It is known as the birthplace of Father's Day, and locally by the nickname of "Lilac City".

What is the Spokane newspaper? ›

The Spokesman-Review is a family-owned, daily newspaper in Spokane, the second-largest city in Washington state and the largest northern city between Minneapolis and Seattle.

What is good about Spokane? ›

With its natural beauty, entertainment, award winning K-12 schools and world class colleges and universities it's no wonder why Spokane continues to grow! The Spokane region is nestled in the stunning Inland Pacific northwest and with four distinct seasons the outdoor actives are limitless!

How old is Spokane Washington? ›

Founded in 1873 by James Nettle Glover, Spokane was first a small settlement known as Spokan Falls (it wouldn't be until 1883 that the "E" was added to Spokan, making the city known as Spokane Falls; in 1891, Falls' was dropped).

Who is a famous woman from Spokane? ›

Sydney Sweeney

Born on September 12, 1997, Sydney Bernice Sweeney is an actress best known for her role in the series “Euphoria.” She has been acting since 2009. Sweeney's filmography includes more than 40 film, television, and web show appearances.

What famous person was born in Spokane, Washington? ›

Craig T. Nelson was born on 4 April 1944 in Spokane, Washington, USA. He is an actor and producer, known for Coach (1989), The Incredibles (2004) and Poltergeist (1982). He has been married to Doria Cook-Nelson since 1987.

What is the history of the Spokane Daily Chronicle? ›

The Spokane Daily Chronicle is a daily digital newspaper in Spokane, Washington. It was founded as a weekly paper in 1881 and grew into an afternoon daily, competing with The Spokesman-Review, which was formed from the merger of two competing papers.

Who owns the Spokane newspaper? ›

It is owned by Cowles Company, which also owns KHQ-TV/Spokane and The KHQ Television Group.

What is the major newspaper in Washington? ›

Washington Post

One of the largest daily newspapers published in Washington, D.C.

What is the richest part of Spokane? ›

Manito-Cannon Hill

This upscale community is one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Spokane, and many residents have lived in the area for years. While most homes in Manito-Cannon Hill were built in the 1920s and 1930s, some streets feature newer homes from the 1990s.

Is Spokane liberal or conservative? ›

Spokane County is rather conservative for an urban county. It has voted Republican all but three times since 1948. Lyndon Johnson was the last Democrat to win a majority of the county's vote.

Is Spokane a wealthy city? ›

Spokane Valley, located in the eastern part of Washington, had an over 183% increase in high-income households, amounting to over 1,500 between 2021 and 2022. In 2022, the share of households earning $200,000 or more in Spokane Valley was 5.1%, compared to 1.8% the year prior.

What is the nickname for Spokane WA? ›

Spokane is the second largest city in Washington, while Seattle is the largest. Spokane's nickname is the "Lilac City" because of how many of those flowers grow in the area.

What percentage of Spokane is white? ›

Personal income
Spokane CountyWashington state
Race/ethnicity, 2021
American Indian, Alaskan Native1.8%1.9%
7 more rows

What is Spokane sister city? ›

In 1961, Spokane formalized an agreement with Nishinomiya, Japan, which continues to this day. Our other Sister Cities include: Jilin City, China (since 1987) Limerick, Ireland (since 1990)

What makes Spokane special? ›

With over 87 parks, 60+ miles of walking trails, and close proximity to 76 lakes, five ski resorts, and two dozen golf courses, it's no wonder our motto is "Near Nature, Near Perfect." Highlights include the 40-mile Centennial Trail, Mount Spokane for skiing and huckleberry picking, and a thriving arts scene with the ...

What is interesting about Spokane? ›

The city is named after a Native American Tribe

The word “Spokane” comes from the Salish language spoken by the tribe and means “Children of the Sun” or “Sun People.” The Spokane Tribe has a rich cultural heritage and historical significance in the area, and its influence is reflected in the city's naming.

What is the Spokane Tribe known for? ›

In earlier times, the Spokane Tribe lived on, protected, and respected over three million acres of land. Tribal members fished the Spokane River, the Columbia River, and utilized the grand Spokane Falls as a gathering place of family and friends.

Why is Spokane called the lilac city? ›

The idea to promote Spokane as “The Lilac City” came in the early 1930s when the local garden club was encouraged by community leaders to plant lilac bushes throughout the City. By 1938, there were 144 in Manito Park. The annual Spokane Lilac Festival has been a spring tradition since 1938.

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Views: 6560

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.