The Rock Island Argus from Moline, Illinois (2024)

THE ARGUS, Rock Island, Saturday, November 6, 1971 21 LOST Black and white male Husky, blue eyes, answers to Call 787-2368 offer 5 p.m. LOST Girl's eye glasses brown frames in brown fiorol case between Washington Junior High and 25th St. 10 22nd Ave? Reward. Ph. days 786-1445 eves.


ELAM, of the City of Rock Island; Illinois. Letters of office were issued on October 20, 1971, to William Hugh Fitzsimmons, Executor, 4024 28th Avenue, Rock Island, Illinois whose attorney is Katz, McAndrews, Durkee Telleen, P.O. Box 66, 402 First National Bank Building, Rock Island, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 7 months from the date of Issuance of Letters of Office and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims must be filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court at PROBATE DIVISION, COURT HOUSE, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS 61201 and copies mailed or delivered to the executor or administrator and to his attorney.

Dated October 20, 1971. WILLIAM M. FERRY JR. Clerk of the Circuit Court KATZ, McANDREWS, DURKEE TELLEEN Attorney for ESTATE of RUTH 0. ELAM P.O.

Box 66 402 First National Bank Bldg. Rock Island, Illinois Telephone 788-5661 LEGAL PUBLICATION NOTICE TO: Garon L. Crafton, Defendant You are hereby notified that there Is now pending in the Circuit Court of Rock Island County, Illinois, General Division, a suit entitled Joline Crafton vs. Garon L. Crafton, No.

71-D-957, and that unless you file an answer or otherwise make your appearance in said cause on or betore November 30, 1971, default will be taken against you on or before December 1, 1971. WILLIAM M. FERRY JR. said Court WINSTEIN, KAVENSKY WALLACE Attorneys for Plaintiff Manufacturers Building Rock Island, Illinois Phone: 786-7733 CLAIM NOTICE No. 71-P-625 STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH COUNTY JUDICIAL IN CIRCUIT PROBATE.

In Matter of the Estate of ELISE K. BROWN, Deceased. Notice Is given of the death of ELISE K. BROWN, of Rock Island, Illinois. Letters of office were issued on November 4, 1971, to Elise B.

Cade, Executor 920 Oakwood Terrace, Hinsdale, Illinois 60521 whose attorney is Jack W. Osborn, 9622 Franklin Avenue, Franklin Park, Ill. 60131. Claims. may be filed within 7 months from the date of issuance of Letters of Office and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period.

Claims must be filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court at PROBATE DIVISION, COURT HOUSE, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS 61201 and copies mailed or delivered to the executor or administrator and to his attorney. Dated November 4, 1971. WILLIAM M. FERRY JR. Clerk of the Circuit Court JACK W.

OSBORN Attorney for ESTATE 9622 Franklin Avenue Franklin Park, 111. 60131 Telephone (312) 455-1110 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION No. 71-D-1006 STATE OF ILLINOIS, County ROCK IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, ISLAND, ss. JENNIE MARGARET SIMMONS, Plantiff vs. ELWIN L.

SIMMONS, Defendant. Affidavit of nonresidence of L. SIMMONS Impleaded with the above defendants Clerk of having the been Circuit filed in Court the of office said County, notice is therefore hereby given to the said nonresident defendants that the plaintiff filed her complaint in said Court on the 5th day of November, A.D, 1971, and that thereupon a Summons issued out of said Court, as is by law required. Now, unless you, the said nonresident defendants above named Elwin L. Simmons file your answer or otherwise make your appearance in said cause in said Court, held in the Courthouse in the City of Rock Island, Illinois, on or before the 7th.

day of December, A.D. 1971, the said plaintiff may take judgment against you by default. WILLIAM FERRY, JR. Clerk Rock Island, Illinois, November, A.D. 1971.

ROBERT C. SHEARER, Attorney at Law Complainant's Solicitor BUSINESS SERVICES 14 WINDOW WASHING Storm windows hung, trees and leaves removed. Basem*nts cleaned, hauling. 762-2796. 7 a.m.11 p.m.

Phillips Dry Wall Service Plaster fixed, textured. 788-7421 day or BROKEN Dental plates repaired, teeth repiaced. Old plates remade, Davenport Public Dental Lab. 528 Brady St. 323-8410 8 to 5 p.m WALL WASHING Reasonable.

Painting, patch plastering. 797-3004, Fred. OLD HOUSE WIRING WHY PAY MORE Milan Electric 787-4140 LOWE CONSTRUCTION CO. ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK ROCK OR SOD LAYING BLOCK WALL REPAIRS END LOADER FOR EXCAVATING Phone Orion 526-3765 or Milan 787-3925 CONCRETE WORK 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Guy "Ken" Hoefle, Contractor 786-6741 OR 794-9605 SAT. AND SUN.

HAULING Have dump, odd jobs, putting up storm windows, leaves raked, painting and etc. Ph. 788-9483. CONCRETE WORK WANTED All types, including chimneys. Save money! Call 755-8925 anytime.

EVERETT JASTER GENERAL CONTRACTOR Carpenter and Concrete Work Remodeling. Ph. 788-7421. 798-2993 BAsem*nTS Attics, garages to clean, haul away. Storms and screens to change, gutters downspouts o'raned.

Ph. 762-9852. NO JOB TOO SMALL CALL HAUL" RAY PURVIS TRUCKING Crushed rock, sand, gravel any amount. Also light hauling. Ph.

787-1312. CONCRETE WORK Block and brick laying. Basem*nt repair and waterproofing Ph. 786-3998. CONCRETE WORK WANTED ways, sidewalks, patios, etc.

Reasonable. Free estimates. Ph. 786-6124. UPHOLSTERING GUARANTEED REASONABLE PH.

786-5604 AFTER 4P.M. Or anytime Saturday or Sunday HIGH SCHOOL BOY With pickup truck Local moving general hauling and rubbish removal. Ph. 786-6990 or 788-8521. KALE PLUMBING CO.


A. ELECTRIC CO 224 16th AVE. MOLINE DIAL 764-4736 or 764-4577. INTERIOR, EXTERIOR Redecorating. Painting, paneling, celling tile.

wall papering. moving and hauling. Most reasonable rates in town. Ph. 755-0380.

Vacuum Cleaners Repaired We repair all makes of cleaners BLASER SWEEPER CO. 1231 15th St. Uptown Moline 764-6414 PAINT, PAPER HANGING 15 PAINTING Wall washing, paper. removal, carpet cleaning, by hour or contract, after 5 p.m., Richard Daniel, Ph. 381-3180.

PAPER HANGING Vinyl and paper. All types of painting, spray, and brush. Interior, exterior. Ph. 326-2144.

BALES DECORATING Interior and Exterior. New and old pointIng. Fully Insured. Ph. 786-2571.

LEE PAINTING DECORATING FULLY INSURED PH. 786-6010 BUILDING REMODELING 16 JOE SULLIVAN Carpenter repair work and general remodeling. Fair prices. free estimates. Ph.

786-8998. Adolphi Remodeling Service Room additions, rec rooms, porches, dormers, free estimates, 788-5518. ROOFING, SIDING 17 ROOFING Roof repair, gutters cleaned, repaired, installed. Free estimates. Bonded, Insured, J.

Anderson, 764-5389. HELP WANTED FEMALE 35 WANTED Grill Cook and Waltress 2nd shift. Apply in person. Freddie's Taco 317 24th R.I. after 9 a.m.

BARMAID WANTED Apply In person before 12 noon at 1420 7th Ave. WAITRESS Full time position for experience person. Afternoon shift. Apply in person at Jacy's Restaurant, 515 15th Moline. HOUSEWIVES AND MOTHERS Spare time evenings, close to home.

Earn $30 to $45 working two evenings. Use of car and phone necessary. No delivering or collecting. For Interview. Ph.

762-7044 anytime. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Wanted. Apply In person, Round The Clock Restaurant, 322 20th R.I. EXPERIENCED FOOD WAITRESSES With co*cktail experience. Apply In person after 9:30 p.m.

to Gigi, Ben's Gourmet House 623 17th R.I. HOUSEKEEPER For professional couple. Live-In. No children. Must love cats and dogs.

After 6 p.m. Call 1-523- 7800. SET APPOINTMENTS By telephone and keep records of results. Prefer gal with some telephone experience, over 21, single or divorced. $2 per hour plus bonus.

324-9024. STEADY EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE For capable woman. General laundry work. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Apply in person, Parker Laundry, 1310 3rd Ave. Handling personal fit bra sales on profitable Resale Plan. For free brochure and details on Realsilk's exclusive Realistic Bra Sales Plan, write Pat, Realsilk Square, Box 956, Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. Also cosmetics plus great apparel line on party plan.

(317-637- 4331). PARENTS' INSTITUTE WIll appoint 2 women, over 30, neat appearing, with car, 10 work locally 9 a.m.-3 p.m. delivering gift to new mothers and explaining parents child care and health services. Permanent position. Names and addresses furnished.

Average weekly earnings $95- $112.50. For more Information call Mr. Ochsmann, 322-2624. IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT For 4 women to work part time during the Holiday Season. Average $2 to $4 per hour.

For details Ph. 794-9450. EXPERIENCED LADY For retall flower shop. Write Box B-34 Argus. WHY WAIT? Opportunity Is knocking everyday.

Selling Queens Way to FashIon clothing for entire family. $400 in samples. No investment, collecting or delivery. Use of car necessary. Call 786-2942.

ACCOUNTANT CREDIT MANAGER Needed for growing company Send salary desired and resume to P.O. Box 1, Davenport, Iowa 52805. WOMAN With nursing experience to sleep in with elderly lady. Write Box B-36 Argus. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES Jimmy Sullivan's Cafe, 1509 3rd Rock Island 794-0213.

LICENSED HAIR DRESSER To take an Illinois Teacher Training Course. Call Mrs. Hurley 762-6808. What you can earn as a personal during the Christmas Season. Work part or full time.

For interview call HELP WANTED MALE 36 HELP WANTED FEMALE 35 TOYS AND GIFTS FREE For having MERRI MAC Toy Party In your home. Details and catalog call 764-6073 or 762-2586. AVON PRODUCTS, INC. TO BUY OR SELL CALL 788-7421 OR WRITE P.O. BOX 375.

ROCK ISLAND, ILL. WORK From now to Christmas. For appointment call 788-2670. PART OR FULL TIME Caroline Emmons offers you the 'best in lewelry. 3 year written guarantee.

Reasonably priced. Call Ella at 322-2820. HELP WANTED MALE 36 NEW SUBSIDIARY Of Alcoa needs 5 College students or veterans. Need car. Call 786-5341.

WANTED Part time service station attendant over 21 years of age. Experienced preferred. Hours 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. weekdays, all day Sunday.

Apply in person 2957 18th Ave. SEMI RETIRED Or college man for weekend light dellvery work. Write Box B-33 Argus. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT TRAVEL FREE INCOME TAX BREAK Accountants Aviation Personnel Computer Programmers Construction Workers Cooks Electrical Engineers Electronics Technicians Guards International Sales Logistics Oil Workers Warehouse Manager Welders MOST SKILLS PROFESSIONS OVERSEAS ASSOCIATES 1800 3rd Ave. Suite 222 Rock Island 788-4591 PARTTIME Year 'round caretaker Home furnished.

Mechanical skill required. Write Box, B-30 R.I. Argus. WANTED EXPERIENCED TIRE MAN. APPLY AT 2301 3RD R.I.

DIRECT SALESMAN For personal interview phone Mr. Eastgate, 324-1901. EARN BIG MONEY Tractor-Trailer Drivers Needed Earn up to $350 per week TRAIN NOW PAY LATER .3 weeks training job placement approved 3 weeks away from good paying lobs. Call or write Diesel Driving School Division 2201 5th Moline 797-1140 NEED 4 MEN Ages 23-45 for immediate employment. New company expanding into Quad-City area.

Company benefits, hospitalization, stock options, chance for advancement into management positions within 3 months. For personal interview call Mr. Meyer, 762- 6043 between 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. IT'S HERE AT Legitimate way for all you men who are in direct sales, or have been, to enter a profession with prestige where you will make the money not your boss! Leads furnished, advancement unlimited. For personal interview call Mr.

Capps, 762- 6043 between 8:30 a.m. 10 a.m. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY And future for a qualified man capable of handling dealer contacts in the warm air heating and air conditioning business. He will' inherit a good producIng territory. surrounding the QuadCities with well-established accounts.

No overnight requirements. Car can be the company's or the Individual's. Interested applicants may send initial resumes to J. S. Kimmel Exec.

Vice Republic Heating Wholesalers, P.O, Box 3807, Davenport, lowa. NEED 3 young aggressive men to help me in my new business. For personal interview phone Mr. Hennigar 324-1901. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE co.

Has opening for qualified salesman. Outstanding income possible as you progress, Ph. 788-7495. Equal Opportunity Employer. FINANCIAL ADVISER Man to morket investment accounts, teachers' annuities, and employe benefit plans.

Ph. Aetna-Palic, 326-6417 or write Box A-63, R.I. Argus. LOCAL COMPANY Expanding sales force. Want to hire 2 men.

Willing to learn canvassing and sales work. Top money to right 2 people. Call 786-8525 ask for Mr. Porter. MALE AND FEMALE 37 ROUTE HELPERS WANTED Wanted to make $50 part time, $100 full time.

Must be 17 or over. Call 799-3056 after 6 p.m. OFFICE INTERVIEWER Ability to talk with people with credit problems. Credit, collection or direct sales experience required. Ph.

794-9360 to arrange interview. NEED $100 to $300 per month, part time. Attend group interview for details. 355-7104 for date and time. HELP WANTED MALE 36 MANAGER Manufacturing Engineering A growing Quad-City industry manufacturing a diversified line of durable hard goods requires a knowledgable.

aggressive, shop-oriented manager of an existing manufacturing engineering department. Must be able to direct the M.E. functions in process and assembly methods, Industrial engineering, engineering standards, tool engineering and time study. The position will require at least a B.S. in mechanical engineering or industrial engineering with strong technical orientation.

proven work, and supervisory experience in this field. Send resume and starting salary requirements to: BOX B-39, R. I. ARGUS Equal Opportunity Employer" MALE AND FEMALE 37 MALE AND FEMALE 37 DINING ROOM SUPERVISOR We have an immediate opening for an experienced person to operate and supervise our company cafeteria. Duties include cooking, grill work, menu planning, buying and bookkeeping.

We'll offer you a good salary, regular raises and excellent employee benefits. Act Now Call our Rock Island employment office at 794-9905, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. ILLINOIS BELL 416 19th Street "An Equal Opportunity Employer" MALE AND FEMALE 37 CAR DRIVER Nights only, 6 p.m. to a.m. No drinking.

Village Cab, MIIon, 787-4260 or 787-1568. ENGINEERS ENGINEER. PRATHER EMPLOYMENI AGENCY 167-0080 for appointment. STUDENTS AND OTHERS $50 per week. 4.30 p.m.

to 8:30 p.m. shift. Phone after 6:30 p.m. only, 792-0287. SITUATION WANTED 38 MINISTERS WIFE WIll care for elderly ladies in her new oir conditioned home.

792-0998. EXPERIENCED BABY SITTER Will do baby sitting in home. Large fencedin yard. Rec room. Constructive activities and hot lunch.

Reasonable rates. Full time or part time. Any hours. Ph. 794-0847.

WILL DO HOUSEWORK By day or week. Good references. Ph. 788-3693. WILL DO IRONINGS FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE 787-5106.

HAVE TRUCK Will haul anything and tear down old bulldings. Call any time 755-2090. TRINITY BAPTIST DAY CARE Children 2 to 5 years, by the hour, by day or week. 788-4049, 797-3889. EXPERT WINDOW CLEANING Guaranteed Free Estimates.

786-7508 PAINTING Exterior Interior. Carpentry repair work. Roofing, gutters replaced, cleaned. Light hauling. Odd lobs of all types Reasonable.

792-2339. JACK AND JILL Day Care Center, 1820 5th Ave. Open 6:30 to 5:30. Redsonable fees. Ph.

788-5933. BABYSITTING DONE in my licensed home, all ages and shifts. Ph. 787-5415. INSTRUCTIONS 39 ELEMENTARY TUTORING $5 per hour.

Experienced teacher Ph. 788- 4862 after 6 p.m. SUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 40 WE HAVE Several good taverns for sale. Bob Deuell, Broker, 788-8968. WEIR, REALTORS, James 0.

Weir, Sr. Broker, 797-1173 days. PIZZA HOUSE For sale. Doing good business in Rock Island location. Must sell due to health.

Will sell on contract or for cash. Ph. 788-5202 after 5 p.m. or 786-5202. 16 UNIT BRICK AAA Motel.

Excellent condition. Owners apartment. Gross over $58,000. Occupancy 85 per cent. Write Box B-40 Argus.

FOR LEASE co*ckTAIL LOUNGE 3 a.m. license. Seating capacity over 75. Write Box B-31 Argus. MONEY TO LOAN LOANS ON ANYTHING Diamonds, Watches, Guns, Radios, Tools, Luggage.

TV sets. Musical Instruments. MAYESH 1817 2nd Ave. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 47 ONE GENTLE WELL BROKE PONY. $40.

PH. 787-3672. GOOD THINGS TO EAT 53 APPLES Jonathans $2 bushel, Delicious, others, cider, squash, pumpkins. Trulson's, 6 mi. SW of Milan, 787- 1965.

CHOICE BEEF Fronts, Hinds, Sides. Special cuts. Hamburger. DeSchepper Packing Co. Milan, Ill.

Ph. 787-1846 APPLES $3 per bushel and up. FRESH APPLE CIDER Stone's Apple Barn, mile east of Hampton, 111. 496-2318. Open daily 9 a.m.

to 5 p.m. FARM IMPL. SUPPLIES 55 OLIVER TRACTOR With blade and 2 bottom plow. Ph. 792-8401 after 5:30 p.m.

ANTIQUES 56 FLEA MARKET Dubuque, Iowa antiques, coins and Sunday, Nov. 14th 9-6, Dubuque Fairgrounds. Exhibition 8 table $5. Ph. 583-7940.

Norma Koppen, 1887 Carter Dubuque, lowa, 52C01. FLEA MARKET Kane County Fairgrounds. Randall Road, St. Charles, Ill. Sunday, Nov.

7th, 10 to 5. 70 dealers, inside admission 50 cents. Country breakfast served. FLEA MARKET At Thieves Market. Every 9 a.m.

to 5 p.m., 2325 3rd R.I, FREE admission. AUCTION SATURDAY NOV. 6TH, 7 P.M. SUNDAY NOV. 7TH, 1:30 P.M.

At the Deck Motel located in Geneseo, Illinois Adjoining Interstate 80 and Route 82 This autcion is so large it must be held in two sessions, the first session beginning Saturday evening and continuing Sunday afternoons auction consists of many estate and contract and antique shop plus various household Items. Partial listings: Many pieces of Interesting antique furniture, including parlor chair, china marble wash stand, desks, pedestals, and picture frames. Collection of mantle and wall clocks, cutlass, Oriental rugs, sandglass, many household items and articles of general mer. chandise. New toys and games, oil paintings, bronze type statues, pitchers and bowls, collection of portraits.

plates, hall trees, Delft pieces, primitives. Many Items too numerous to list. Preview 1 hour before sale time. Everything positively sells to the highest bidders with no minimum or reservotions. JOE B.

SKEEN CO. AUCTIONEERS 312-529-2185 ROSELLE, ILLINOIS 1971 Fourth Annual ANTIQUE SHOW and SALE, Iowa City, la. Carousel Inn Conference Center, Highway 6 and at Coralville Exit 1-80; Nov. 5, 6, 7, 1971, Admission $1. Hours 11.

a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday; Sunday 12 noon to 6 p.m. RON HALL and MARK BOULTINGHOUSE, Managers. DEPRESSION GLASS Featured in the Ridgewood Antique booth at the Thieves Market, 2523 3rd Rock Island, open every Sunday 9-5.

AUCTIONS 57 2 LOCATIONS 7 CITIES AUCTION 1107 3rd R.I. 1842 Colona East Moline DIAL 788-0581 755-5954 Retall dally a.m. to 6 o.m. Buy, sell, trade, and auction. Get your consignments in early.

Sale every Sunday 1:30 p.m. 1842 Colons Ave. Only. ED CLARK OWNER JOHN ROBBINS AUCTIONEER PETS 58 10-MONTH-OLD Female puppy to be given away to good home. Ph.

799-5014. FREE To good home 3 male puppies, port German Shepherd and Spaniel. Ph. 787-2533. LOVABLE AKC St.

Bernard puppies 5 weeks old. Call after 5 p.m. 476- 5408. AKC REGISTERED IRISH SETTERS. PH.

762-3797 AFTER 4 P.M. AKC Silver poodles, white tiny toy. Good studs. and 5 months. $75 up.

Ph. 755-5725. HORSES Boarded. Warm Reosonable. Ph.


One brown male. One black female. months old. AKC. $35.

359-0971. WEEK OLD Purebred black Labrador female puppies, not registered. $20. Ph. 788-4266.

TWO BEAGLES registered. Make offer. 1 English Pointer. Registered. $65.

All have hunted. 610 26th R.I. AKC MINIATURE POODLE PUPPIES 3 females, $55. 2 moles, $50. Clipped.

Good bloodlines. Ph. 794-9329. BASENJI'S The "Borkless Ones." males, 2 females. Pet show and hunting stock, $50.

Ph. 786-8512. AKC Collie Puppies. Home raised. Sable and White.

Also Collie Stud ServIce. Ph. 391-4524. FOR SALE AKC Labrador Retriever puppies. Ph.

762-9105. ARTICLES FOR SALE 59 FIREPLACE WOOD Seasoned oak, reasonable. Ph. 787-3601. SORRY SAL is now a merry gal.

She used Blue Lustre rug and upholstery cleaner. Rent electric shampooer $1 Schlegel Drug Stores. Stove and Refrigerator $60 PHONE 794-0432. FLUFFY Soft and bright are carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1.

Huber Paint Wallpaper Co. 1702 3rd AVe. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN VAN Good condition, 14' aluminum boat. Call 788-0920. FIREPLACE WOOD PHONE 324-6616 STROLL-0-CHAIR ALL IN GOOD SHAPE.

PHONE PREEMPTION 534- 4769. ONLY 7 WEEKS TIL CHRISTMAS Buy now on layaway, Washers, dryers, TVs, $5. holds til Christmas. NOVAKSUPREME, 1409 30th R.I. POOL TABLES 32 MODELS ON DISPLAY BIG SALE FREE DELIVERY SPORTSLAND POOL CENTER 4101 23rd Moline, 764-8741 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Wear-Ever pans, relaxizer, clothes all sizes, miscellaneous.

Sat. and Sun. 9 to No sales before. 820 22nd R.I. INVENTORY CLEARANCE Flexico Spray paint, 25.

cents per can. Wallpaper 40 cents per roll. School desks $1.49 up. QUAD-CITY PAINT DECORATING CO. 1609 2nd R.I.

Ph. 788-1135. PHONE, SEARS 162-3671 For water heater, replacement within 24 hours Use Sears Convenient Credit Plan. SEVEN FAMILY GARAGE SALE Something for everyone. Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Time 8:30 a.m. 2327 7th Rock Island. ATLAS JUICER $75, 7 piece dinette $10, portable electric oven $30, china cabinet, buffet; table $75. 788-9245. WE STILL Have a limited supply of 14" Firestone "New Tread" snow tires $28 pair.

7:75. down. 8:25 up $31 a set. Get them before the end of the price freeze at FIRESTONE STORE 4th Ave. and 20th St.

DOG PENS Moveable, sate, more secure. Single or multiple units. Compiete selection of sizes. SWENSON FENCE. 786-9760.

PETE'S GARAGE Outdoor equipment. Sales and service. 567 31st R.I, Ph. 788-4229. NEW Automatic water softener, $2 monthly to any home owner with good credit.

Installation $5. 797- 4116. BLACK DIRT ROCK Moving Ph. 786-2431 Manure WHY BUY USED YoU can buy new cheoper. 2 piece par for sets, $69.

2 piece bedroom sets $69, bunk beds complete, $59, 5 piece kitchen set, $39, apartment size stove, $79, 9 12 carpets, $17.95, Studio Couches, $39. Largest selection In the Tri-Cities. S. VINAR Furniture. 1614 3rd Moline, 111.

Same location since 1912. Cash or terms. KNIT SUITS And evening dresses. Size 12. Nothing less than $10.

976 25th Ave. DESK Steel Office in solid condition. Used. the wholesale price of new. Phone 764-6785.

6 TRUCK TIRES new and mounted on Ford rims 7:60 16 $150. Ph. 755- 2273, 755-6352. GARAGE SALE Friday, Saturday, Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

3417 6th Ave. BABY FURNITURE 762-8825 AREA'S Newest and largest display FISHER'S 1570 Blackhawk Mol. LATE MODEL Royal electric typewriter, and Royal manual. Call 786- 4913. BANKRUPTCY SALE Last call all Human Hair Wiglets, up to $39, now $6:50 up to $29, now $4.

All Wigs up to $79 now $10. All Koscot Cosmetics, now 50 per cent to 75 per cent off. Mens' toiletries, 75 per cent. Also gifts. House of Koscot Boutique, 526 16th 24 HOUR INSTALLATION On all hot water heaters.

Call MONTGOMERY WARD 798-4575 for free estimates, no obligation. FOR SALE Dishes, antiques and other miscellaneous items. 788-7864. DRESSER Matching chest drawers, chairs, lamps, dehumidifier, child's pedal car, boys' clothing sizes 12-16. 736- 2300.

ATTIC BAsem*nT SALE Excellent merchandise at reasonable prices. Clothing for entire family. Linens. Appliances. Housewares.

Toys. Books. Shoes. Boots. Some furniture.

BETH ISRAEL SISTERHOOD 1827 2nd Avenue, Rock Island Double Sunday Sale NOVEMBER 7th and NOVEMBER 14th 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. ESTATE AND CHRISTMAS SALE Tomorrow, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. antiques, collectibles, depression glass, books, oak table and chairs, sewing machines, violin, unused lined drapes, 17 ft. Baby items, all sizes clothes, clean, ready to wear.

4622 Rockingham Road, Davenport. ANTIQUE AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEM SALE From 10 a.m. to 2401 4th Illinois Saturday and Sunday. 10 a.m. to 7.

TWO 6.50 13 cooper snowtrac fires nylon tubless, 4-ply. $35. Ph. 786-5887. SLIM GYM LIKE NEW $75 Dehumidifier.

Wicker chairs. Trailer hitch, etc. Ph. 788-0703. 21" MOTOROLA Console black and white TV, cherry wood cabinet, excellent condition, $50.

788-5800. CHAINS SAWS 1971 model new light weights All sizes Remington and MoCullouch, trade now. Saws priced from $99.95. Ph 764-2754. Buy or rent your saw from Coulter Equip.

Co. 4606 23rd Moline. 764-2754. U-HAUL TRUCKS AND TRAILERS LOCAL AND ONE WAY Hoppers Standard Service 2900 18TH AVE. PH.

788-6182 ARTICLES FOR SALE 59 INSIDE PORCH SALE 834 19th St. a.m. to 3 p.m, Saturdoy and Sunday. braided rug, set of 4 stack chairs, 2 pottie chairs, 7' scotch pine Christmas free, womens. childrens.

baby clothes, folding cot, All like new. FIREPLACE WOOD SEASONED CHERRY, OAK. HICKORY. PH. 786- 0754.

OIL PAINTINGS Landscopes, S1111 Life, etc. Ten per cent to one-holf off. 3628 33rd 786-1480. LARGE SALE Collector's items. Silesia china 20 pc.

setting; Fostoria, Goofus and Depression glass; pottery; old fruit jars; much more. Rain or shine. Sat. and Sun. 9 to 5.

Nothing sold before. 903 44th R.I. BAsem*nT -SALE Four family. Maytag- automatic washer. Children's and mens' clothing.

Ladies' dresses to size 1927 10th Rock Island. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. HEALTH PROJECT WINNER Rick Winbigler, a member of Spring Grove 4-H Club, is shown above as he received $50 savings bond from Cecil Lundry, district director of the Illinois Health Improvement Association.

The award was made for Winbigler's health projects in 4-H during the Achievement Night Program in Monmouth Tuesday. School Librarian Urges Parents to Read Aloud COAL VALLEY Mrs. Ruth Welander, librarian for several schools in District 40, was guest speaker for the Parent Education meeting at Coal Valley South School yesterday. She told those present that when a child is young, to sit and read to them providng both mother and child with a time for relaxation and the habit was one that started a child on the road. to good reading habits.

Some mothers take the attitude that when the housework is done the time is good to sit and read. "Kids won't remember just how clean the house was or if all chores were done at the proper time, but they will remember the time spent with them." A child's life is molded pretty well during the first five years of life and to read to a child gives them a sense of security and develops communication with the parent early in life. Several books available through the Coal Valley school; library were shown and she explained why children liked the particular book. Books that point out various Western Illinois Obituaries NEWTON RITES KIRKWOOD Funeral servIces for William Newton, 86, Kirkwood, died Thursday, will be at 2 Monday afternoon in the Holliday Hoover Memorial Chapel, Monmouth. The Rev.

George Terry, pastor of the Kirkwood United Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Kirkwood Center Grove Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after tomorrow noon. Mr. Newton was born June 19, 1895, in Virginia.

He married Jessie Wilson. They came to Monmouth 50 years ago. She died in August, 1970. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. William Musser of Media and Mrs.

Gothard Rankin of Stronghurst; four, grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. LEROY HEATON GENESEO Leroy Heaton, 59, Route 2 Geneseo, died this morning. Arrangements are pending at Wright's Funeral Home, Geneseo. 4-H Club News Hanna Hawks COLONA There were 24 awards presented at the Hanna Hawks 4-H Club potluck supper Thursday at the Henry County Bank, Green Rock. First year awards were given to David Carton, Ron De Fauw, Ken Garvin, Mike Garvin, Stan and Kendal Quade.

Second year awards went to Dan Carton, Jay Daniel, Evely Swanson and Kevin Bergeston. Third year awards were presented to Jill Atwell, Kathy Atwell, Brian Daniel, Bobby Korthals, Kevin Carton, Steve Swanson, Tim Speller and Tom Loizt. The 4th year awards went to Brad Bensenberg, Kathy Rahn, Rhonda Swanson, Kendra Rahn and DeJaeger. The 5th year award went to Jackie Loizt. The Swine Award was given to the club by the Henry County Fair.

To raise funds for the Hanna Hawks Club, Nov. 13, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., members will pick corn from fields that have already been picked. Afterwards they will have a hayrack ride and wiener roast at the Everett Swansons on the Billy -Wolf Road. Being a successful deer hunter is knowing where to go to be in the right place when the "buck comes by.

FOR SALE 1971 Knight pool table, slate $125. Stereo tape player plus tapes, $25. Ph. 786-5601. SNOW TIRES 8.55-14 whitewalls, mounted, matched pair.

Call 786-7428 after 5 p.m. R.R. TIES Extra good quality. Galva Iron Metal Co. Ph.

309-932-3450. Galva. 111. TOP 50 track tapes, regular $6.95 value. $3.99 each.

LOFGREN DISTRIBUTING 1202 4th Ave. Moline 764-7436. BRAKES RELINED LOWEST PRICES Car Drums Refaced $1 each MONROE SHOCK ABSORBERS $15 a poir Lifetime guarantee MASTER CHARGE CARDS ACCEPTED OLSON'S AUTO BRAKE SUPPLY 35 years In same business 634 15th St. Moline Ph. 764-0153 situations found in every day life are interesting for the children as well as those which point out the absurb.

Humor must be developed in a child and the written word is a method which children seem to enjoy. Many books are written with funny sounds, riduculous situations and suspense which the child learns to anticipate in some cases and develops a humor which carries over into real life. Mrs. Welander is at the North School on Wednesday and the South School on Friday where she teaches library science to the older children. She has an assistant, Mrs.

Darlene DeMott. Coal Valley was the seventh school of 20 in the 1 Moline Schools system to have a central library. Although the amount of money varies which can be spent on library material, the keeps a memo on what the children ask for and when orders are placed, all these requests are given consideration, Mrs. Welander said. Fire Ruins Hay Shed in Monmouth MONMOUTH The fourth in a series of fires at the Cattle Co.

on W. 4th Ave. in Monmouth, destroyed a large shed filled with hay and straw early this morning. Cause of the fire is undetermined, according to assistant fire chief, Richard Evans. Mike Brennan, owner of the cattle company, said it is to0 early to establish the amount of the loss.

The fire broke out about 4:30 and firemen remained a.m. at the scene all morning, although the blaze was quickly brought under control. Arson has not been established as the cause of any of three previous fires, the the first of which occurred in September, 1969, when another hay shed was destroyed. A few months later a tool shed at the stockyards burned, and last January a frame house that had been converted into. an office was gutted by flames.

James Denison, the night watchman, died of smoke inhalation after being trapped by flames in the office building. Colona COLONA Pamela Sue Deem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burl L. Deem Colona, has been named to the Dean's List for the second semester, 1970-71, at Barat College, Lake Forest, Ill.

The Colona Grade School Board will meet at 8 p.m. Monday at the school. The Frank P. Green Chapter Order of DeMoley will meet at 7:30 Monday night at the Masonic Hall. The Colona Township Library Board will meet at the River Bend Library Office in Coal Valley at 7:30 p.m.

Monday. The Argus (Founded In 1851) AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER N3 PERSONALS PAYING TOO MUCH For auto insurance? It pays to compare! Jim Scott Agency, 786-3123. THE DESTINY Of the Overcomer for you: it's the gift of God. Phone anonymously without embarrassment. 787.

3880. SHOPPING TRIP TO WESTFIELD, CHICAGO Wednesday, December 1, leaving Rock Island 6:15 a.m., leaving Moline 6:30 a.m. Donuts furnished. Ph. 788-5351 or 762-2411.

Sponsored by Via Crucis Circle of Kings Daughters. BUSINESS EQUIPMENT 63 Office Furniture BUSINESS SYSTEMS CO. 217 18th Rock Islond USED OFFICE FURNITURE Desks files chairs tables. Constant supply always from our new sales. See the area's largest display, in Rock Island.

788-4533. LERCH THONN 2008 (TH AVE. MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS 64 1971 HONDA Dual overhead cam, 450cc, CB, $850. Call 786-7849 after p.m. FOR SALE 1970 450 Scrambler, $700.

Call 1-754-2621 after 4 p.m. MOTO-CROSS Sunday, Nov. 7th, noon. T. C.

M. R1. 150, Coal Valley, 111. GARY'S CYCLE SERVICE 123 20th R.I. 786-7165 Tune-ups, Rebuilds, All Types Work Done, All, Bikes.

WE NOW CARRY SUZUKI MOTORCYCLES Julio Agular Area's Top Mechanic SPORTSLAND CENTER 4101 23rd Moline 764-8741 MINI BIKE A-1 CONDITION $200. PH. 788-7213. CAMPING EQUIPMENT 66 1972, 25 FT. TRAVEL TRAILER, Factory, air, fully carpeted.

Deluxe interior. Self contained. Used once. Sacrifice for quick sale. 792-1508.

Kershaw Trailer Rt. 84, Colona. AIRSTREAM TRAVEL TRAILERS ROCKET TRAILER SALES Route 30, Rock Falls, 625-6245 Open Every Day BLIZZARD SALE We're closing out all 1971 and used units as if there were 3 ft. of snow on the ground. 1972s in stock at freeze prices on custom order your 1972 before November 13th.

Hurry you'll never save more than right now. Cheyenne camping center 391 4221 North Brady Highway 61 at Mt. Joy, Davenport. BURGETT CAMPER SALES Route 150 Coal Valley. Red Dale, Vista Liner Campfire Nuwa Pickup Campers, Trailers, Truck toppers: Chaparral and Hustler all Terrain Vehicles.

Financing -avallable. Ph. 799-3402. BROWN'S CAMPERS Clearance of '71 trailers, pickup campers and covers, ml. south of Aledo, Ill.

on Rte. 94; 1 ml. east. Ph. 582-2883 closed Sundays.

SPECIAL TRUCKLOAD SALE 1972 APACHE EAGLE $795 including freight, spare tire Heated, indoor showroom APACHE CAMPING CENTER South 19th on Route 2 East Moline, 792-2550 HOLIDAY RAMBLER Holiday Traveler, Holiday Vacationer, Kounty Aire, Trailers sells Camp-Four Truck Campers Truck Covers. THOMPSON SONS TRAILER SALES Highway 61 South Davenport. Ph. 381-1023. SHASTA TRAILERS Clarks 4130 44th St.

R.I. 788-1004. BOATS AND MOTORS 67 PONTOON BOAT 27 without motor, $400. 762-9811. MODEL 15 RICH LINE Aluminum boat with tent that has zippered ends.

Floored and carpeted under tent, $150. Ph. 788-5955. SPORTING NEEDS 68 MODEL 12 WINCHESTER 12 guage pump. Model 12 Winchester 12 gauge barrel and slide.

Springfield 03A3 30-06. Ruger .44 magnum carbine, semiautomatic, mannlicher stock. Savage 110 .22 250. Smith Wesson .41 magnum barrel. Smith Wesson .357 magnum 6" barrel.

Colts .45 ACP match barrel and slide. Ph. 788-1333. SKIERS' SWAP DAY Here's your chance to pick up used ski gear, ski clothing at beautiful prices or to swap. Place: Kunkel's Parking Lot.

Date and time: Sunday, Nov. 7th. 11 a.m. 5 p.m. Bring outgrown gear to swap, or just come to buy.

KUNKELS SPORT CENTER Kimberly Road, 1 block East of Brady HOUSEHOLD GOODS 71 SOFA Fruitwood trim $125, recliner, $50, almost new piecrust table $15, call after 4:30 p.m., 786-0336. REPOSSESSED Philco dishwasher. $129.95 or best offer. FIRESTONE STORE 4th Ave and 20th St. 1970 SINGER Zig-zag console sewing machine.

Buttonholes, overcasts, stretch stitch, many decorative stitches. Sold for approximately. $279. will sell for payments of $6.10 or $48.80 cash. Ph.

355-3725 or 322-4319 evenings. CARPET ROLL ENDS Any size you want up to 12 21'. Ag much as 50 per cent off. FLOORCRAFTERS 1305 5th Moline 762-9423. 3 ROOMS BRAND NEW FURNITURE $279.95 FREE DELIVERY EASY TERMS IDEAL FURNITURE 1923-2 R.I..

The Rock Island Argus from Moline, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.